God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1282: Incineration completed


Ye Que endured the shaking of his body and the pain of being cut by a knife, step by step, he walked up with difficulty, slowly, steadily, and powerfully.


Go up 71 steps.

There was more and more black energy on his body, and he felt clear in his heart.

Although the pressure was heavy and the pain hit him, he could still clearly feel the change in his heart.

"No wonder after returning to the universe, my heart has been depressed! It turns out that it is all cause and effect and curses that affect me!"

He stabilized his mind and continued to go up.

The higher he went, the more his body was burned, making him sweat profusely all over his body.

He was expressionless, without any hesitation.

At the 75th step, Ye Que paused.

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 75%...80%..."

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 75%...80%..."

A beep sounds.

Only 20% left.

"It's because I thought too much. Standing where I am, I still can't let it continue to burn, unless I go up and bear more source fire."

Ye Que got lucky.

"Look, he paused, maybe he couldn't take it anymore!"

"Everyone must keep an eye on his expression, he will probably cry out in pain!"

There are piles of **** guys on both sides below, holding the memory spar and facing his face, waiting to record and save the painful expression.

Ye Que continued to be paralyzed.

Not to mention other pressures, he has to keep going up for the sake of the guy behind.

I sweated a lot and my body shook.

The pain, which was so burning that it could stab the heart, also swept through the whole body.

Such severe pain is simply unbearable for ordinary people, even if it is a method.

Ye Que held back.

He has gone through a lot of wind and rain, blood and sweat, and these pains are often with him.

He cannot be suppressed, but he can endure and adapt.

boom! boom!

Every step is calm and powerful.

Step on the flames, be swallowed by the flames, and move forward in the flames.

At this time, he came to the 80th step.

"Still expressionless!"

"This guy…"

The faces of the people on both sides turned black, and the obsessive-compulsive disorder and imbalance completely became a barrier, making them uncomfortable.

Fortunately, another emotional fluctuation temporarily soothed the threshold.

"The 80th step!"

"The most important thing is that he is a one-off! It's not going to go up every once in a while!"

"Pervert... the son of the patriarch of the Longyuan clan, he only reached the 50th step at one time. After three days of rushing, he only reached the 80th step. After another year of hard work, he only rushed to the 100th step!"

"I'm interested now, who is he?"

Many people discussed it and began to pay attention to Ye Que himself.

Ye Que is famous, but not everyone has seen him.

He is only known by many people in the circle of the Wilderness Road, and most of the others have only heard of his name.

Ye Que kept walking up without hearing what was going on outside the window.

Step by step.

The flames engulfed him.

Not only the skin is on fire, but the internal organs, limbs, bones, three souls and six souls are also on fire.

It was an excruciating pain in body and mind.

Ye Que walked up to the 90th step slowly and steadily without frowning.

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 85%...90%..."

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 85%...90%..."

"One step, the progress increases by 1%."

Ye Que murmured, and glanced at his body, only rare black air burst out from time to time.

The cause and effect will also be burned to the ground.

"The last 10 steps! All in one go!"

Ye Que's eyes were sharp and cold.

To be honest, our Boss Ye is very handsome when he gets serious.

As long as he doesn't talk nonsense, and suddenly makes a show, destroying his image will be fine.

He used to do this kind of thing a lot.

[Tick-Tick Novels www.mt1988.com] One second he is a god, the next second he is nervous.

To some extent, Sheng Hatsune has a certain same temperament as him.

It's just that Sheng Hatsune is still young, and there are some shameless and bottomless things that he can't do.

But our Boss Ye is different. When we start to do things, I don't know how many people want to sap him.

In some ethereal void around the barren source tower.

There are worlds hidden in these voids.

Every world represents a core race.

"I underestimated him."

The patriarch of the Shengyuan clan, with his hands behind his back, stared deeply at the flame purgatory platform on the eastern blue soil.

"Even though he is in the universe, since he is the first race in the starry sky and his status is not low, he should not be able to withstand many hardships, but he is a different kind, and his state of mind is very firm."

Sheng Hatsune's father, standing in the void, frowned puzzled, feeling that he had also underestimated him.

"Liar Ye is very powerful. When it comes to burning karma, I have always had great confidence in him."

Sheng Hatsune was standing next to her mother, and when she saw that everyone was looking at her indifferently, she immediately felt underestimated.

"I have been to many universes, but I have never seen the universe of the ancient gods. It is like a wasteland, lacking in resources, and suffering from the invasion of the dark void and the coming of disaster..."

Sheng Hatsune added again, with a firm tone.

It's rare that this cute girl can be so serious.

"To get out of this environment, Liar Ye must be very powerful!"

Sheng Chuyin was blind and couldn't see the Flaming Purgatory Platform, but he was smart and noticed it from the conversation of the elders.

"You are a princess, but even more so as a young girl, don't talk about liars, behave yourself!"

Her father could always find an excuse to refute her.

Sheng Chuyin pouted and said nothing, she missed Liar Ye.

Only by Liaozi Ye's side can she speak without scruples, pick her nose at will, and wipe booger on Liaozi Ye's body.


Ye Que stepped up the 95 steps.

The flames burned him from the inside out, sweat pouring down like rain.

He didn't say a word, didn't even frown, and continued to move forward.


96 steps, 97 steps.

Step by step.

Finally, he came to the 100th step.

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 99%...100%!"

"Ding! The degree of burning the dark taboo curse has reached 99%...100%!"

"Ding! The dark taboo curse has been completely burned!"

"Ding! The cause and effect of calamities are completely burned!"

Standing on the 100th step, being burned by the flames, Ye Que remained expressionless, like a true **** surrounded by flames, everything in the world was hard for him to see.

The bunch of **** guys below are completely desperate.

"In terms of facial paralysis, I would call him the strongest!"

"I lost! After all, he didn't even frown!"

"He cured my obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

"I am unbalanced in my heart, which has made me jealous to the point of separation of the plasmodium, unrecognizable appearance, and even mitosis!"

Ye Que let out a breath, feeling relieved, but he didn't relax.

This thing is in the flames, once it relaxes, it will be burned and melted in an instant.

"There is Tianyu above the nine thousand steps, I still have the strength to go up, try to go up!"

One of his goals is to get Tianyu and master it.

Just when everyone calmed down and thought Ye Que was about to leave, unexpectedly, he turned around and continued walking up.

"Fuck! He still wants to go up?"

"Is this girl so awesome?"

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