God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1266: Come out! Fuck! Awesome!

Ye Duxiu's operation made everyone present realize what society is.

A bunch of unlucky **** from before were delighted that their strength had risen to the second level of method making.

it's good now.

He has become a **** king.

Now he has to face a fourth or fifth level of law-making, so isn't he looking for abuse!

boom! !

Just the coercion of the law-making will kill a large number of **** kings.

These **** kings who were shaken to death were top gods before, but now they are all cannon fodder.

"Run away!"

There are only more than twenty dark void gods in the battlefield of Libra.

That's right, only those 20 or so practitioners were suppressed to the Divine Spirit Realm.

Become a god, but still want to compete with the law?

Isn't that a dream!

They simply cannot stand the torture of the gods of law.

With a slap, it was all meat paste.

Ye Que was picking up equipment from behind, cheering up: "Sister Fa, come on! My sister Fa is awesome!"

A group of dark void creatures rolled their eyes.

It is you who caused this situation today, and you are the one who is the worst.

"Escape! Leave this golden battlefield as soon as possible!"

There is a dark void to make a way to escape.

"Are you stupid? I can't move?"

The spell-makers whose combat power was suppressed at the **** level moved to the east, and Ye Guabai would fly to the east, and if he moved to the west, he would fly to the west.

Even if his combat power is weakened and his speed is slow, Sister Fa will help him speed up.

Anyway, the opponent just couldn't escape the battlefield of Libra, and they were all slaughtered as pigs.

"Everyone run in the opposite direction! There are our creations in the opposite direction!"

Some guy who thinks he's smart yells.

But it's the dumbest thing to do.

Because Fashen is blocking in the opposite direction, if you dare to come over, you will all be sent to death.

"Haochen, stop making trouble, the creation may come over at any time, don't waste time, let's get away from here as soon as possible!"

Gu Fayue was very sensible, pushed all the way horizontally, and no longer turned to chase.

Most of the creations should be ignoring them temporarily because they want to attack the universe city with all their strength.

But if they make too much noise, those creatures will probably make a move.

"Listen to Miss Fa!"

Ye Que also took heart.

"Finally escaped!"

Without the indiscriminate killing of Fashen, the dark void creatures fled in all directions, and more than half of them escaped from the battlefield of Libra.

However, these guys healed their scars and forgot about the pain.

"Hmph! What about the battlefield? Let's escape and surround them, and they will still die!"


"Keep an eye on them! Wait for the creation to break through the universe city, and then deal with them!"

The dark void creature who had experienced despair before had hatred in his eyes, and wanted to drag Ye Que and others to death.

"What the hell, if I let you go, do you still have to make an inch?"

Ye Que cursed and turned around, scanning the dark void creatures outside the battlefield.

"The ants in the starry sky!"

Some dark void creatures sneered.

"Okay! That's what you said!"

Ye Que waved his hand, and the star sea worm that had been recharging its energy for a long time flew out of the worm bag.

"Come out! Damn it! Awesome!"

He roared loudly, and his voice spread across the starry sky.

If it wasn't for the Poké Ball, he would have wanted to call Pikachu a long time ago.

"You've been hungry for so long, it's time to eat! Fuck, awesome! Come on! Devour them all!"

Ye Que's ultimate weapon was deployed.

The star sea bug swarm, which had been starved for several months, appeared in the dark starry sky with a clatter, bursting out a sky-blue sea of ​​light.

Their eyes glow green, and whoever catches them will eat them.

chi chi chi—

Nine Star Sea Insect Kings, with their **** mouths wide open, led a swarm of Star Sea Insects, launching a Star Sea Insect Swarm.

"Stay in the Libra battlefield, don't go out!"

Ye Que's super killer weapon, combined with the blood of Libra, can exert a power even more terrifying than Nirvana.

As we all know, star sea worms win by quantity, not by realm.

Most of them are **** kings and **** ruins, but according to the characteristics of not being afraid of death and devouring everything, gods can also be killed instantly.

This time, the most terrifying monster on the Libra battlefield came.

The star sea worm is affected by the blood of Libra, whether it is Shenxu or the low-level **** king, the combat power has been raised to the tenth-rank **** king.

This is so...

It's really hanging in the middle.

The star sea worms, which won by numbers, have all soared in combat power. Even if a first-order state-made method comes, they can't help but gnaw on them.

"Damn it!"

The only **** who managed to survive (the suppressed dark void creation method), was completely desperate when he saw this situation.

It didn't even bother to move, because the star sea worms directly filled the entire Libra battlefield, and any alien creatures inside were swallowed.

Fashen was shown again.

She stood beside Ye Que in a daze, feeling that she was useless in the next battle...

"Haochen, you...can you hold on with your strength?"

She asked a crucial question.

The blood of Libra also requires energy consumption, the more the number of entrants, the greater the consumption of the caster.


Ye Guabi is Ye Guabi, there are always ways to deal with it.

"I still have unlimited energy for one day, so I'm not afraid to consume it!"

Ye Que looked at the densely packed star sea worms, feeling depressed in his heart that his Libra battlefield couldn't even reach the size of a small star field.

You know, his batch of star sea insect swarms almost reached the size of the Milky Way, which is the size of a medium-sized star field.

Two-thirds of the Star Sea bug swarm have yet to be released.

If the dark void creatures knew about this, they would probably vomit blood.

Rumble! !

There are peak-level methods outside, but as soon as the secret technique falls into the battlefield of Libra, its power is suppressed to the level of the gods.

The absolute fairness of Libra is no joke, even if you can't suppress those with a large gap in strength, it can always suppress a part of you.


Fashen finally found a place he could use. He flew out of the battlefield of Libra and came to the top of the battlefield. His combat power instantly recovered, and the ninety-nine laws wrapped the battlefield of Libra.

This time, even the pinnacle of creation can't do anything about it on the battlefield of Libra.

How about hindrance?

Who dares to hinder?

When the scale battlefield flies into the crowd, everyone will be slaughtered.

Even long-range attacks are useless, because once the attack falls into the Libra battlefield, its power will be suppressed.

At that time, the magic **** with peak combat power can easily intercept it once he makes a move.

So, double hanging force, plus the star sea worm who is hanging in the middle, who can stand it?

They are like locusts, wherever they pass, no creature can't help but gnaw them, and those that should be cooled must be cooled.


Pieces of dark void creatures were devoured.

Piece after piece of dark void creatures were frightened and fled.

The racial combat power they are proud of has now been frightened by Ye Que.

On this day, the Dark Void finally recalled the horror once dominated by them, and the shame of being imprisoned in the battlefield of Libra.


Under the blessing of Fashen's speed, Ye Guabi moved from the starry sky map at a terrifying speed, and all the dark void creatures on the road were severely torn apart.

Finally, the creations who attacked the universe city were alarmed.

But they didn't make a move, but gathered thousands of practitioners from Dark Void to forcibly kill Ye Que and others.

"It seems that it's time to bring out another ultimate move of mine!"

Ye Que, like a lonely and undefeated god, sighed coquettishly.

Then, he slowly disassembled the overlapping double wheels.

His realm has returned to the ninth-level god.

Combat power has soared to the second level of the ancient gods' universe.

Thus, since the birth of the Ancient Gods Universe, the first batch of star sea insect swarms whose combat power reached the magic-making level were born...

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