God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1265: dreadful blood of libra

The taboo in the cosmic sea is dark, turbulent, and hides murderous intent. Even the 13-star ancient gods are planted there.

It was a place even scarier than the dark void creatures.

Ye Que and Gu Fayue escaped there by chance.

Now approach the universe city.

Along the way, there were dark void creatures obstructing them, and they really occupied the starry sky densely.

Ye Que and Gu Fayue rushed out forcefully, approaching Universe City bit by bit.

"The teleportation is affected by the creation, and it doesn't work in the starry sky. The dozens of creations are besieging the universe city again. It is difficult for us to enter."

Gu Fayue's face was ugly, but it was not impossible to get in.

Cosmos City has seven or eight creation-level weapons. As long as they are turned on, there is a chance to knock back the creation and then enter it.

However, this is just a probability, which means that the risk is very high, and if you want to go in, there is still a lot of risk.

"The only place we can go is Cosmos City, so we have to take a gamble."

Ye Que sighed, his thirteen star eyes showed an invisible threat.

call out-

The two of them turned into gods, and they went on a rampage all the way, destroying whatever they saw, and no one could stop them.

But as it got closer to the universe city, there were more and more dark void creatures around, and their strength became stronger and stronger.

Their progress slowed down.


The three peak crafting techniques descended and created a terrifying sea of ​​dark void, trying to crush Ye Que and Gu Fayue inside.

Gu Fayue fought against it with her own strength, and once the storm of law came out, the sea of ​​darkness and void was completely shattered.


Feng Feng made a law and turned and ran.

"Where to go!"

Gu Fayue chased after him vigorously, and with a strike of the law **** sword, he cut off the starry sky and annihilated the creation method.


The remaining two peaks made their way and fled.


Ye Que shouted and cheered from behind, with his strength, he could only be a cheerleader from behind.

There's nothing to be ashamed of, anyway, he's already lost his face, and it's not bad.

However, the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry, not to mention the dark void?

They killed too much, knocked off the peak-making method, and naturally disturbed the creation.

hum! !

A terrifying creation descended, and with a wave of his hand, thousands of weapons emerged out of thin air.

There is no law fluctuation in the weapon, but it has the terrifying power of law.

In just an instant, the starry sky froze.


Ye Que ran away.

"You don't care about me?"

Gu Fayue chased after him.

"You are so strong, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Que squinted.

Gu Fayue fell silent.

"Sister Fa, I will protect you with my life!"

Ye Que was not stupid, he pulled Gu Fayue and ran away.

Although that, it is Gu Fayue who is accelerating.

But there is still a form.

After many thrilling dodges, he finally avoided the attack of the creation.

However, the pursuit of creation has not stopped and is still going on.

hum! !

In the universe city, a creation-level divine light descended, intercepting the creation.

"This is Cosmic City delaying us, get out of here first, and avoid the attention of the creation!"

The ancient moon speeds up.

"Stop them!"

Creation drinks low.

All of a sudden, more than 20 practitioners came.

With so many swarming, they will definitely be intercepted.

But Ye Que was not afraid, and directly opened the battlefield of Libra.

"Let's see who suppresses whom!"

He opened the Libra battlefield, and all those who entered the Libra battlefield were affected.

The strength of the more than 20 lawmakers was suppressed.

"Creation can be slightly affected, peak-level crafting can't be suppressed, and intermediate-level crafting can barely be suppressed! Tier 1, 2 and 3 crafting are completely affected by the battlefield of Libra!"

Ye Que came to such a conclusion.

But doing so is dangerous.

Although, the combat power of the more than 20 law-makers was partially suppressed, which was beneficial for them to escape.

But don't forget, the tens of millions of dark void creatures here have also been affected, and their combat power has all increased, reaching the same level as Ye Que.

This is the scariest.

Although the combat power is the same, there are tens of millions of people on the side of the dark void.

Each of them can trample Ye Que to death.

"You are stupid! There are tens of millions of dark void creatures here. You have activated the power of the scales, and their combat power has been raised to around the second-order method! Look at me, I was suppressed instead!"

Gu Fayue felt that this guy was hopeless, so he came up with such a stupid way.

Although she was suppressed, her combat power was still the highest in the field, but she couldn't deal with so many second-order methods.

Ye Que smiled disdainfully: "Oh, a woman is a woman."

"Hahaha! This is an idiot!"

"I'm only a first-level god, and after entering here, I have the combat power of a second-level method!"

"I'm just a **** king, and I've also become the second level of law-making!"

"This Ye Guabi should be called Ye Zhubi!"

A group of dark void creatures laughed excitedly.

"I hope you can still laugh later!"

Ye Que smiled sinisterly, flipped his hands, and the wheel of time appeared in his left hand, and the wheel of space appeared in his right hand.

"Give me all to become a **** king!"

Ye Que overlapped the two heavy wheels in front of Gu Fayue.

With a buzzing sound, the law of time and space appeared, but the moment it appeared, it was wiped out by the taboo force.

His laws are temporarily lost to the universe.

A **** without laws is not worthy of being called a god, but a **** king.

Therefore, he fell to the tenth-level god-king realm.

This is not the same as the sealing power.

Because the power is sealed, its power itself still exists, and the suppressing power of the scale will not be activated again.

But Ye Que is a wonderful thing, he can really drop his realm to the level of a **** king.

The combat power has also dropped to the tenth rank **** king.

Therefore, the Libra bloodline felt the power of the ancient gods drop sharply, and it also burst into suppression again.

Most of the creatures in the Libra battlefield were once again suppressed in combat effectiveness.

This time, they were suppressed to the same fighting power as Ye Que, that is, the fighting power of the tenth rank of God King.

"Zaofa has been suppressed again. Although their combat power has not reached the level of the **** king, they have all been suppressed to the range of the gods!"

Ye Que came to the above conclusion in his heart.

The same is true for Gu Fayue. It was suppressed a lot at first, and now it is suppressed for the second time.

However, her upper limit is high.

Her full-state combat power surpassed the peak-level creation method and reached the low-level creation.

Now that he has been suppressed twice, his combat power is still at the fourth or fifth level of spell making.

You must know that there is a big gap between the law-making and the creation. Her suppression from the creation to the law-making is already an exaggerated suppression.

Of course, compared to other unlucky ones, she is like an invincible giant.

Especially those 20 or so law-makers, they are not so perverted as gods, they were suppressed twice in a row, and their combat power has reached the level of gods, they are all stupid.

boom! !

The terrifying aspect of Libra's bloodline has been revealed.

"From now on, this place is called Yegushen Square. Anyone who enters will be equal to me, and all living beings are equal."

For some reason, Ye Que's laughter seemed inexplicably eerie in the eyes of the dark void creatures.

The dark void creatures who laughed at the beginning were all dumbfounded.

You know, the dark void creatures that can approach the universe city are basically at the level of gods.

Now being disturbed by Ye Que's shit-stirring stick, the combat power has become a **** king, and the method is better, at least it can be maintained as a god.

but he...

But on Ye Que's side, there's a girl who's at the fourth or fifth level of spell making.

No matter how many gods, kings and gods there are, they can't help but create laws and abuse them.

It would be fine if everyone was creating the Fa, and it would be able to counterbalance it a little.

After all, the power of collective law-making must be stronger than the power of collective **** kings.


The dark void creatures who were eager to drill into the Libra battlefield before, now run as far as they can, one by one using the strength of feeding.

"Sister Fa, it's your turn to play!"

Ye Que chuckled.

Gu Fayue opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth slightly, as if seeing Ye Que for the first time.

She never expected that the Libra blood could be used like this.

Sure enough, strange thinking cannot be speculated at will.

Suddenly, Xiu'er came to operate, and Xiu'er made her scalp numb.

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