God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1254: The pure land is merged, respected by the central starry sky

In the end, Jin Duande and Earth Dog told about the Chaos Giant Turtle.

It turned out that a month ago, the gravediggers were wiped out by the Dark Void. In anger, the earth dog ventured into the Dark Void and dug up the ancestral grave of a certain method.

With this digging, a giant tortoise skeleton was found.

The corpse is terrifying, even if it dies, there will be law fluctuations at the level of making spells.

And the fluctuation of the law is chaos.

He was so scared that he ran away.

Because the moment it was dug out, chaotic fluctuations swept out, disturbing many dark void creatures.

After Ye Que found out, he wanted to set off immediately, and let the local dog take him to see the bones.

But it was stopped by Gu Fayue.

"Regardless of whether the true **** will appear again, the pure lands of the starry sky need to be merged!"

Gu Fayue wants to take advantage of this moment, when the dark void is frightened and dare not show up at all, to merge the pure lands.

"Sister Fashen, why didn't you merge before?"

Die Tinghan asked.

"Even if we are in the extreme northern starry sky, we cannot gather all the starry sky races in a short time, let alone relocate to another extremely distant starry sky."

This takes too much time, energy and resources.

It is not easy to gather together, and it is simply impossible to collectively relocate another extremely distant starry sky.

No, just after they created the pure land, the dark void invaded in an all-round way.

If they were relocated collectively, they would be destroyed in an instant.

"Now the major pure lands have taken shape. Although there are super-large teleportation arrays, there are creator gods in the dark void, and they will destroy the teleportation. Therefore, no one dares to have too much teleportation between the pure lands. Sending information is fine!"

Gu Fayue sighed. Fortunately, the true **** came once, deterring the dark void, and the merger can be carried out.

Although saving the old patriarch is a must.

But she is the leader and needs to think more.

When saving the old patriarch, she must leave a way out for the major pure lands.

This is Xingkong's last life, she can't play games.

"Hao Chen, you are staying in the starry sky. You are always in the starry sky, which is a deterrent to the dark void. We can also merge smoothly. If you enter the dark void rashly, if something happens, the starry sky will also suffer!"

Gu Fayue is serious about it.

Ye Que nodded silently, and immediately said: "I don't know how many resources there are in the major pure lands? Can I use some to cultivate?"

Pure Land can't find resources outside, it can only use old capital.

Moreover, the dark void invaded the starry sky and swallowed a lot of resources. Every time it attacked the pure land, the pure land would consume resources.

Therefore, the resources of the Pure Land are very tight.

However, Ye Que still wanted to ask.

"I can give you my personal resources. The rest of the resources cannot be moved. Even if they are moved, they will not be used until the pure land is stabilized and they can go out to find resources!"

Gu Fayue is determined but powerless. This is a super top **** in front of him. If he focuses on training, he must be the hope of the starry sky.

But everyone can't provide more resources. If they take all of them and the starry sky collapses, what hope is there?

"No problem, I'll just kill Fafa to get resources."

Ye Que was just asking, not forcing.

He has killed so many first-order methods, and he has resources. Although it is not as good as the barren land, it is still enough for him to practice for a period of time.


The extreme north, the extreme west, the extreme east, and the central starry sky are connected to each other and ready to merge.

They are all going to the universe city in the central starry sky.

The cosmic city is as solid as gold, and it is a natural defense guarantee. It is difficult to break through all the creations of the dark void.

For a while, everyone was busy.

Ye Que was idle instead.

He will kill the law obtained by making the law and use it to cultivate the sacred tree of law.

For the rest of the time, he took Jin Duande and the earth dog to discuss how to go to the dark void and find the plan for the giant chaotic tortoise.

In addition, he has been collecting news about the Chaos Sea.

It will take time to save the old patriarch.

They can't be in a hurry, and if they are anxious, they will fall short.

Only by calming down can we save.

"Brother Ancient God."

Die Tinghan **** her ponytails, came to look for Ye Que whenever she had time, and was very clingy to him.

Ye Que looked at her thin loli body, shook his head, and silently went to find Xiao Yaoyao.

Several times, he smashed Xiao Yaoyao's condensed body into pieces.

I had no choice but to go to Sister Fa for help and get together again.

This made Sister Fa's face black, and she wondered if you two could take it easy?

Huang Youyao was helpless, and it wasn't that she wanted to use force.

Time passed little by little.

It's been gone for half a month.

No matter how steady Ye Que was, he became anxious.

The old patriarch with peak creation, thirteen bloodlines fully opened, and many top-level laws should be able to last longer than him.

However, he still didn't dare to procrastinate.

After all, it's been half a month.

Fortunately, on this day, the pure lands of the extreme east, the extreme north, and the extreme west began to move on a large scale to the central starry sky.

"Try it first!"

Gu Fayue was very cautious, letting an empty Pure Land Continent pretend to be a gathering of various races, and then transmit it to the illusion of the central starry sky.

Fortunately, Dark Void was very honest and did not move.

Next, the real relocation begins.

The Extreme North Pure Land, the Extreme East Pure Land, and the Extreme West Pure Land opened tens of thousands of super-large teleportation arrays one after another, sending all creatures into the central starry sky wave after wave.

After three days of continuous teleportation, nearly 70% of the life in the starry sky was finally transferred to the central starry sky.

As for the remaining 30%, it belongs to the life that cannot be found in the starry sky.

The universe is too big, they exist everywhere, it is difficult to find them, and some of them are not willing to enter the pure land at all, resulting in their being destroyed by the dark void.

So that 70% is also a terrible amount.

Thanks to the Universe City, various worlds have been created, which is equivalent to a leaf and a world, which accommodates a large number of creatures.

"Resources are merged, the strong are merged, there is also the defense of the universe city, and there are star sea worms outside the universe city. I will wait for the stars in the sky and save my life for the time being!"

Gu Fayue and other peak-making methods of the pure lands looked at each other and smiled, and they could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Since everyone has come to the Central Starry Sky safely, it's time for me to go out too! Sister Fa settles down this mess, just come and find me when it's done!"

Ye Que rested his hands behind his head, and beside him, Jin Duande and the earth dog followed.

Seeing that Gu Fayue wanted to say something, he said, "I know, I will inform you of the danger!"

After finishing speaking, seeing that Gu Fayue still wanted to say more, he continued: "I know, I will notify you when I find the giant chaotic tortoise!"

Gu Fayue wanted to say more, Ye Que shrugged: "I know, I won't run too far, Sister Fa, you are more verbose than my sister-in-law, and you will become my wife in the future, so I won't be bored to death?"

Jin Duande and Tugou didn't say anything, just watched the whole process.

They could only watch helplessly as our eldest brother turned into a parabola and flew from the cosmos city to the distant starry sky that cannot be seen.

A dog and a toad looked at each other and smiled wickedly.

With two bangs, the dog toad was also thrown.

This is the result of Gu Fayue's lingering anger. The two of them attracted the firepower of Sister Fa when they smiled, so they were unlucky.

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