God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1253: save the old patriarch

When Ye Que said this, some people with malicious intentions felt really nervous a few times.

The surface of the moon in the ancient method is weird, and I always feel that something is wrong.

"Were you still yourself just now?"

She couldn't help asking.

"That's right."

Ye Que has his own agenda.

Before, he wanted to continue fooling Gu Fayue, but he thought that the true **** couldn't do that, so he endured it.

And now he doesn't have the guts to fool around.

Sister Fa is still Sister Fa, and it would definitely be life-threatening to mess with her.

"Brother, I am the second brother you haven't seen for many years!"

Jin Duande came, with the aura of a ninth-level **** blooming from his body.

"Brother, I am the second brother you haven't seen for many years!"

The earth dog also came, with only the aura of the first-level gods on his body, and the aura of the law of loess flowing.

This is definitely the law that the earth dog has learned from digging graves.

"Grass, you are a pug, how can you be my elder brother's second brother? Back then, I knelt down to save the Seven Realms, and then I knelt down to save my elder brother. What can you do?"

Jin Duande thought of the past and talked about the past.

"Be careful with your ancestral grave!"

The earth dog swears and swears, and has the energy to bicker with Jin Duande.

"Digging graves is not your ancestral craft! I will too!"

Jin Duande cursed, and pressed the aura of the ninth-level **** to the earth dog, making the earth dog very angry: "In this realm, you just got **** luck!"

"Master Ye Que."

Huang Youyao was condensed into a human form by the **** of law, and walked towards Ye Que.

Ye Que smiled and said, "You still look good like this."

Going up is just groping with salty pig's hands.

"Brother Ye Que! Brother Ancient God!"

Die Tinghan flew over, and he also had the aura of a ninth-level **** on his body.

The lovely Butterfly sister jumped up and threw herself on Ye Que.


Bai Yechen walked over holding Jinwu's hand. His white clothes fluttered, and he was still so elegant, but his eyes were more profound, and he was thinking about when he would help the Palace Master together in the universe.

He exuded the aura of a ninth-level god, much higher than the Golden Crow's God-King Realm.

"Master Ancient God!"

When Cardinal Gu came, he was still running a proxy fight, selling various detonators and other businesses. At this time, he also released the breath of a ninth-level god.

"Master Ancient God."

Qi Wangshu came, always maintaining the temperament of a vicissitudes uncle, and he also had the breath of a ninth-level **** to release.

Except for our sister emperor who is in the Six Realms, the other avatars have returned one by one.

Moreover, except for Huang Youyao, who was suppressed to the tenth rank of God King due to the law of time and space, all clones have reached the ninth rank of gods.

He was pleasantly surprised, but also puzzled.

Before that, their realm was not high, and it was very difficult to reach the ninth-level gods.

Especially Jin Duande, the bastard, he thinks it's normal for him to advance to a realm in ten thousand years.

But in just a few years, he has become a ninth-level god, exactly like him.


He noticed something.

"Hallmaster, during the period of your disappearance, our realm will suddenly improve, especially for a period of time, the realm will suddenly rise from the fifth level of the gods to the ninth level of the gods!"

Bai Yechen expressed everyone's doubts.

Ye Que's pupils shrank.

Realm sharing?

He thought of this thing.

Something is wrong.

After this thing leaves the Ancient God Realm, it cannot be used anymore.

Moreover, when he was in the starry sky, he shared all kinds of breakthroughs without seeing the avatar.

Suddenly, he thought of a key point.

This time, he is not in the starry sky, but in the barren land, a place beyond the universe, where the power is the source.

"Leaving the universe, if I break through the realm, the avatar will be affected by the realm of the deity?"

"Or, it doesn't matter whether you leave the universe or not, as long as you go to the barren land and absorb the source, the avatar will be affected by the realm of the deity?"

He thought of two key points.

In short, there must be a secret in it.

"Haochen, go back, it's never safe here."

Dharma God did not relax, he was still vigilant.

She led everyone back to the pure land.

Ye Que suppressed the secret and said, "Let's talk about it when we go back."

Then he brought people back to the Pure Land and asked, "Sister Fa, with your ability, can you enter the universe sea?"

Gu Fayue hesitated for a moment and said: "Only the peak creation can enter the universe sea without being damaged!"

"That's bad."

Ye Que's expression was serious.


Gu Fayue asked.

"The old patriarch is in the depths of the cosmic sea. He is exhausted and dying. I know very well that the state of exhaustion cannot be reversed even by Nirvana."

Ye Que saw the appearance of the old patriarch when he killed the true king of the void.

He was familiar with the look of the old patriarch.

Back then, when he fought against the God Realm in the Six Realms, he used his own body to fight against hundreds of God Ruins and dozens of God Kings. Although he barely restrained him, the result was exhausted.

If Senior Gu Yuan hadn't traded his life for his life, he wouldn't have survived at all.

The second time was when the old patriarch came to the starry sky for the first time, he fought all kinds of star demons, and he also ran out of fuel.

The third time was when Sister Fa installed the Heart of Creation on him.

In short, every time the body has reached its limit, if there is no external help, it will undoubtedly die.

This is the case, old patriarch.

He couldn't Nirvana, his strength reached the limit, and his body was on the verge of collapse.

If you don't save him, the old patriarch will die completely when he closes his eyes.

Not to mention the old patriarch's surroundings, and the cosmic sea polluted by calamities.

The old patriarch couldn't hold on, because the cosmic sea would also swallow him up.

Gu Fayue's face was ugly, and she remained silent when she returned to the pure land.

Rescue the old patriarch, and the crisis in the starry sky will naturally be resolved.

But the problem is, it can't be saved!

When she returned to the Pure Land Continent, she sighed and said, "It's not impossible to save the old patriarch!"

"Miss Fa, tell me!"

Ye Que said.

"Chaos can accommodate everything, and it can also isolate everything. If you have it, you can open the heart of good fortune and Nirvana, and I can open the multi-law and Nirvana, and then complement each other. Together, we can forcefully penetrate the sea of ​​​​the universe, and there is a chance to save the old patriarch. !"

As a last resort, Gu Fayue never wanted to say this method.

Because it is too dangerous.

In today's cosmic sea, there are not only mysterious ancient creatures in the sea, but also catastrophic ones.

Not to mention these, it is difficult to find chaos.

"In this universe, who else controls chaos?"

Ye Que asked.

"Except for the Chaos Giant Turtle Clan, only the Dark Void True King and the old Patriarch have Chaos!"

Gu Fayue sighed.

Now that the major pure lands have been established, the strong have gathered in them, and it is clear at a glance who masters the top laws.

Gu Fayue can clearly tell Ye Que that it is almost impossible to find the chaos.

The old patriarch fell into the sea of ​​misfortune, the true king of the dark void disappeared, and the chaotic giant turtle clan disappeared. Apart from this, there is no more chaos.

Ye Que secretly resented his bad luck.

He thinks there will be one in the wilderness continent.

Although, since he went to Huangyuan Continent, he has hardly seen the trace of the top law.

However, if he asked Sheng Hatsune, he might be able to find it.

It's a pity that people are not as good as heaven.

He never expected that he would urgently need the law of chaos.

The earth dog hesitated, and wanted to say something, but suddenly saw his elder brother raising his hand to slap himself, so he closed his mouth.


After Ye Que slapped himself, he stepped forward and said, "Brother, don't worry, I went to the dark void to dig the grave, and accidentally found clues to the chaotic giant turtle clan!"

Xin Jianren is quite cheap, he deserves to be the three evils of the Eastern Wilderness, and from time to time there will be a plastic brotherhood, and he is still good at cheating each other.

But how could Jin Duande not know.

He has been watching the words and expressions for a long time, and when he saw this, he immediately stepped forward and said: "Brother, the earth dog told me before about the chaotic giant tortoise. After all, the elder brother also has the form of a giant tortoise. Tell you the news."

Uncle Jin sighed, and said again: "But I didn't expect that the pug would not say it for a long time. He insisted on waiting for the elder brother to slap him before he deliberately stepped forward to say it."

The earth dog's eyes widened, and he took out the grave-digging shovel on the spot, and said angrily: "Tell me, you toad, how familiar is your ancestor?"

Ye Que said with a dark face: "Isn't he a good thing? Since you know about Jin Duande, why do you wait for the dog to finish talking?"

Director Jin was stunned.

Sure enough, none of them are good things, and one is better than the other.

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