God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1205: The Pure Land of the Far North, the Milky Way

"I'm sorry, my family doesn't have the ability to grasp the origin of the law. Everyone's promotion to the gods is realized by themselves!"

The seventh-order **** of the Liuguang clan said regretfully.

The starry sky is too dangerous. If there is a source of law, he will definitely give it to the other party. The ancient gods are strong, and the starry sky is safe.

"I... I know where it is!"

Meteor Yu, the girl of the first-order god, spoke nervously. When the ancient **** looked at her, she didn't dare to look at each other.

"You give me news, and I will reward you as well!"

Ye Que's eyes lit up, and he stared at the young girl with fiery eyes, making him uncomfortable.

But the meteor language is still telling the truth.

"Very good, thank you! This god-level weapon, you put it away!"

Ye Que killed many gods, and many treasures were in his pockets. He didn't need them, but they were suitable for giving away.

"I don't actually want a weapon...I..."

A flustered interpretation of buzzwords.

"I know, well, go to the Immortal King Starfield quickly, the other starry sky has created a pure land, just wait for us!"

Ye Que didn't say any more, and left with the idiots.

In a dark and cold star field, there is a pool of lightning gathered in it, which is very powerful and faintly has the power of law.

"The origin of the law is the source of the birth of the law. Any power that reaches a certain critical point will derive the law. For example, I have evolved from the king of the gods to the gods, and the laws of time and space have been derived!"

He looked at Lei Chi with longing in his eyes.

When many natural forces in the starry sky reach a certain critical point, the source of law will be derived.

Of course, this is very rare, even rarer than a **** king breaking through to a god. After all, this is a natural derivation and it takes longer.

"I didn't expect that there really is a law here, that girl of catchwords is right!"

Ye Que flew towards the Thunder Pond, and he could see the source of the law of thunder in it with his eyes of fortune.

There are many laws of thunder. He felt that the thunder inside would release explosive power, so he called it thunderstorm.

"I want it!"

He flew in.

Roar! !

At the beginning of the birth of the law source, there will be companion beasts.

A Thunder Beast rushed out, it turned out to be a ninth-level god.

No wonder Meteor Yu himself didn't come to capture the origin of the thunderstorm. It turned out to be the reason for the companion beast.

"It's only a ninth-level god, it can't stop me!"

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, the fission avatar appeared, and the fission avatar turned in place, turning into the **** of the universe, and fighting the thunder beast.

He entered the thunder pool and absorbed the source of the law of thunder.

Roar! !

But after a while, when Ye Que walked out, the Thunder Beast had been killed, and the fission clone returned to his body.

View panel data.

Existing laws: the law of darkness, the law of counterattack, the law of time, the law of space, the law of wind blade, and the law of cold rain.

Now add another law: the law of thunderstorms.

"Seven Great Laws, my current strength... is estimated to be at the level of a peerless god. Even if there are more laws and tenth-level gods, they can't beat me!"

Ye Gushen clenched his fists, his eyes fell into the distance, with a kind of longing.

From now on, his eyes will look from the gods to the law.

two months later.

The extreme northern edge of the extreme northern starry sky is almost a wasteland in the universe.

There is a star field here, called the Milky Way.

In the Milky Way, there are a large number of small galaxies, and in these small galaxies, there are multiple civilizations.

One of them, the solar system, has an earth civilization race.

After thousands of years of development and reproduction, the earth's civilized race has rushed out of the sky of the world and came to the starry sky.

Coupled with the help of the Celestial King Starfield, the strength has risen by leaps and bounds. The strongest has reached the fifth level of the God King, and is qualified to compete with other civilized races in the galaxy.

But now, few star races fight each other.

Because of the invasion of the dark void, they had to join forces.

"According to the news from the Celestial King's Starfield, there will be thousands of people from the starry sky coming here today! I don't know if it's true or not!"

"It can't be fake. Dark void creatures appear even in this kind of wilderness. Other places are more dangerous. Fortunately, there are not many of them. We can handle them ourselves!"

"The pure land of the extreme northern starry sky is here! We are so lucky!"

"Yeah, I heard it was decided by God Ye Gu, and I don't know why he chose the Milky Way!"

The strongest of the earth's civilized race, the earth's human race, is the fifth-order **** king, named Long Hao, who is a dragon kingdom powerhouse who came out of the earth's mother planet.

He leads the star fleet and waits here.

Beside Long Hao, several **** kings followed.

When they talked about the ancient gods, there was a look of longing in their eyes.

That is a legendary big man.

After the human race rushed out of the world from the earth and came to the starry sky, they heard of Ye Gushen's name.

It is no exaggeration to say that among the first extraterrestrial messages received by the civilization of the earth, there are ancient gods.

Since then, the information of the ancient gods has never left the civilization of the earth.

And up to now, the entire earth civilization, whether it is the human race on the earth's mother planet or the earth human race colonizing other planets, is familiar with the ancient gods.

After all, among the new things they accept, there is an ancient god, but this ancient **** often makes things so big that the whole starry sky knows about it.

So, the news of the ancient gods is fresh and very attractive to the earth civilization.

That's not true, the ancient gods are very popular in the civilization of the earth.

Group after group of fans appeared in groups.

There are also people who remake ancient **** movies and write ancient **** novels.

They almost regarded the ancient gods as a cultural circle.

"Today is the live broadcast of the entire human race on Earth. If you can see the ancient gods come, you will have no regrets in this life!"

Many people murmured.

Whatever you say.

The starry sky ahead suddenly lit up with white light.

A wave of terrifying power at the level of creating spells spread slowly, shaking the hearts of all those present.

Fortunately, this magic-level power is not aggressive, otherwise, not to mention the people present, even the Milky Way may not be able to withstand the arrival of the magic.

It is easy to create a blow to destroy the Milky Way.


Long Hao trembled.

In front of all races in the starry sky, they are as insignificant as ants.

Now, these powerful races will use the Milky Way as their base to create the pure land of the extreme north, which will become the ultimate habitat for the creatures in the extreme north starry sky.

hum! hum! hum! hum!

The method of making, headed by Gu Fayue, came first.

The Fashen stepped out of the white light and scanned the Milky Way with his eyes. All the creatures in the Milky Way were shocked, as if they were being peeped by the gods.

Immediately afterwards, many statues of the Huiyu Toad Clan showed up, and among them, there was another one with a supreme creation-level weapon.

This is the most powerful reliance on the northern starry sky.

In addition, the creation methods of Ziguang tribe, Yaoyue tribe, Haoxing tribe and other races appeared.

They were weak in ancient times and only had one Dharma-Building, but even now, a single Dharma-Building can make their race extremely powerful.

Naturally, these races have become powerful races today.

Zaofa appeared, followed by the gods, and many **** kings descended one after another.

Rumble! !

This is the strongest battle force in the extreme northern starry sky!

The earth's civilized races, who have never seen such a posture, were prepared, but at the moment they actually saw it, they were so shocked that they forgot to breathe.

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