God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1204: hang in hang

"Nonsense! I am enough alone! By the way, quickly help me find the source of the law. It is very difficult for you to find it, but you have to find it!"

Ye Que embarked on the path of Fashen, so he decided to go all the way to the end!

The boundless dark void creatures cover the streamer star field.

In the streamer star field, there are three life planets, and there are various gods on the planets to protect them, and their power reaches the seventh-order **** level.

But among the dark void creatures, there are tenth-order dark void gods.

"Even a small-scale invasion, the tenth-level gods can appear, and they surround us, and we can't get out...It's over!"

A young man was suspended in front of the planet, with confusion in his eyes.

"Endless! Our hope is the pure land of the extreme northern starry sky! There is called the Milky Way, as long as we go there, we can survive!"

Beside him, a long-haired girl in white clothes was full of determination, and she was not discouraged even when she watched the boundless tide.

"You...you...why do you say that!"

The young man has the prestige of a god, and he is full of frustration.

All the gods have gone to the outer planet and decided to fight to the death.

"By the ancient **** Ye! By the Dharma **** among the ancient gods!"

The girl's eyes were full of longing and hope, as if the two ancient gods in the extreme northern starry sky were the motivation for her to persevere.

"Then where are they?"

The youth lamented.

"My family asks for help from the Immortal King Starfield, they will definitely come!"

The girl was very contagious, and made many low-level gods around her cheer up silently.

However, relying on the spirit alone cannot defeat the enemy.

Seeing the dark void creatures surrounded, they were silent, ready to die.

Roar! !

A large number of dark void creatures unscrupulously rushed into the star field.

"After this battle, some people may never see each other again. I wish you all good luck!"

The strongest seventh-level **** of the Liuguang clan was killed first.

"Good luck, everyone!"

Batch after batch of gods rushed up.

"Good luck, everyone!"

The girl gritted her teeth and rushed forward. Although she was a first-level deity, there was determination in her eyes.

Even if the ancient **** doesn't come, it won't be wiped out. The ancient **** is her will to persevere.

Also at this time, around the dark and cold starry sky, a large piece of sky blue light emerged, beautiful and full of dawn.

Everyone in the Liuguang clan was stunned.

That blue light, what is it?

buzz buzz —

Soon, they'll know what it is.

"It's a star sea bug swarm!"

"My God! Xingkong, what did we do wrong, why did you punish us like this!"

"Dark void creatures, star sea worms... which one can we resist?"

"Wait! In front of the star sea worm, there is a person, hiss... It's the ancient god! It's the ancient **** Ye!"

Someone yelled, and everyone opened their spiritual eyes to see.

In front of the densely packed star sea worms, God Ye Gushen was like a **** of war in the starry sky, holding a heavy wheel, surrounded by six laws, and climbed to the top of the starry sky step by step.

"He... really came!"

The girl murmured.

"Ancient God, may I ask these star sea worms..."

The strongest seventh-level **** of the Liuguang tribe was interrupted by Ye Zhanshen before he could finish speaking.

"You protect your own people, I'm going to kill you!!"

When Ye Zhanshen discovered the invasion of dark void creatures, he was furious. With an order, the hundred thousand star sea worms came.

He let the star sea worms surround the dark void creature, and he killed it himself.

At the same time, activate the heart of creation.

If you want to brush up the proficiency of spell patterns as quickly as possible, you have to use the heart of good fortune to carry out ultra-limit battles.

"Ding! The time limit for the Creation Heart to release infinite energy is three days!"

"Ding! The three-day countdown to release energy from the Creation Heart begins..."

boom! !

He gained infinite power and forcibly cast Lawstorm.

Originally, he wasn't qualified to cast Law Storm, but he had unlimited power, so it wouldn't hurt to use it forcibly.

Darkness, Counterattack, Time, Space, Wind Blade, Cold Rain, the six laws are intertwined, the combat power soars again, and the law storm is cast.

boom! !

He stepped on the spot and went straight to the tenth-level god: "Let's commit suicide together!"

At the same time, with a wave of his hand, he cast the fission star magic.


His fission clone appeared, exactly the same as him, with the same combat power, and it was also driving side by side with him.

The two ancient gods have equal combat power.

Many gods of the Liuguang clan changed their faces in shock.

It's against the sky to be a cheater, and now there is another one, wouldn't it be a cheater?

Yes, this is hanging in the middle.

Two ancient gods, that is double combat power.

Ye Que cast a storm of laws, swept across the starry sky, ravaged the dark void creatures, and smashed round after round of secret techniques, accumulating millions of them, like a giant star exploding, tearing apart the starry sky.

Its pupil technique destroys the world and suppresses all creatures in the dark void.

This is one of them.

The fission clone also displayed exactly the same method!

Although it would take a lot of power to let the fission clone use the same tricks as him, but he has unlimited energy, so he doesn't have to worry about it at all.

Seeing this, the tenth-level **** of the dark void, his legs went limp, and he ran away, but just run, the Xinghai worms are drooling, waiting for him to come to the door.

This time, the dark void creature was desperate.

Rumble! !

Rumble! !

The two ancient gods were killed so darkly that the starry sky trembled.

The increase speed of the magic pattern is very fast.

Ye Que was pleasantly surprised: "The fission avatar is turned on, and the proficiency is doubled!"

This is the same as using double experience cards...

He was extremely excited, killing wildly with the fission clone, exploding himself at every turn, and forcibly casting Law Storm at every turn.

Large swaths of dark void creatures were wiped out, completely powerless to resist!

The tenth-level **** of the dark void was sent to commit suicide repeatedly by two ancient gods.

"Come, come, let's enter the law storm and play together!"

"Two ancient gods, you can enjoy double the happiness!"

Ye Que chuckled, and blew himself up together with the fission clone, and finally sent this tenth-level **** to heaven.

He looks at the data.

as follows-

Mark of Darkness: 427 before, 451 now

Counterattack pattern: before 428, now 452

Time pattern: 415 before, 431 now

Space pattern: 415 before, 432 now

Windblade pattern: before 0, now 30

Cold rain pattern: before 0, now 31

He is very satisfied.

Killing this wave of dark void creatures will allow him to increase an average of 25 spells.

Sure enough, with unlimited energy and the use of the law to the limit, the proficiency can increase gradually.

"Fuck, awesome! Swallow all the fragmentary dark void creatures!"

With a wave of Ye Que's hand, the star sea worm that had flowed out a long time ago went straight to the remaining dark void creatures.

He didn't even look at it, flew to the Liuguang tribe, and said familiarly: "Everyone has worked hard! We will be friends in the pure land in the future, and we have to help each other. I don't know if you have the source of the law. If you have, I can Sell ​​at a high price!"

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