God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1063: Xing Kongxiuer is coming soon (5)

However, before he refused, the patriarch smiled lightly and said: "As a member of our clan in the tenth border, you have helped us many times and even found the tomb of our ancestors. Shijiang is being laughed at, let alone reject it outright!"

The patriarch's words invisibly put pressure on Ye Que.

Ye Que rescued him many times, and even found the grave. He made such a great contribution to the Tenth Frontier, which shows that he takes the Tenth Frontier very seriously.

If he refuses now, it will make the patriarch feel suspicious. As for the 70% resources of the hunter force, it is estimated that he will not be able to get it.


asked the Patriarch.

Ye Que was still afraid that his identity would be leaked, so he tentatively said, "This...it's not that I don't want to go, but that I've been hidden for many years..."

"If Brother Ye goes, I will give you all the resources of the hunter force."

Now the patriarch has sent someone to eradicate it, so he doesn't need to do his part.

Ye Que gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "Okay! I'll just go there!"

The big deal is to copy the source of soul and physical foundation of a Void clansman with the eye of good luck, as long as they don't provoke Zaofa, they won't leak it.

"Okay! Brother Ye, come with me, go back to the hall and rest for a while."

The patriarch smiled lightly, ordered people to move the tomb, and immediately took them away.

The tenth border is not easy to mess with. With all its strength, it took less than half an hour to suppress the second-rate hunter forces. The resources they obtained were also placed in a storage ring and handed over to Ye Que.

When Ye Que saw it, his heart was burning hot.

"This hunter force has so many resources!"

He also thought that the common assets of these forces were not many. After all, everyone was a god, and all treasures were kept in his pockets.

Unexpectedly, when I opened the ring, I saw a large number of star cores, including fourth-rank, fifth-rank, and even dark star cores.

In addition, there are piles of materials such as formations, alchemy, and weapon making.

"Let me go out for a while and be back soon."

Ye Que took the storage ring and went to the sky, and then returned to the inner world.

"It doesn't matter, break through first!"

He didn't count how many fourth-grade star cores, but the number is enough.

View panel data.

as follows-

【Ancient Divine Physique】

[Boundary: The Eighth Level of Divine Nirvana]

[Advanced: Swallowing 3276.8 billion fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the ninth level of the Divine Nirvana Realm (the ninth level of the Divine King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/3276800000000 (pieces)]

"Swallow swallow!"

Ye Que cast a spell to devour star cores in large quantities.

Ultimately, the new data is as follows—

[Progress: 3276800000000/3276800000000 (pieces)]

"Ding! The host has swallowed 3276.8 billion fourth-grade star cores, and has reached the qualification to break through to the ninth level of the divine nirvana! Do you want to break through?"


boom! !

His realm finally broke through to the ninth level of God King under the accumulation of a large number of star cores, and his strength fully exploded, reaching the twenty-sixth level of God King.

"It will be easier for me to kill the third-level gods. Even if I fight against the fourth-level gods, I am sure that I will be invincible!"

Feeling the powerful force in his body, the corner of his mouth curled up, he let out a breath, and looked at the new panel data.

As expected, the required star core was quadrupled.

as follows-

【Ancient Divine Physique】

【Realm: Ninth Stage of Divine Nirvana】

[Advanced: Swallow 13107.2 billion fourth-grade star cores, you can break through to the tenth level of the God Nirvana Realm (the ninth level of the God King Realm)]

[Progress: 0/13107200000000 (pieces)]

"Thirteen trillion..."

He checked the resources in his pocket.

Including hunter resources, there are only two trillion fourth-rank star cores, 100 million fifth-rank star cores, 80 million fourth-rank dark star cores, and 10 million fifth-rank dark star cores.

The reason why there are so many fourth-rank star cores and so few fifth-rank and dark star cores is also related to the gods themselves.

What the gods need is the fifth-grade star core, and the fourth-grade star core that is not needed will definitely be thrown into the warehouse, which can be regarded as a contribution to the power, so they have accumulated so much over time.

On the contrary, it is the fifth-grade star core and dark star core. Everyone is eager to use it for themselves, so they rarely throw it into the warehouse, and the ratio of resources is so exaggerated.

Ye Que guessed that this was the case, so he sighed lightly, feeling a lot of pressure.

Because for him, even if there are two trillion star cores, there are still eleven trillion.

"Forget it, after all, it's the last level. If I break through to the tenth level of the God King, I can attack the gods! It's over!"

He quickly cheered up and devoured all the obtained fifth-grade dark star cores.

The upgrade of the dark void mode is indispensable.

Look at the dark void mode after swallowing, it is still level 1.

"It is estimated that 10 million is not enough, we must continue to search!"

Ye Que got up and left the inner world.

"Brother Ye, it's almost time. We can go to the First Territory and participate in the Void Feast."

The patriarch flew over, and after he finished speaking, he sent a voice transmission: "Brother Ye, if you can win some face for my tenth territory, I will offer you one billion fifth-grade star cores with both hands!"

For most of the gods, one billion fifth-grade star cores are almost all family property, and some gods can't even reach it.

As the ruler of the tenth territory, the patriarch had many star cores, but he took out one billion star cores at one time, which showed his sincerity.

"I don't need one billion fifth-grade stars, I need five trillion fourth-grade star cores."

The lion opened his mouth wide, startling the patriarch.

Five trillion, converted into a fifth-grade star core, also needs 50 billion, so even if he kills him, there are not so many...

"Ahem, I'm joking, just give me two trillion yuan."

Seeing that the patriarch was frightened, Ye Que hurriedly haggled over the price.

And he is also very clear that although the value of the exchange is proportional, the fourth grade is useless to the gods. To a certain extent, its cost performance is not high, so you can point more.

For example.

One trillion fourth-grade star cores can be exchanged for ten billion fifth-grade star cores.

But what the gods need is the fifth-grade star core, and it is useless to have more fourth-grade star cores, because no **** will use the fifth-grade star core to exchange for the fourth-grade star core.

Most gods will accumulate fourth-grade star cores and throw them in the corner to eat ashes.

However, there are trillions of fourth-grade star cores at every turn, and the patriarch also has a headache.

He thought for a long time, and said seriously: "How about this, Brother Ye, if you can save all the face of the Tenth Territory, prevent the Tenth Territory from suffering, and prevent the Tenth Territory from being ridiculed, I will give you two trillion yuan! If you can win glory , I will give another trillion!"

If he wants to win glory, he can use the name of the patriarch to gather together everywhere, and he can also gather together.

Ye Que felt hot all over, it was his grandma's fault, so he had to fight everything.

As the saying goes, money can turn ghosts.

Not to mention three trillion pieces.

Back then, in order to save these three trillion coins, Ye Que really cheated and tricked him in every possible way, from here to there, from there to the end, and in the end, he had to add the resources of the hunter force to finally get it all together.

Now one sentence can get three trillion...

"I did it! Patriarch, don't worry, who the heck dares to scold our Tenth Xinjiang, just to make things difficult for me, Ye Han!"

Ye Que's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and he really wanted to go all out for these three trillion fourth-grade star cores.

"Okay! Let's go to the feast of the void immediately!"

The patriarch smiled, led the people into the teleportation formation, and went straight to the first territory.

And Ye Que was ready to fight with ten blows.

He is even more prepared to maximize the ability of the first of the three evils in the Eastern Desolation and the number one scholar in Zu'an.

Xingkongxiuer, coming soon.

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