God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1062: Feast of the Void (4)

Ye Que's anger has already broken his mentality.

Four days in a row!

Four days! !

Winning the lottery is no exaggeration!

In these four days, he has completed several tasks and slaughtered several dark void creatures.

But because of this treasure, which is not sure whether there is a treasure, it was delayed for four days, and it made him sick.

He won't stop saying anything today.

Seeing a masked thief blooming with the power of a third-level god, he rushed over with a gloomy face, and slammed a stick at the opponent's head: "I have nothing to do when I am full every day, so I have to go to this father! I let you drill! A Help... (omitted here

Now with his twenty-fifth-level combat power, he can fight against the third-level gods, and the chances of winning are very high.

Ye Que is now a dynamite barrel, a humanoid nuclear bomb, and he has Nirvana, so he is not afraid of the other party.

Going up is a brutal beating.

boom! boom! Rumble! Rumble!

The firepower of unlimited firepower covers all of them to the masked robber.

"court death!!"

The masked thief fought back in pain.

"You drill here every day, the tenth border is so big, why don't you change places?"

Ye Que was furious, and his pupil technique, secret technique, and blood vessels were opened to the limit, coupled with that angry desperate effort, he stunned the masked thief and reacted at the same time.

"It's because of you that the people who block my organization every day are all because of you. How many of my brothers have been imprisoned! It will take a hundred years to get out! Damn it!"

The masked robber was angry and followed suit.

"We stop you? Stupid thing, why don't you change places? Just next to us?"

The whole body of the earth dog was covered with godly equipment, and there were all kinds of miscellaneous things, all of which were obtained by him digging up various **** tombs, and he was also very angry.

"Fuck! Our passage is in this place, you won't change the place?"

The masked thieves have murderous intentions and want to kill all these guys.

The two sides fought very fiercely and were very irritable, and they had to kill each other.

But when they fought, the masked thieves became very strenuous, and thinking that they couldn't stay for long, they retreated while fighting.

Ye Que didn't spare him, he just went up and beat him infinitely.

"I remember you, smiling mask!"

The masked robber wanted to escape while carrying the injury.

Also at this time, a terrifying power came from the center of Tenth Border.

"Stealing my family's treasures without anyone noticing! You guys are going too far!"

With a bang, the seventh-level gods and the patriarch of the tenth border personally acted, stepped on the bridge of law, and came to the wasteland in three steps.

He is surrounded by the light of law, and the power of the void is like an aurora, lingering around.

"Kneel down!"

He stretched out a finger, and the gray void power was like a mountain, instantly pressing the masked robber to his knees.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me, I'll return you two Void Beasts."

The masked thief was frightened, and quickly took out the twin void beasts.

"Huh! Everything is only three, do you really think that I am the weakest in the tenth border, so you dare to do anything wrong?"

With a move from the patriarch, the pair of small void beasts came into his hands, and immediately shattered the whole body of the masked bandit with a single palm.

The masked thief really thought so.

There is really no danger in the end of the territory, and many top hunters have no fear at all.

But it was impossible for him to speak out, lying on the ground begging for mercy.

"Tell me the hunter faction you belong to, or you will be killed!"

The patriarch said with a gloomy face.

The masked thief dared not say anything, and was killed by the Void Clan for committing a crime, but no one interceded for him.

At worst, being caught in a prison for a hundred years is much better than courting death.

He immediately revealed the hunter power.

"A second-rate force, the strongest is no more than the peak of a third-order god, arrogant!"

As soon as the patriarch waved his hand, he ordered many powerful gods who came to enter Fangshi to arrest the force.

Seeing this scene, Ye Que also calmed down, feeling guilty at the same time.

They secretly came to the territory of the Void Race without passing the application. This has already committed a crime, and now they have to dig for treasure, and the consequences are even more serious.

Now that things are going up, he wants to rub the soles of his feet with oil.

"You stop."

The patriarch did not forget him.

His body trembled, this is a seventh-level god, killing him with one finger is enough, even Nirvana is not enough.

"At...at...I was just passing by..."

"Thank you, Brother Ye Han. It wasn't you. The twin void beasts of our family have been stolen. I know you don't leave your name behind for your good deeds, but this time, you can't refuse!"

The patriarch has a good impression of him, and also thinks that this person is a strong person who practiced in seclusion in the tenth territory.

Without the power of law, pure physical strength plus secret techniques and other attacks, you can fight against the third-level gods. If you use the law, it is estimated that the fifth-level gods.

The fifth-order gods are also rare powerhouses for the tenth border.

So, he wants to make friends.

"I will use all my strength to destroy this hunter force. Half of the treasures in it, you take half, it is our gift to you!"

The patriarch smiled lightly.

Ye Que was stunned for a moment, thinking that there is such a good thing?

"Thanks to my nightmare power, I disguised all my power, otherwise I would be recognized by others, and I would be the number one **** king in the universe, and the **** would probably be punched out!"

Thinking of this, he who was wearing a mask hesitated, finally nodded and said: "Forget it! I'll accept it!"

Suddenly, the earth dog flew over and said: "Patriarch, just now I found a grave during the fight, it should be the grave of our ancestor!"

Ye Que's face darkened, and he said via voice transmission: "You are stupid!"

"Brother, you kicked the stone door open, and the divine light inside has overflowed. This matter is such a big deal, we can't hide it, we can only speak out first, or we will be beaten!"

The earth dog had no choice but to transmit the sound.

"What the **** am I..."

Ye Que really wanted to give himself a slap, but he held back in the end, but he was not polite to the masked robber at all, he just kicked when he went up.

If it weren't for these things, the tomb would be his.

As soon as this remark came out, the patriarch was alarmed and immediately sent someone to look for it.

Not long after, there was a horrified voice: "It's the ancestor of my tenth border! Oh my god! I found it here! You two are really nobles from my tenth border!"

The patriarch laughed: "Good! Good! The two members of my clan not only killed the bandits, but also found such an important tomb for my clan! Hahaha! I have decided, after this hunter force is eradicated, Ye Brother can get 70% of the treasures!"

As he said that, he scattered the light from his body, regarded Ye Que as the fifth-rank **** powerhouse in the tenth border, and continued to smile: "Brother Ye, three hours later, the feast of the void will start, can you go with me?"

After all, there was a glimmer of gloom in his eyes, and he sighed and said: "You also know that our tenth kingdom is already weak, and every time there is a feast in the void, all the major kingdoms will ridicule my tenth kingdom, if you add you This strong man can also save some face for our Tenth Xinjiang."

Ye Que had mixed feelings.

The tomb is gone, but fortunately, 70% of the resources of the hunter force belong to him, which can be regarded as compensation.

But seeing the patriarch's invitation, he wanted to refuse.

Because he is not a member of the Void Clan at all, other territories will participate in the Void Feast, and it is estimated that the two law-making gods of the Void Clan will also be present.

If this identity is leaked, can't the game be over?

However, before he refused, the patriarch smiled lightly and said: "As a member of our clan in the tenth border, you have helped us many times and even found the tomb of our ancestors. Shijiang is being laughed at, let alone reject it outright!"

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