God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1054: Drama (1)

"Elder, it's not good to let Xu Wuming take care of the realm space. This is a treasure worthy of a seventh-order god, who can distinguish realms from enemies outside our clan! If the patriarch knows, he will definitely be furious!"

"Don't worry, my son is gifted and intelligent, with tall horns and the appearance of a god. He won't let anything happen to the realm, and the patriarch won't know about it!"

Following the sound, two people walked in.

A man with his hands behind his back, with half-white hair, is an old man.

One person followed, a man wearing a mask.

When they came in, they saw the burning smell in the realm space, and the special formation on the ground had also collapsed, and the two of them were stunned.

This is a treasure worthy of a seventh-order god!

The two were almost stupid.

At this moment, there was a scream coming from not far away.

The old man followed the sound and said in shock, "My son!"

He hurried over.

The masked man felt sorry for the realm space, and asked coldly, "Did you two destroy it?"

He was naturally asking Ye Que and Bing Yining.

However, when he asked this question, Ye Que was very good at acting.

Hula la la!

The blood gushed out of his mouth as if it wasn't his own.

He fell into Bing Yining's arms and tremblingly said: "He...what did he say...sister...what is this place? Why...why do these people want to kill me?"

After speaking, there was another vomit, and the blood vomited all over the floor again.

The masked man froze for a moment, then looked up and down the blood-spitting man.

The whole body is covered in blood, there are wounds everywhere, and the mouth is still spurting blood...

This is a lot of injuries.

No matter how he listened to him, it seemed that he did not destroy it.

But he was very thoughtful, and turned his eyes to the masked woman.

Bing Yining was furious at first, but she was really shocked to see that the young master is so capable of acting. Of course, she soon realized why the young master did this.

It is estimated that the explosion of the realm space was done by the young master.

She was speechless for a while.

The young master is too capable of making troubles, and before he entered the double void, he blew up his realm space.

If this enters the double void, she will believe it even if the son blows up the dark void hunter organization.

"Elder Yang, what do you think I am doing? Do you think that the realm space is destroyed by us?"

Bing Yining will also come to trouble, hugging his "brother", there is grief in his voice, but also coldness.

Elder Yang was startled when he heard the voice, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

She is Dark Nine.

This is a cold-blooded and ruthless lone hunter.

The elder who walked with him back then died on Fangshi Avenue a day later because he was disrespectful to An Jiu with his words.

Although there is no evidence to say that it was the act of Dark Nine, many people know that it is the killer of Dark Nine.

And the hunter organization even specially investigated her, but they couldn't find any evidence, so the matter was left alone.

Since then, many hunters have grown in awe of Dark Nine.

Elder Yang is no more than the third level of God, and he works for the ethnic group. Although he has a background, he hangs around in the hunter organization every day, so he can't offend such people.

"Ahem! I didn't say that you did it, but the realm space, worth the seventh-order god, is now destroyed, and the matter is serious. You all have reasons to be suspected!"

Elder Yang respects people.

An Jiu is strong, so he is respected by him.

Otherwise, he could pin the blame on An Jiu with just a word.

However, he can forgive, but the other one can't.

"My son was injured like this, it must be their killer. The reason why the boundary space is destroyed must be caused by them killing my child!"

The old man hugged the howling Xu Wuming, with a look of grief, and his voice was decisive and cold.

That tone felt that if he didn't take revenge on Ye Que and Bing Yining, he would not give up.


Ye Que vomited blood again, this time not only vomited blood, but also vomited out internal organs.

He had an angry look on his face, as if he had suffered some unjust crime, it was too miserable, and he stared at Elder Yang and the old man in a daze.

How do they feel that the other party is worse than Xu Wuming?

boom! !

The power of the fifth-level gods was released from Bing Yining's body and lingered in the realm space.

She hugged the young master tightly, with murderous intent: "Are you so sure that my brother destroyed it? I have been in the hunter organization for so many years, don't I know the preciousness of the realm space? Will I let my brother do whatever he wants?"

Taking a step forward, the killing intent locked on the old man: "Or, did I intentionally injure my brother seriously?"

With a bang, many supernatural powers and secret techniques lingered in his body, and he faintly rushed towards the old man: "Today, if you don't give me an explanation, even if you are a member of the Void Clan, this seat will also follow you!"

The chill was so strong that Elder Yang and the old man felt a chill in their bodies.

Being watched by hunters, especially the fourth-level black-card hunters, let alone sleeping, you have to worry about walking around.

The old man opened his mouth, wanting to retort angrily, but he didn't have the courage.

He was only a fourth-level god, so he really didn't dare to offend a fifth-level god-level hunter.

But seeing his son seriously injured, coupled with the consequences of the destruction of the realm space, he didn't want to put the responsibility on himself.

You know, he deliberately dismissed Elder Yang and let his son manage the realm space, the purpose is to let his son get more experience.

Now that something happened in the realm space, he and his son must be responsible, and in order to reduce the responsibility, he wanted to blame each other first.

But seeing the other party's strength now, he hesitated.

"I... I didn't do anything... I was wronged!"

Xu Wuming was seriously injured, his mouth was really bleeding, and his voice was full of indescribable aggrieved and angry.


Ye Que vomited out his liver this time, and the blood splashed all over the place. He opened his mouth weakly and said, "Sister... I'm about to die... This guy is so vicious, let me stand in the center of the explosion... I have suffered... the most destructive moment." hit…"

He is still good at splashing dirty water.

Bing Yining's face under the mask was already dark, and he was really speechless.

When Xu Wuming heard this, he really spit out blood, and spat out a mouthful of old blood.

"Don't give an explanation, okay! You'd better watch your own life, don't lose it in a daze someday! Of course, if my younger brother also has an accident, no one present will feel better!"

Bing Yining glanced at Elder Yang, the old man and Xu Wuming, there was murderous intent in his voice, but also righteousness.

Elder Yang was feeling cold, and he had the least responsibility among those present, so he naturally didn't want to be targeted by hunters for no reason.

The fourth-level black-card hunter is an important figure in the Dark Void Hunter Organization, and can even enter the interior of the Hunter Organization. Both in terms of strength and status, they are extraordinary.

He didn't want to provoke such an existence.

Hurry up and say good things: "Your brother's injury is more serious, how about this, I will send you to the best practice place first, and give your brother the best healing treasure! Of course, this matter still needs follow-up investigation, I hope you I can understand it too!"

When Xu Wuming heard this, his stomach would explode with anger.

However, the more irritating thing is yet to come.

Bing Yining thought she could agree, but Ye Que gently pinched her waist. She was speechless for a moment, but she understood what he meant, and said, "I've forgotten to hurt people with bad words? So easy to pass?"

"Sister...my life is not long...for the rest of my life, you have to be alone...well..."

Ye Que's voice was too weak, too sad.

Bing Yining's killing intent became more and more powerful, Elder Yang was helpless, but there was no other way, so he tried to persuade him: "Yes, please, I will pay you a star core compensation later, is it possible?"

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