God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1053: Shake the pot (6)

This is the rhythm of making this **** popular all over the universe.

Let's talk about Ye Que.

He estimated that the fifth-level **** was about to go mad, so he left with Bing Yining who was hiding in the dark.

The two kept jumping through space, crossing many star fields, and fled for ten days and a half months as soon as they escaped.

In the end, they came to an ordinary planet with verdant green, mountains and water, and a newborn human race in the ancient civilization.

Ye Que lay on the grass and let out a long breath.

Finally, the big hunt came to an end temporarily.

"Young master, let's do something! The wild flowers are very fragrant!"

Bing Yining has been pestering Ye Que, causing Ye Que to bleed many times in the past few days.

Fortunately, Ye Que saw through this girl's trick and didn't fall for it. Whenever the critical point was reached, the temperature would cool down.

This caused the two sides to hold back for too long, and now they looked at each other, making Bing Yining's eyes full of autumn water.

"No! You want me to die from a nosebleed, I won't fall for your tricks!"

Ye Que covered his nose and jumped into the river.

Bing Yining complained.

Perhaps Ye Que didn't know that his nightmare power had been broken in that struggle, and the present Bing Ning was the real Bing Ning.

But she looked at Ye Que's eyes, which were still pure and hot.

After all, there is no other way, she is willing and willing to accept the current status quo.

Especially being saved by the young master in this way, she chose to pretend willingly and followed the young master all the time.

After a few days.

Ye Que and Bing Yining returned to the starry sky, and under Bing Yining's leadership, they went to the land of double voids.

It is the living place of the Void Clan, as well as its huge organization, the Dark Void Hunter Organization, and the huge Double Void City, which contains various resources.

"My lord, this starry sky is very stable, you can enter the double void, when you go in later, put on a mask so that no one can see your true face!"

Bing Yining got close to Ye Que, feeling hot all over.

Ye Que always thinks about the appearance of the emperor's sister, and does not give the other party a chance.

He activated a small part of the nightmare bloodline, causing the face to release gray particles, condensing into a nightmare mask.

Immediately, while waiting for Bing Yining to open the passage, he checked the box in his body again.

The fifteen small star sea worms inside have already awakened, and are crawling around inside the box, gnawing on whatever they see.

Ye Que has been checking for the past few days, but he still hasn't woken up.

When I saw it today, I went and woke up.

"My five top insect control techniques, respectively in their bodies, let's see which one works!"

Ye Que rubbed his hands, feeling a little excited.

Once he can control the star sea worm.

What are those **** kings from all over the universe?

He led countless star sea worms to counterattack, and the gods had to be called Dad!

"That's who you recommend? Elm head?"

A piercing voice came, pulling Ye Que back to his senses.

When he looked up, he saw a gray gate appeared in the starry sky ahead, and a young man in black walked out of the gate. The young man was wearing a mask and was looking at him.

Ye Que secretly opened his fortune eye to scan, and found that this person's realm was only the first level of God King.

"Hey... Isn't Elder Yang in charge of this matter?"

Bing Yining suppressed his displeasure and asked suspiciously.

Elder Yang doesn't treat people so critically, at least he doesn't hate people when they meet, as if he controls the fate of others.

"You are a fourth-level black card hunter. You know some things yourself. You can ask what you should ask, and don't ask what you shouldn't!"

The young man is indifferent, puts on a high air, and has an attitude of high position and authority.

Bing Yining's face was slightly gloomy. Although he couldn't see it through the mask, there was already a burst of coldness on his body.

"What? Are you still not convinced? I am a member of the Void Clan, and you are just a hunter organized by my Clan Momo. If you want to make a living and enter the Double Void Square City, please be honest!"

The airs of youth are placed higher.

Ye Que saw this guy's mask through his fortune-telling eyes, and his expression was extremely haughty.

It is estimated that a few sentences to accuse the gods made him feel very present.

"It's okay, after all, I'm making a living under someone else's massage."

Ye Que reached out to stop Bing Yining.

The young man was taken aback, seeing this guy's hand unscrupulously across the chest of this extremely tall black card hunter, he narrowed his eyes, and immediately sneered.

"It's another relative who wants to eat and die in the Dark Void Hunter organization."

The corner of the young man's mouth curled up, but his voice was not hidden.

"Yes! Please let this little brother be flexible!"

Ye Que wanted to not punish you to death after entering.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are a hunter of whatever level you are, and no one can help you."

The young man stepped into the gray door with his hands behind his back.

Ye Que and the gloomy Bing Yining entered.

After crossing the gate, they came to a sealed space filled with gray gas.

Ye Que scanned it with his fortune-telling eyes, and found that there was a special formation on the ground, which allowed him to judge its state.

He pondered for a while, but didn't hide his realm, and let the formation find out on purpose.

As for these gray gases, they have no effect, they are purely used to render the atmosphere of the space.

But when he smelled it, why did he feel that the smell was familiar?

After thinking about it carefully, I was suddenly startled.

"Smell of gasoline?"

He subconsciously cast a spell and threw a cluster of flames.

The flames touched the gray gas, and there was no change.

"Could it be that the ignition point is too low?"

He felt that there was a possibility in this regard, so he opened the reincarnation eye in his left eye and activated the black flame.

Under the disguise of the nightmare mask, no one could see the changes in his eyes, so neither Bing Yining nor the youth knew about it.

After the young man came to the sealed space, he said indifferently with his hands behind his back: "The space here is supported between the starry sky and the dark starry sky. It is only for testing new entrants. It can only be built by the Void Race, and it is very expensive. High-level gods, don't use your energy to destroy them!"

However, his words came too late.

Ye Que has activated the black flame.

The black flame was unusual, burning everything, and just as it came into contact with the gray gas in the sealed space, a big explosion occurred with a bang.

For a moment, the entire sealed space was shaken.

Ye Que and Bing Yining were fine. After all, their strength was extraordinary, but the young man was shocked by the explosion and cried for his father and mother, his whole body was shattered.

"Fuck! The value is comparable to that of a seventh-order god! It's too big! No, I want to throw the blame away!"

Ye Que was taken aback, closed the eyes of reincarnation guiltily, and then leaned against Bing Yining, bleeding from his mouth, like running water: "Yining... cough cough cough... what... what's going on? Is he Want to murder me?"

Just when Bing Yining felt sorry for the young master and was furious, the sealed space opened, and a dark, burnt smell wafted out.

At the same time, a voice came from outside the space.

"Elder, it's not good to let Xu Wuming take care of the realm space. This is a treasure worthy of a seventh-order god, who can distinguish realms from enemies outside our clan! If the patriarch knows, he will definitely be furious!"

"Don't worry, my son is gifted and intelligent, with tall horns and the appearance of a god. He won't let anything happen to the realm, and the patriarch won't know about it!"

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