God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1008: Da da da da da! (2)

"We never want to see you again!"

One by one, they waved away like driving away the plague god.

Ye Que, on the other hand, had already taken out the manuals of various weapons, activated his natural aloofness, and quickly mastered how to use weapons.

Ye Que flew rapidly in the starry sky, crossing one star field after another.

Holding the instruction manual, his talent is transcendentally activated, and he quickly analyzes and masters all the methods of how to master weapons.

There was a powerful follower who broadcast the scene live.

Many star creatures were discussing this.

"Those technological gadgets, although powerful, consume high energy, are complicated to operate, and are easily damaged!"

"Yeah, I don't want to buy this kind of thing. Not to mention expensive, it's hard to repair! It's better to learn one more secret technique!"

"But against such a large-scale enemy, these weapons are very suitable to use!"

"But the ancient **** wants to operate this kind of weapon, enough for him to learn for a long time!"

Many creatures in the starry sky did not believe that the ancient gods could master these things while being hunted down.

After all, it takes time to master and adapt.

However, they were wrong.

Rumble! !

The **** kings swarmed up and killed them. They passed by the technological civilization star domain, but did not stop.

What the ancient gods said was right, they really didn't dare to wreak havoc on other races in the starry sky, otherwise the 13-star ancient gods would blow them up.

Unless, they can kill the ancient **** in front of them.


"Consume him alive! Just stick to him!"

"The ancient **** opened the bloodline, but it won't last long, we can win if we drag it on!"

The **** kings knew the basics and stuck to Ye Que's back.

The scene was too shocking.

Many death stars were smashed by them, and they didn't even pay attention to wormholes, only the ancient gods in their eyes.

Just as they expected, Ye Que really didn't dare to procrastinate, otherwise something would happen.

Even if he replenished a large amount of energy and blood, his body has a limit.

Just like an ordinary person, drinking an exciting and anti-fatigue drink does not mean that he can be full of energy indefinitely, there will always be a limit.

Ye Que didn't want to reach that limit, because it would hurt too much.

"It's better to rely on yourself than to rely on anyone!"

He flew to a star field full of various meteorites and death stars, and then stopped.

Turning around abruptly, he took out the Qixing brand cigarettes that came with Qixing technological civilization from his pocket, and lit it with fire coming out of his fingers.

He learned from the manual that the technological civilization is called Qixing.

Also get a pack of cigarettes from the weapon.

With one in his mouth, he took a deep breath. Although he doesn't know how to smoke, at this moment, he is not just smoking.

A secret technique was cast, and various avatars appeared.

This kind of avatar itself has no combat power, not even cannon fodder, but it is just useful for operating weapons.

He stepped on the meteorite, and took out a 100-meter-long star field-level death-ray concentrated energy gun, da da da da, the kind that can emit blue fire.

Take out the fifth-grade star core and place it in the core energy storage area of ​​the dead light concentrated energy gun.

With a wave of his hand, various weapons appeared in front of thousands of clones.

Anti-matter energy-gathering, wormhole detonation rays, star-level mortars...

Pile after pile of new gadgets appeared densely in front of the avatar.

That scene, the thief is so awesome.

All of them are ancient gods, and all of them hold various weapons. The weapons are all fifth-grade star cores, with sufficient energy, and they look like they are going to fight to the death.

"I will fight with you!"

Ye Que took a puff of his cigarette, and wanted to pretend to be aggressive, but he didn't expect to be choked until tears came out.

A group of starry sky creatures who were stupefied watching the live broadcast almost laughed out loud.

"Could it be that he really mastered these weapons?"

"To master it so quickly...isn't it too perverted?"

"Yeah, the strength is so strong, you can't beat him to death, and your learning ability is also terrifying... Oh my god!"

"Ancient God... this Ancient God... I can't believe how terrifying he has grown up!"

"Unfortunately, it's a funny comparison! Smoked a cigarette and choked myself!"

"Hahaha, you are both funny and strong, and your learning ability is so strong! This is the most ideal genius!"

"Love love love."

"Look, those crazy kings are coming!"

One by one stared wide-eyed.

In the starry sky, a group of **** kings came to kill.

They are not weak either, with all kinds of killing weapons and technological weapons in their hands, seeing the ancient gods waiting for them, immediately enraged them.

"Arrogance! Kill him!"

"It will consume him to death!"

The **** kings were furious, and all kinds of secret weapons and killing array weapons fired their power.

At that moment, dense beams of light like fireworks streaked across the starry sky and headed straight for Ye Que.

Ye Que was carrying the death ray concentrated energy gun, and eleven seeking jade stars flew out, and killed them in a whirl. The black stick beside him was controlled by him from the air, resisting various attacks.

As for himself, he pulled the trigger with his left hand, and the death ray concentrated energy gun shot at the **** kings with blue flames.

The right hand was not free, and a large number of secret techniques were swayed out.

Its eyes of good fortune cooperate with the energy-concentrating gun to lock the **** king in front of it, and the eyes of reincarnation with scarlet eyes in the dark night pour out a large number of pupil skills.

That scene was no ordinary shock.

One person can deal the damage of an army.

The densely packed divine light, containing terrifying damage, went straight to the **** kings.

The other avatars are also using various weapons to fight back.

Looking at it from a distance, the two sides are indeed engaged in a star war, but one side is a bunch of **** kings, and the other side is a **** king.

The creatures in the starry sky watching the live broadcast were horrified.

It's a total visual impact.

All kinds of mystic rays of light in the starry sky continued to slash back and forth, and explosions continued to occur, which shocked their visual senses.

"I'm a tortoise! ​​It's too strong! The ancient **** is too strong!"

"He refreshed my world view, how could there be such an all-round genius!"

"Mastering the weapon so quickly... oh my god! My scalp is numb!"

"You can still fight back, horror!"

"The male god! The ancient male god!"

"Sisters, don't rob this man from me, I love him so much!"

Some of the creatures in the starry sky were shocked, some were terrified, some were scalp numb, some were in awe, and some were in admiration.

There are even a group of fans of the ancient gods, which are being produced all over the universe.

Rumble! !

The attack of the **** kings was even more violent, forcing them to press down, and the surrounding death stars and meteorites were all shattered in a large area.

When Ye Que saw it, he felt a pity.

"This gun is useless and broken!"

He threw away the death-ray concentrated energy gun in his hand, slowly raised it up, looked down at the **** kings with reincarnation eyes, and said in a cold voice: "If you dare to chase after me, I will consume you all first!"

He wants to make the **** kings feel pain.

"Galaxy Explosion!"

The pupil technique reached its limit, and the densely packed Death Stars exploded one after another.

This is a star field he deliberately chose, with a lot of Death Stars.

Now, the Death Star exploded around the **** kings, and the shock waves gathered together were terrifying.

Two or three thousand Death Stars exploded one after another, with a power capable of suppressing a **** king. The sound roared and spread across multiple star fields, and its fluctuations impacted in all directions.

I saw a large number of **** kings die.

At that moment, all the creatures in the starry sky were shocked.

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