God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1007: Don't come here! (1)

"Those science and technology stars must be watching the live broadcast!"

"Hey hey hey! Hurry up and activate all defenses, the ancient gods are coming!!"

A group of creatures in the starry sky showed the way one after another, wishing that the ancient gods would leave quickly, and if they really wanted to stay here for a while, if the group of **** kings behind them sneezed casually, they would have to finish playing in the million starry sky square city.

"Okay! Thank you everyone!"

Ye Que gulped down his vital energy and blood, maintaining his peak state, and immediately turned to the left.

Rumble! !

A large number of Star Demon God Kings and a small number of Protoss God Kings swept past, causing the star field to tremble.

Among them, most of them are star demons, and there are very few protoss, but they are not enough to resist the toss of their own creator gods and creator gods.

Both of these two big clans possess high-end combat power.

Although there are few **** kings in the **** race, under the blessing of the secret method of the creator gods, Shenxu has also become a **** king, and the **** kings have become a large number of peerless **** kings.

As for the star demon, let alone, it is more powerful.

"Kill him, and the Protoss will be unsealed forever!"

"Kill! Kill the ancient gods, avenge the dead star demons of the clan, and kill for the unblocking of the clan!"

The **** kings are crazy, and their hatred for the ancient gods has become as deep as a sea of ​​blood.

"Kill the past, at all costs!"

This time, the Star Demon God Clan did not separate their families and used all their strength to kill them.

The star field of scientific and technological civilization.

This is a technological god-king civilization with no gods, but weapons that can infinitely reach the god-level.

Just kidding, under the rule of the nine overlord forces in the extreme south, the civilization that dared to give birth to gods was basically wiped out.

After all, the nine overlords wanted to maintain their own regional rule. They did not allow the birth of gods, but they did not destroy other civilizations either.

Because if other civilizations are pushed into a hurry, and the star demons are in collusion, everyone will be finished.

The technological god-level civilization is a typical example. Without the monitoring of the nine overlord-level forces, they would have already created god-level weapons, and they could even give birth to gods.

However, now it seems that they are used to this kind of life.

At least on the many planets in the star field, most people live quite comfortably. Everyone is watching the live broadcast through technological products, and the barrage is flying.

"The ancient gods are too powerful! Veterans, start 666!"

"These **** kings are giving away for free! Anyone who comes to our place is the top of the top, but in front of the ancient gods, it is like killing a chicken."

"Fart, in our village, anyone is a **** king!"

"The ancient **** is hanging on the wall, it has been confirmed, I have reported it!"

"When the end of the thread passes through the eye of the needle, sip it with saliva and it goes in—Grandma."

"I suspect you're driving, but I have no proof!"

"Wow, someone gave the official a gift! It's a thousand rockets!"

"The boss is confused!"

"Confused! Boss!"

"Wait! The Ancient God seems to be flying towards us!"

"Damn it! It's true! Everyone, take your time, I'm going to slip away first!"


A group of people were frightened and ran away from the door. The scene was very shocking.

Everyone was frightened by the ancient gods.

I was still gloating before, but now I am trembling with fear.

hum! !

The entire science and technology civilization star field turned on the first-level alarm, and many spaceships and starships flew to the edge of the star field, and the top-level weapons were charged.

The technologically civilized race was terrified.

I was afraid that the ancient **** would take them away after making a round.

At this time, the ancient **** flew across countless star fields at a terrifying speed.

His speed is very fast, if it was before, he would not be able to reach here in a few years.

But now, he only took about half a day to reach it, which shows his strength.

"Boys, lend me your weapon!"

"Don't worry, I'll leave after I get the weapon! I won't take you to heaven!"

Ye Que yelled as he flew towards the technology star field.

"Don't come here!"

Someone suspended in the starry sky and shouted in fear, this is a peerless **** king, with many starry sky soldiers behind him.

"Don't come here! My God, don't come here!"

"You are a bomb now, and anyone who gets close to you will die."

The other **** kings were too frightened to listen, and their legs were weak.

Ye Que's face turned dark.

Why is everyone scared when they see him?

"I won't come here, everyone, hurry up and give me some weapons, the stronger the better! I have plenty of money!"

Ye Que took out a bunch of god-level treasures.

The eyes of the powerhouses and high-level executives in the technology star field lit up.

Overlord forces restrict them from developing god-level weapons and birthing god-level powerhouses, so their desire for god-level treasures is very strong.

However, they are still hesitating.

After all, the ancient **** was followed by a group of **** kings.

"Don't worry, those guys dare not do anything to you, this is the chance that the old patriarch gave me!"

Ye Que explained cursingly.

He regrets it now.

I regret that I didn't enjoy the time of that year.

Before thinking back, he still felt that life was like years, how stupid he was.

The words of the ancient **** stunned the powerhouses and high-level members of the science and technology star field, and they were about to agree immediately, but they were still a little slow.

Ye Que wanted to scold someone, so he took a step forward: "You are so slow, when the **** kings come over, a conflict will destroy you! Hurry up!"

It is this sentence that makes these strong and high-level people make decisive decisions.

After seeing the insanity of the **** kings and the infinite firepower of the ancient gods, they didn't dare to procrastinate.

"Don't blame us if you don't know how to use weapons!"

A senior yelled.

"It's okay, just give me the instruction manual, and I'll learn it right away!"

Ye Que rubbed his hands, feeling a little excited.

He is talented and transcendent, and it is not easy to master weapons.

The faces of the high-level executives of the technology star field turned dark.

Immediately learn?

Do you know how sophisticated those weapons are, and it takes a lot of skill to master them

But they didn't care so much anymore, and hurriedly sent this ancestor away.

Otherwise, if these perverts fight, they can be brought down in one go.

"Open the starry sky portal, let the arsenals of each planet take out all the god-king weapons, don't wait for approval, just take them out, the most important thing is to send this plague **** away!"

The top is notifying the people below.

And the people below were almost scared to pee, they really didn't care about anything, and immediately took out all kinds of god-level weapons.

The various departments, which are usually slow, are now more agile than the other in order to send this ancestor away, taking out large quantities of weapons.

"Old God, where's the money?"

The high-level executives are also really dignified in front of the citizens, but now they want money as soon as they spread their hands.

"Good to say!"

Ye Que threw out seven or eight **** treasures in one go.

To be honest, five or six would be enough, but he didn't bother to care about so much.

And the other party didn't count in detail, how much they can get, the most important thing is to send this ancestor away.

Therefore, the high-end weapons were achieved through the simple way of bartering, under the live broadcast of many star creatures in the universe.

A group of starry sky creatures laughed.

Meeting the ancient god, he was really unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Ye Que didn't have time to worry about these things. Seeing the batches of weapons arriving, he put them all into the storage ring, and ran away immediately.

"See you soon!"

Originally, the higher-ups and powerhouses were relieved to see the ancient **** leave, but when they heard this, their faces turned pale, and they almost **** in fear.

"We never want to see you again!"

One by one, they waved away like driving away the plague god.

Ye Que, on the other hand, had already taken out the manuals of various weapons, activated his natural aloofness, and quickly mastered how to use weapons.

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