God Hongtian

Chapter 79 Su Xin Sword is damaged

In Yun Hao's perception, a breath was coming quickly. After a few blinks, a middle-aged man fell from the sky and landed in the field with a bang.

This middle-aged man exudes a powerful force and a powerful aura. In Yun Hao's perception, this man belongs to the same level of existence as Yun Ying, the elder of the Yun family who has been in contact with him before.

The pinnacle of the Spirit Gathering Realm!

Although the Yun family is a wealthy family in Beihan County.

But the Yun family's strongest strength is only the Yuangang realm.

At the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, he is already considered a big shot in the Yun family!

The moment the middle-aged man's feet landed on the ground, a powerful burst of vitality suddenly erupted, setting off a hurricane that swept toward Yun Hao.


Yun Hao instantly drew his sword out of its sheath, and the sword light poured out like a torrent, slashing against the hurricane!

The sharp edge tore apart the hurricane that rolled in front of him!

The Su Xin Sword in Yun Hao's hand also made a slight clicking sound.

The sword body, which was already full of cracks, had some more cracks added to it.

Yun Hao's brows wrinkled slightly.

The degree of damage to Su Xin Sword is too serious...

Even if he can repair some of the formations inside the sword, the material is the most important thing. If the material of the sword itself can't make up for it, it's like a clever woman can't make a meal without straw!

If we can't find suitable materials for repair, I'm afraid it won't take long before this sword will be completely destroyed!

This sword was forged by himself in his previous life and given to his disciple Cang Yao. It has a very special significance to him, so repairing the Su Xin Sword is urgent!

Opposite him, the middle-aged man who had just arrived had a look of surprise on his face.

"Although it's just a random burst of power from me, but you can catch it, it seems that Yuntiankuo's bastard son is quite capable!"

"Another idiot who can't spit out ivory from his dog's mouth!" Xiao Hei immediately rushed to Yun Hao's side.

As a loyal dog, it felt that Yun Hao might not be able to handle this guy, so it immediately made a gesture of pouncing on him and biting him.

The middle-aged man snorted: "

A bastard, a black-haired wild dog, dares to act cruelly in the Yun family? I, Yun Feihu, want you to look good! "

Xiao Hei grinned and chuckled: "Do you believe that the dog will bite you to death?"

The flesh on Yun Feihu's face trembled, and the palm of his hanging right hand suddenly lifted up, and the vitality rotated in his hand, turning into a whirlpool.

"Yun Tiankuo doesn't know how to discipline his son, so let me teach you how to behave for him!"

The words fell.

Yun Feihu's right hand suddenly swung, and the vortex of vitality grew directly in the air. The air and light were swept by the vortex, turning into a tornado and blasting towards Yun Hao and Xiao Hei.

at this time.

A female figure suddenly flew over and stood in front of the tornado.

The woman formed a seal with her hands, and a dreamlike light lingered on her fingertips, and then the sound of the waves rang out.

"Sea-covering seal!"

The woman shouted softly, and then the handprints she formed formed. In an instant, the handprints turned into a piece of sea water, and the seawater swept across, drowning the tornado!


Yun Feihu's expression turned ugly as he took action, "Yunying, how dare you stop me?"

The woman named Yunying said calmly: "If Elder Feihu insists on taking action, then I will have no choice but to offend him."

"Are you threatening me?" Yun Feihu shouted, gritting his teeth, clenching his fists, and making cracking sounds from his joints.

Yunying: "If Elder Feihu insists on understanding it this way, it's not impossible.

By the way, I just came back, and I have good news before I can tell you all. Some time ago, I passed the assessment of Qingfeng Martial Academy and became a core disciple. "

Qingfeng Wuyuan is the royal martial arts academy.

Becoming a core disciple in the Qingfeng Martial Academy was equivalent to stepping into the upper circles of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

With an identity, let alone Yun Feihu, even the old man of the Yun family must be polite in front of Yunying!

Yun Feihu's expression changed drastically, and then he snorted, then looked at Yun Hao and said, "I'll let you go this time. You'd better restrain yourself, otherwise, you won't be so lucky every time!"

Say it.


Tiger directly picked up Yun Shaoyang from the ground, jumped up, and flew away.

As for the other guys who were lying on the ground miserable, I didn't bother to care!

Wait until Yun Feihu leaves.

Yunying then turned around and looked at Yun Hao.

This woman has a beautiful face, and there is a spiritual energy in her eyebrows.

Yun Hao was also looking at Yunying.

He had heard of this name, and his father often mentioned it at the Mad Sword Martial Arts School.

According to the blood relationship of the Yun family, this is his cousin!

That year, Yuntiankuo's brother and sister-in-law died, leaving only a daughter. When Yuntiankuo left Beihan County, he originally planned to take Yunying away and raise her together.

But Yunying, who was still young, caught the fancy of a strong man from Qingfeng Martial Academy, and then went to Qingfeng Martial Academy.

"Thank you." Yun Hao said.

Although, even if Yunying didn't come just now, Yunhao could still be safe and sound in the Yun family with Xiaohei here.

But no matter what, Yunying did help.

Yunying said expressionlessly: "Fortunately, I just came back from Qingfeng Martial Academy, so I can help you out.

This is not Liuyun City. If you are in Liuyun City, no matter how big the trouble is, your second uncle will try his best to help you smooth things over.

But in Beihan County, you must think carefully before speaking or doing anything. If you cause some trouble, you will not only lose your life, but also implicate your second uncle! "

Although Yunying means well.

But there are inevitably some lessons in the words.

Yun Hao said calmly: "I only do what I want."


Yunying was a little angry, and then said: "Do what you want? Who doesn't want to? But the prerequisite is that you have the strength!"


Yunying also turned around and left!

Xiao Hei continued to rub his head against Yun Hao's trouser legs and said, "Master, this girl has a good heart."

Yun Hao glanced at Xiao Hei and said calmly: "Don't forget that you are a wolf!"

Xiaohei: "Woof woof woof!"

Yun Hao: "..."

Next, Yun Hao returned to the house, and Xiao Hei lay down at the door, watching the door.

Inside the house, Yunhao took out the Su Xin Sword.

The sword body was full of cracks and seemed to be completely broken at any time.


It is absolutely impossible to completely repair it, but the first problem is to erase the cracks in the sword body. "

Yun Hao whispered to himself, and if you want to erase these cracks, the most important material is Geng Gold!

When he was in Liuyun City, he asked Fatty to help collect formation materials, and he also wrote Gengjin's needs to Fatty.

But the fat man didn't collect any Geng gold.

According to Fatty, Geng Gold is too rare. In the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, probably only the royal family has a small amount of reserves. Finding Geng Gold depends entirely on fate!

After a while, Yun Hao calmed down, then used the sword essence to warm up the sword spirit, and then used mental power to gradually repair some formations. Before he found Geng Jin, he could repair it a little, just a little.

More than an hour passed in the blink of an eye.

Yunhao noticed that his father was back, so he put away the Su Xin Sword.


Yuntiankuo opened the wooden door and walked in.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Yun Hao knew the result when he saw that his father's face was not very good, but he still took the initiative to open the topic.

Yuntiankuo shook his head and said, "The old man is in seclusion, so I couldn't see him."

Yun Hao said calmly: "It's okay. Since we have returned to Beihan County, we will see you sooner or later."

Yun Tiankuo hummed and looked at Yun Hao: "Hao'er, I saw Yingzi. I heard Yingzi said that you beat up Yun Shaoyang and the others?"

Yun Hao: "I took action and taught him a lesson."

Yuntiankuo frowned, sighed, and said: "Hao'er, it's useless for me to let you come to Beihan County and you are still angry."

Yun Hao shook his head and said, "Dad, the child doesn't matter."

Yun Tiankuo: "Yingzi told me that Qingfeng Martial Academy is recruiting disciples recently.

Although you have now missed the time to register for the assessment.

But Yingzi is now a core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. She will look for connections to see if Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy can add your name to the assessment.

Yingzi said that judging from your ability to defeat Yun Shaoyang, it is certain that you will pass the assessment. When you enter Qingfeng Martial Academy, she will ask her teacher to admit you to Yuyin Peak.


There are seven peaks in Qingfeng Martial Academy, and the overall strength of Yuyin Peak ranks third. If you can join Yuyin Peak, everything will be easier in the future.

All in all... If the old man is really unwilling to train you, then you should go to Qingfeng Martial Academy! "

Yun Hao hummed and said nothing more.

If he wants to go to Qingfeng Martial Academy, he can go at any time.

When he was in the Tomb of Life and Death, he saved Qingfeng Wuyuan Qin Lan twice.

He remembered that Qin Lan was the peak master of Yujian Peak!

Now, even the flying sword Youlan, the token of the peak master of Yujian Peak, is in Yunhao's hands!

Seeing that Yun Hao didn't seem to be interested, Yun Tiankuo said again: "Hao'er, while Yingzi is back, you can take the time to meet Yingzi again. She is your cousin after all.

Moreover, when I was planning to build the Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall in Liuyun City, Yingzi actually went to Liuyun City secretly and gave me money.

This girl really cares about affection. "

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Dad, I understand."


The next few days were peaceful.

After all, Yunying returned as a core disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, and the others had many concerns if they wanted to touch Yun Tiankuo and Yun Hao.

As for Yun Hao, half of his time was spent practicing the Art of Creation of the Absolute Beginning, tempering the physical world, and the other half of his time was spent on repairing the Su Xin Sword.

This day.

A big event happened in Beihan County.

Yan Wen, the deputy owner of Baodan Tower, was found to have had an affair with the Flame Valley.

Yan Wen fled in fear of crime and his whereabouts are unknown.

In the afternoon of that day, Ling'er, a disciple of Mu Baifeng, the chief alchemist of Baodan Tower in Beihan County, came to the Yun family and went to the miscellaneous courtyard.

The news quickly reached Yun Shaoyang's ears.

Yun Shaoyang, who was still lying on the bed recovering from his injuries with his whole body covered in bandages, suddenly jumped up.

"Miss Ling'er has always had a good impression of me. She must have known that I was plotted by that despicable and insidious man named Yun Hao, and she wanted to find Yun Hao to help me out.

Quickly bring me my clothes, I want to change to see Miss Ling'er! "

Under the service of several maids, Yun Shaoyang quickly finished dressing up and immediately headed straight to the servitor yard in a hurry.

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