God Hongtian

Chapter 78 The so-called genius

Yun Hao's understatement made the anger in Yun Shaoyang's heart explode.

Today, he mobilized his troops and came here. This is the head of the Yun family. He thought he was just doing a trivial thing, but he failed repeatedly, which made him extremely depressed.

Now... Yun Hao is just a loser in his eyes, and he also says that he is not even worthy of letting Yun Hao draw his sword...

Yun Shaoyang roared and stepped forward suddenly.


Where the soles of the feet come into contact with the ground, a strong wave of air rises.




Cracks spread across the ground.

Yun Shaoyang's body rushed forward, setting off a billowing white air wave. He raised his hand to grab it, and the vine spirit had already fallen into his hand.

"Sendo Jutsu!"

As Yun Shaoyang waved the vine spirit in his hand, in an instant, dense shadows of vines appeared in the air.

The vines twisted and circled, like countless strange hands grabbing at Yun Hao.

This is a middle-grade Xuan-level martial arts, which focuses on cunning and changing. Although its offensive power is not strong, it has a miraculous effect in trapping enemies.

Yun Shaoyang relies on this Thousand Vine Technique to remain invincible even against opponents at the second or third level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

If the opponent is slightly careless and is restrained by the phantom transformed by the Thousand Tōjutsu, he will become a piece of meat on his chopping board and be slaughtered by him!

Facing the phantoms of twisting vines all over the sky.

Yunhao's expression remained unchanged.

One thought

When he moved, the sword energy from his body immediately swept out.

The sharp edge lingered within three feet of him!

The phantoms of vines were entangled and whipped.




Crisp sounds came out one after another.

The vine shadows collapsed and shattered one after another!

No vine shadow can invade the space three feet in front of Yun Hao!

Yun Shaoyang's face changed slightly.

A cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Sento Jutsu, Tatsumaki!"

With a loud shout, Yun Shaoyang's hands suddenly formed seals. Suddenly, the vine shadows all over the sky suddenly gathered together as if they suddenly had a backbone.

The phantoms of the vines twisted and circled, turning into a huge vine like a dragon!

This dragon-like vine looks vigorous.

This tornado move is the ultimate killing move in Sentojutsu!

Yun Shaoyang let out a low roar from his throat, controlling this dragon-like vine, and unleashed a fierce and ferocious impact with violent force.

Yun Hao still stood on the same spot, not even moving his steps. He raised his right arm, his middle finger and index finger joined together to form sword fingers, and pointed at the vine dragon!

Compared with Yun Shaoyang's ferocious power, Yun Hao's sword finger was too casual.

It's like waving your sleeves!

However, at the moment when the sword pointed out.

An extremely clear sword sound resounded.

The sharp edges gathered together, and a sword energy

Exploding at his fingertips!

The sword energy was puffed out, setting off a blazing sword light.

The sword light was one level after another, and nine levels of light waves merged together in an instant.

Dielang Nine Ultimate Sword!

With the improvement of his cultivation level, Yun Hao can perform this move perfectly even if he no longer uses the sword and only uses the sword energy!

Under the combination of the nine levels of light waves, the power of the sword energy that Yun Hao randomly pointed out surged to its peak, and the sword energy pierced the vines like dragons.

After the two forces came into contact, there was no movement at all.

Because... under Yun Hao's sword energy, Yun Shaoyang's dragon-like vines were like a sand sculpture, quickly annihilated inch by inch from beginning to end!

This is an absolute crushing of power levels!

When this dragon vine completely disappeared.

Yun Hao's sword energy penetrated the palm of Yun Shaoyang's hand holding the huge dragon vine with a pop!


Yun Shaoyang screamed in pain and retreated tens of meters!

His meticulously combed hair became messy at this moment, a deep palpitation appeared on his pale face, and the luxurious clothes all over his body had been torn apart by invisible edges, making him extremely embarrassed.

Yun Shaoyang raised his palm.

In the palm of his right hand, there was a bloody hole, and there was sword essence left in the wound. Each strand of sword essence was like a small sharp sword, constantly tearing his flesh and blood. The heartbreaking pain made Yun Shao Yang's face is distorted

Got it!


Yun Shaoyang roared angrily!

His momentum suddenly increased a lot again.

Just now, he indeed only used 50% of his strength, but he was injured by Yun Hao's understatement of sword energy.

As for what he just said if Yun Hao takes three moves with 50% of his strength, they have been forgotten. Yun Shaoyang now has only one idea left, which is to suppress Yun Hao.

He is a genius of the Yun family and is somewhat famous among the younger generation in Beihan County.

If word spread about today's incident that he was injured by a bastard from the Yun family, then he would be destined to be a joke in the future.

Yun Shaoyang exploded with all his strength, his eyes filled with fine bloodshot eyes.

"You are so sinister and despicable that you even hide your strength, but it is useless to hide your strength. You are a loser who can't stand up to the stage. Just stay in the quagmire for the rest of your life!"

Yun Shaoyang roared, his whole body's vitality surged, and the vine spirit became thicker and more powerful. It was like turning into a ferocious beast and pounced towards Yun Hao.

The violent vitality was twisted into a thick vine, and Yun Shaoyang held it in his hand and beat it hard!


The air roared like rolling thunder.

Yun Shaoyang's power suddenly hit Yun Hao's body, creating a deep ravine on the ground under Yun Hao's feet.

"Is this the so-called genius of the Yun family?"

A calm voice filled with disdain came from behind Yun Shaoyang.

rise and reach his ears.

Yun Shaoyang's expression changed drastically.

Only then did he realize that what he had just hit was just an afterimage of Yun Hao...

Yun Shaoyang turned back sharply.

A sword energy quickly enlarged in his pupils!


The sword energy pierced Yun Shaoyang's chest cleanly and swiftly, and the powerful force lifted his body and flew backwards!


In the end, Yun Shaoyang's body hit the ground and rolled several times.

He struggled to get up.

But it was like there were countless sharp swords moving through his body. As soon as he exerted force, the severe pain became ten times and a hundred times more intense!

He gave up the idea of ​​getting up, lay on the ground, raised his head, and stared straight at Yun Hao with eyes full of hatred and resentment.


"Woof woof!"

Xiao Hei roared a few times, jumped up, jumped directly above Yun Shaoyang, and sat on Yun Shaoyang's head.


Yun Shaoyang's head was smashed into the ground by the force of Xiao Hei's sitting down.

Xiao Hei said with great disgust: "What a stupid head, it actually touches Master Gou's butt!"


Buttocks twisted wildly.

Yun Shaoyang struggled hard under Xiao Hei's body, but to no avail.

At this time.

Yun Hao suddenly frowned and looked into the distance.

In his induction, a powerful aura was coming towards this direction.

"It's endless, isn't it?"

Yun Hao whispered to himself, a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth!

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