God Hongtian

Chapter 786: Zhongzhou Yeshan River

Yun Hao used the formation to form a stalemate with Beigong Fengguang, who was wearing a protective armor.

More and more people gathered around, and some were ready to move.

Can't wait any longer!

If they wait any longer, once those who are stronger than Beigong Fengguang on the Monster List arrive, they will really only be spectators and have nothing to gain!

As for being hated by Beigong Fengguang?

At worst, I'll take a gamble!

I'll bet that I can get back to Zhongzhou alive and get a reward. By then, if Beigong Fengguang dares to cause trouble again, I'll kill him!

As long as the reward is in hand, let alone Beigong Fengguang, even if the entire Beigong family comes, there's no need to worry!

Suddenly, someone took action!


An arrow pierced the sky, trying to shoot Yun Hao from a distance.

This arrow contained terrible power, and it was shot in a rotating manner, rolling up a terrifying tornado!


Yun Hao formed a seal with one hand, and the power of the formation surged. With a bang, the tornado and the arrows were shattered!

Then, countless flying swords whistled out of the formation.

Each flying sword was blessed by the formation, and the sword formation formed by this was so powerful.

A sword light, like a torrent, swept over the guy who secretly shot the cold arrow in an instant!

Ashes and smoke!

Kill this person without leaving any residue!

The sword light rolled back and returned to Yun Hao in the formation.

With one move, these guys who were ready to move were shocked again.

Although everyone still wanted to try it, they were weighing in their hearts whether they could bear it!


At this time, Beigong Fengguang, who was entangled by the formation chain, took advantage of the gap when Yun Hao controlled the power of the formation to kill people, causing the power of the formation to weaken. He roared angrily and burst out madly, breaking half of the formation chain in one fell swoop!

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and quickly formed seals with his hands. The power of the formation condensed into a large number of chains again, falling one by one on Beigong Fengguang's body, so as to prevent him from being freed from the restraints!

"Yun Hao, if you have the ability, just keep holding on. I don't believe you can hold on all the time!" Beigong Fengguang roared angrily.

Yun Hao was too lazy to pay attention to him.

The so-called stalemate situation now was completely maintained by him deliberately.

Otherwise, even if Beigong Fengguang had armor to protect his body, Yun Hao could use the power of the formation to crush him and his armor together!

Not long after.

A man flew over.

Everyone around looked over.

"Wang Bo!"

"No. 37 on the Monster List!"

"He's here, he'll definitely take action, he's not afraid, after all, he's not much worse than Beigong Fengguang, I remember he fought with Beigong Fengguang before, and it took him thousands of rounds to lose!"

After the man named Wang Bo arrived, he looked at Beigong Fengguang who was trapped in the formation with a cold look, and sneered: "Beigong Fengguang, you're really a coward, you're so embarrassed even when dealing with Yun Hao, you've lost all the face of the Zhongzhou Monster List!"

Beigong Fengguang: "Wang Bo, you're a defeated general, how can you say anything about me? Get out of here, Yun Hao is mine, I can suppress him and crush him right away!"

Wang Bo sneered: "Sorry, Yun Hao's life is up to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Bo took a step forward and came to the edge of Yun Hao's formation, holding a spear in his hand, and stabbed it fiercely.


The tip of the spear forcibly penetrated the power of the holy formation.

Wang Bo rushed into the formation and attacked Yun Hao with a strong force. He pointed his spear directly at Yun Hao's head and killed him!

The sharp energy was like a rotten wood.

In everyone's opinion, Yun Hao was finished.

It was already very difficult for him to control the formation to imprison Beigong Fengguang. Now, Wang Bo had entered the formation. If Yun Hao used the power of the formation to resist Wang Bo's attack, Beigong Fengguang would escape and kill him.

If he did not use the power of the formation to resist Wang Bo, Wang Bo's power would be enough to kill him!

Seeing that Wang Bo's spear could penetrate Yun Hao's head in the next moment, Yun Hao suddenly pressed his hands together.


The power of the entire formation suddenly boiled and rushed towards Wang Bo.

Wang Bo's face changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to withdraw and retreat.

"Get out of here!"

At this time, a roar sounded from behind Wang Bo.

It was Beigong Fengguang who had escaped. He did not kill Yun Hao immediately, but directly punched Wang Bo's back with an invincible punch.

Wang Bo was instantly attacked from both sides!


Beigong Fengguang's punch made Wang Bo spit blood.

Then, Yun Hao's array power surged and crushed Wang Bo's body!

Around: "..."

No one expected that the ending would be like this.

Wang Bo, who was ranked 37th on the Zhongzhou Monster List, was gone as soon as he made a move.

Yun Hao and Beigong Fengguang, who were still confronting each other and fighting to the death, had joined forces to kill Wang Bo.

Wang Bo died.

Beigong Fengguang was stunned.

His original intention was to teach Wang Bo a lesson, but... he didn't expect that he would actually cause Wang Bo's death...

Beigong Fengguang came back to his senses, then laughed grimly, and said: "A loser who wants to snatch my prey, deserves to die!"

He stared at Yun Hao and clenched his fists: "Now I am prepared, your formation will never trap me like before, Yun Hao, your death is coming!"

After the words fell, Beigong Fengguang, who was wearing black armor, launched a fierce offensive against Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's attention suddenly noticed several powerful auras approaching nearby.

It seems.

Those guys on the monster list who are stronger than Beigong Fengguang have finally arrived!

In this case, it’s time to continue this scene in a different place!

Yun Hao no longer hid his clumsiness and unleashed the power of the formation with all his strength.

Roaring bursts!

In an instant, the power of the formation doubled!

Everyone around was dumbfounded...

The power of this formation can actually be even stronger...

And Beigong Fengguang, who was in the formation, was already cursing in his heart at this moment.

Before... Yun Hao had been pretending!

Beigong Fengguang wanted to evacuate immediately!

However, Yun Hao didn't give him a chance at all, and the power of the formation boomed

Long's crushing force was towards Beigong Fengguang, and the blow made Beigong Fengguang smash a huge deep pit into the ground!

His body rushed out of the pit.

The Feijian Sword Formation, blessed by the power of the formation, exploded directly, splitting Beigong Fengguang's body into pieces!

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao raised his hand and waved, and the power of the formation fixed Beigong Fengguang's soul in the air, unable to move.

Yun Hao took a step forward and appeared in the air.

He stood next to Beigong Fengguang's soul with an indifferent expression.

Beigong Scenery: "Yunhao...I..."

"You deserve to die." Yun Hao answered his words, and the power of the formation instantly crushed his soul!

After killing Beigong Fengguang, Yunhao glanced at the few guys who had just arrived.

These are all ranked higher than Beigong Fengguang on the monster list.

They got the news and rushed over as quickly as possible, fearing that others would kill Yun Hao first.

But when they saw Yun Hao using the power of the formation to crush Beigong Fengguang to death, they all chose to remain silent. No one said anything or took action!

"The list of monsters in Zhongzhou turns out to be a bunch of drunkards and ricebags!" Yun Hao's sneer rang out.

"Yunhao, you are too arrogant!" A voice sounded in the distance, and another person appeared.

This man holds a folding fan in his hand, and his aura is far superior to anyone here.

When Yun Hao coerced a Zhongzhou genius to lead the way to find Beigong scenery, he learned some information about the Zhongzhou Monster List from that guy. The person who arrived now was the strongest person from the Zhongzhou Monster List.

Number 30 on the monster list, Ye Shanhe!

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