God Hongtian

Chapter 785: Who is the mantis and who is the oriole?

Beigong Fengguang chased after Yun Hao, and violently blasted him with his invincible fist. However, he was still unable to hit Yun Hao.

"Escape? You can't escape!"

"If you are targeted by me, Beigong Fengguang, you will only die!"

"Ah ah ah, don't run away if you have the guts, fight me head on!"

Beigong Scenery roared again and again.

So depressing!

Every time, he was about to catch up, only to be pulled away by Yun Hao's teleportation.

This chase made a huge noise.

More and more people were attracted.

Suddenly, two people appeared in front of Yun Hao!

The two of them did not hesitate and immediately launched their killing moves, intending to kill Yun Hao.

However, Yun Hao teleported directly, not only avoiding their killing moves, but also surpassing the two of them.

Beigong Fengguang, who was chasing after him, was hit by the moves of these two people!


There was a huge explosion that shook the heaven and earth.

The angry and disheveled Beigong Fengguang rushed out of the storm.

"Brother Beigong...misunderstanding!"

"It was just an accident!"

Beigong Fengguang roared: "I misunderstood your father, misunderstood your mother, and you will die!"

His body, like a ferocious giant beast, passed directly between the two people. With two booms, the two people had been beaten to pieces by Beigong Fengguang's fist!

Beigong Fengguang was so angry that his teeth were almost broken.

Seeing that more and more people were following him around him, he hurriedly shouted: "Yun Hao is my prey.

I will kill anyone who dares to rob! "

Yunhao led Beigong Scenery all the way, and it didn't take long to arrive at an area a hundred miles away from the Huangquan Tomb.

This is Yun Hao's destination.

We can't lure people into the Underworld Tomb yet. After all, not enough people have been attracted!

This method of killing with a borrowed knife must be enough to kill one person at a time. Otherwise, if you want to continue to use the same trick again, it will be much more difficult and easy to be seen through!

Yun Hao's speed slowed down.

Bei Gongfengguang laughed: "You finally ran out of energy and wasted so much of my time. I will definitely let you know what it means to be in pain. In the end, you will kneel in front of me and beg me to kill you!" "

He smiled ferociously, and his speed suddenly increased, completely catching up with Yun Hao.

"With this punch, I will break your legs first and see if you can escape!"

A punch was thrown out, and the fierce punch hit Yun Hao's legs.

But the next moment.




The world suddenly burst into brilliant auras, and a formation formed instantly. The power of the formation blessed Yun Hao's body, and his figure disappeared from the place instantly.

Beigong Fengguang's attack failed again.


Immediately afterwards, the power of the formation condensed into thick chains, and all the chains whipped towards Beigong Fengguang crazily.

Beigong Fengguang's throat roared like a beast, the invincible domineering fist

He punched hard and broke the huge chains, but in the end he was still wrapped around his body by the chains and couldn't move!

Yun Hao was at the side, forming seals with his hands to control the formation.

The chains wrapped around Bei Gong Fengguang were all tightened, trying to tear Bei Gong Fengguang's body into countless pieces.

However, a battle armor emerged from under Beigong Fengguang's skin.

The armor is pitch black, covered with mysterious runes, and is indestructible!

"Yunhao, if you can't kill me, I will definitely kill you!" Beigong Fengguang roared loudly. He burst out with all his strength and struggled continuously.

But he could not break the chains formed by the power of these formations, but Yun Hao's power of formations could not cause damage to Beigong Fengguang, who was protected by a battle armor.

The confrontation between the two fell into a stalemate!


A large number of people who were attracted were waiting and watching.

"Holy Array, there have been rumors outside that Yun Hao may be a holy-level array master, but no one can be sure. I didn't expect it to be true!"

"Good guy, he has already planned everything and deliberately attracted Beigong Scenery here!"

"If Beigong Fengguang hadn't been protected by the treasured armor of their Beigong family, Beigong Fengguang would have died... Yun Hao almost killed the thirty-sixth monster on our list of Zhongzhou monsters!"

The exclamations kept coming and going.

None of them thought about picking up bargains at this time.

Beigong Fengguang can withstand it, but they cannot withstand the power of the Holy Formation.

Besides, who is going to pick up the poop?

Yi, even if you kill Yun Hao, you will still be entangled with Beigong Fengguang. This guy is a madman and a pervert. He is grudged by him. He will probably die on the way before he returns to Zhongzhou to receive the reward for hunting Yun Hao. .

at the moment.

It depends on who can't hold on first, Yun Hao or Beigong Fengguang!

Or... Just look at how long it will take for those monsters above thirty-six on the monster list to arrive!

If those monsters arrive, they will not be afraid of Beigong Fengguang. Once they take action, Yun Hao will definitely die!

There are still some people in the field who left this area as quickly as possible. They can't participate anymore, but they can go and report the matter to the monsters before the thirty-sixth one on the monster list. Personal favors can be considered a big gain.

Word spread quickly.

Yun Hao, who was controlling the formation to delay, suddenly received a spiritual talisman message from Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen: Are you so big? It won't be long before all the people who want to hunt you will arrive!

Yunhao: Just wait for them to come!

Jiang Chen: I know what you want to do, but you want to attract them all to the Tomb of the Underworld. This journey is too dangerous. I won’t help you take the risk!

Yun Hao did not respond to Jiang Chen with any more spiritual talismans.

After a while, Jiang Chen used the magic talisman to send a message again: Do you really not need my help?

Yunhao: Aren’t you not going to help?

Jiang Chen: If you don’t even say anything, are you asking me to take the initiative and shamelessly come forward to help? I don't want face


Yun Hao: ...Then come and help.

Jiang Chen: I’m not helping for free. After the matter is settled, lend me your life!

The other side.

Jiang Chen took a deep breath, with an excited expression on his face, and said: "Senior War Spirit, Yun Hao asked me for help!"

Fighting spirit:"……"

Jiang Chen: "I didn't want to help him originally, but I'm a soft-hearted person and won't refuse people, especially when others beg me. Alas, I have no choice but to take action!"


Jiang Chen took off the forehead protector on his head, revealing the vertical eye of the god.

The tightly closed vertical eyes suddenly opened a crack.

Jiang Chen quickly formed seals with his hands, and a mysterious light flowed out from the god's vertical eyes, covering his whole body.

This is one of the abilities of the Divine Eye. It can confuse other people's vision. Next, when he comes to help, others will not recognize that he is Jiang Chen from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Deep in the Underworld Tomb.

The nine-headed Nether Python was lying next to the sarcophagus. Suddenly, its nine heads lifted up excitedly and danced in the air.

"Emperor Huangquan, that boy Yunhao is about to take action. Soon, he will bring a lot of geniuses from all over the Cang Realm here to bring the most delicious blood essence to Emperor Huangquan!"

The sarcophagus shook, and Emperor Huang Quan burst into laughter: "After they come in, kill them all, and Yun Hao doesn't need to keep them. With these blood essences, I can complete the recovery. By then, the entire Cang Realm will be dead." It's me who has the final say, hahaha

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