God Hongtian

Chapter 763: Return and be punished

In the blink of an eye, several days passed.

With Yunhao's help, Yan Rumeng recovered her vitality and the toxins in her body were also cleaned out.

Among Di Fei's three disciples, Yan Rumeng is the eldest disciple. He has already become an emperor and is at the fifth level of the emperor realm.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Yan Rumeng has completely trusted Yun Hao.

Perhaps women are born with no resistance to creatures like wild cats, and the same goes for Yan Rumeng, who always wants to hold wild cats in her arms.

The wild cat swooped and ran away.

"Although your arms seem to be of a good size, I don't like older women." Aramao said seriously.

Although Yan Rumeng looks like a charming woman in her thirties or forties, she has lived for more than 1,500 years.

Wild cats don’t like old women!

Huangmao only likes young and beautiful girls like Xia Xuan and Royi, with soft and elastic hearts.

Yan Rumeng: "..."

Xiao Xiao was embarrassed for a moment, and Yan Rumeng looked at Yun Hao and said, "How should we break out of the formation now?"

Yun Hao: "Why do I need to break the formation? If I can come in, I can go out."

Passing the formation arranged by that idiot Lu Chaoyuan is equivalent to opening a path and a door in this great formation of heaven, fire and earth evil!

Then, Yun Hao took Yan Rumeng and left the Heavenly Fire and Earthly Evil Formation.

The journey was smooth and we successfully walked out of the formation of Heavenly Fire and Earthly Evil.

Yan Rumeng looked at the vicious formation that had trapped her for decades with a complicated expression, and then said: "Give me some time, I will get rid of Lu Fang and Song Xiao's lackeys!"

Yun Hao nodded.

next moment.

Yan Rumeng flew up, and the power of the fifth level of the Emperor surged out of her body, and a terrifying pressure swept over her.

"Damn it!"

"Yan Rumeng...she...she escaped!"

"Quick, quick, quick...run the formation!"

Panic sounds came and went.

Yan Rumeng snorted coldly, and the murderous intention that had accumulated for decades suddenly poured out like a torrent.

It was a complete crush.


Tongtian City.

The popularity of these two topics remains high.

Eastern Wasteland Holy Land... something happened again.

one person

The long-established great sage, Qin Han, the chief elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, Luo Han, the Supreme Elder of the Imperial Realm...the three powerful men are dead!

Recently, there have been frequent deaths in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, and those who died were not simple people.

Pu Jian, who was born with a jade sword in his mouth, and Ye Lin, who has extraordinary talents, are known as the most promising golden generation in thousands of years. Ye Wei's two great saints, the super source of magic genius Yu Ye, and the source of heaven master Xiao Nan ...Now three more important people have died, and even the existence of the Emperor Realm has died.

Among the series of deaths in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, there is a person involved.

That's Yunhao!

Everyone is speculating that Yun Hao has brought so many casualties to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. How terrifying will the next step of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land's revenge be?

But for now.

The Eastern Wasteland Holy Land has not expressed its stance.

And Yunhao... ever since he became the sword bearer of the Martial Palace and went out to perform the sword sacrificial mission, he has never come back!

Another hot topic is the re-election of the Chief Palace Master by the Martial Palace.

Originally, everyone felt that this matter was already a certainty under the control of Lu Fang and Song Xiao.

But Yunhao suddenly emerged and became the sword holder, casting a negative vote.

Then, Lin Xiaofeng, the successor of Wu Sheng Kendo, disappeared for a while and returned, and he turned out to be the emperor!

Lin Xiaofeng also voted against!

Five votes were in favor and four were against.


It is the day when the two major factions of Martial Palace will decide who will win or lose.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Martial Palace was tense.

In a magnificent hall, Lu Fang, Song Xiao, Lin Xiaofeng, Fu Dongyang and other people with high status in the Martial Palace gathered together.

"My teacher is still alive. The master of the palace is my teacher, and no one can replace him!" Lin Xiaofeng's body was filled with a chilling air, and his attitude was very strong.

Today, even if there are five votes in favor and only four votes against, he must prevent this from happening. He must not let Lu Fang and the others steal the power of Wudian!

Lu Fang: "Lin Xiaofeng, the master of the main palace went to the abyss alone a thousand years ago and never returned.

The power has also lost its effect a few days ago, and the master of the main palace has died in the abyss. This is an indisputable fact, and you should stop messing around here.

We re-elect the Chief Palace Master not out of any selfish motives, but entirely for the sake of the Martial Palace.

Over the past thousand years, the Martial Palace has been without a leader. Within a thousand years, the Martial Palace has lost its glory. The people within the Martial Palace have become disorganized and their strength has declined.

Therefore, the election of a new chief palace master must be carried out! "

Song Xiao also stood up and said: "No one can replace the teacher's position in the Martial Palace. I also hope that the teacher is still alive. I hope that the teacher can return to the Martial Palace one day and lead the Martial Palace to glory again.

But no matter how much we look forward to, we must eventually face the facts!

I have discussed with Deputy Hall Master Lu, as well as a group of elders and senior officials, that from now on the Martial Hall will implement a dual hall master system. This will be more conducive to the development of the Martial Hall! "

"That's nonsense!" Lin Xiaofeng shouted angrily, and then with a swipe sound, he drew his sword out of its sheath.

Fu Dongyang, Ou Yunqing and others stood next to Lin Xiaofeng, all ready to take action.

Today, even if a civil war breaks out, these old foxes like Lu Fang must not be allowed to succeed!

Civil strife and war will at best lead to the split of the Martial Palace.

But if these two old foxes are not stopped, Wudian will become a tool in their hands and a stepping stone for their ambitions!

"Junior brother, you have disappointed me so much. I believe that if the teacher knew what you are doing now, he would also be very disappointed!"

Song Xiao looked distressed and said: "Everything we do is done according to the rules set by the teacher. The number of votes in favor of re-electing the hall master is five. If you insist on being stubborn, then I will This senior fellow can only suppress you!"

Lu Fang had a cold look on his face and did not speak any more. Instead, he raised his hand and waved. Immediately, everyone on their side was ready to take action.

Song Xiao continued: "Lin Xiaofeng, my thoughts are with you and my senior brother. I would like to advise you, senior brother, don't do whatever you want to do based on your temper. Otherwise, if there is a war within the Martial Palace, you will be the eternal sinner of the Martial Palace!"

Lin Xiao

Feng let out a mocking smile and said: "You bunch of sanctimonious thieves are hypocritical and despicable. I will put my words here today. Whoever dares to re-elect the chief palace master, my Wu Sheng swordsmanship... will kill anyone!"


The next moment, a powerful aura suddenly erupted from Lu Fang.

The seventh level of the Emperor Realm!

This deputy master of the Martial Palace is not a vegetarian!


At this moment, a voice sounded from outside the hall.

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao held the Zhenwu Emperor Sword and walked to Lin Xiaofeng's side with a calm expression.

Lin Xiaofeng, Fu Dongyang and the others were a little relieved. They were worried because they hadn't found Yun Hao these days!

Lu Fang and the others all had a look of sinister look on their faces.

They thought Yun Hao was dead because he didn't come back.

As a result, this guy's fate is really big!

"Yunhao, you have no right to speak here!" Lu Fang shouted angrily.

Yun Hao: "I am the sword holder of the Martial Palace. Even if you are the deputy master of the Martial Palace, you have no right to stop me from expressing my stance!"

Lu Fang gritted his teeth!

Song Xiao: "Lin Xiaofeng, Fu Dongyang, Ou Yunqing, Yun Hao, let me say it for the last time. The number of votes supporting the re-election of the general hall master is five. It is useless for you to object. The minority must obey the majority. If you do not accept it, you will bear the consequences!" "

Yun Hao sneered and said: "The minority obeys the majority, of course I agree, but your votes are not more than ours!"

"Open your eyes and tell lies, you obviously only have four votes!" Song Xiao scolded angrily.

"I object!" At this moment, a loud shout sounded.

Yan Rumeng's figure rushed into the hall instantly!

The whole audience... was completely shocked!

Yan Rumeng, who had not appeared for many years, suddenly appeared.

"Senior sister!" Lin Xiaofeng stepped forward excitedly.

Yan Rumeng nodded and said: "Junior brother, thanks to Yun Hao for saving my life this time, I was able to come back!"

Everyone: "..."

It turns out that Yun Hao disappeared for a few days and went to save Yan Rumeng!


Isn’t Yan Rumeng in seclusion?

How could Yunhao be needed to save her in seclusion?

Many people thought of something in an instant and guessed it

In fact, I am afraid that Yan Rumeng’s retreat... there is another hidden story!


Lu Fang and Song Xiao had livid faces and gloomy expressions...

Yan Rumeng stared at the two of them, sneered, and said: "You two old men have imprisoned me for decades. You can't believe that I, Yan Rumeng, can still come out alive!"

"Yan Rumeng, it is well known that you are in seclusion, so don't spit out your blood here!" Lu Fang shouted angrily.

At this moment, Yun Hao raised his hand and waved it.

A group of sealed souls was thrown to the ground by him.

It is Lu Chaoyuan’s soul!

"I will tell you the truth about the formation of Heavenly Fire and Earthly Fiends!" Yun Hao shouted loudly. The terrifying power had already destroyed the will of the remnant soul of Lu Chaoyuan.

Lu Chaoyuan's remnant soul trembled and shouted: "It's not me...it's my ancestor and Elder Song Xiao...they poisoned Yan Rumeng and imprisoned Yan Rumeng...they wanted to find and open the martial arts palace from Yan Rumeng. The key to the greatest treasure house..."

"Shut up!"

Lu Fang roared angrily.

Lu Chaoyuan's remnant soul woke up... and found that his ancestor was beside him...

But this time.

It's already too late.

The truth has been revealed!

"Lu Fang, Song Xiao, you have gone too far!"

"I shouldn't believe you two bastards. I was confused before!"

in a blink.

Three old men with voting rights cursed angrily and directly changed their camps.

The previous advantage between Lu Fang and Song Xiao was gone in an instant!

The two stood alone together.

There were angry scoldings.

The wall fell and everyone pushed it!


Suddenly, Yun Hao pulled out the True Martial Emperor Sword and shouted: "Everyone, I can tell you clearly that with a ray of my mind, I entered the abyss through the passage built from the origin of the Martial Palace Contract Seal.

Master Di is still alive and will be back soon.

In order not to disappoint Master Di... the Martial Palace should clear away all the evil spirits and eradicate all scum!

Lu Fang and Song Xiao have evil intentions, are despicable and shameless, and should be punished! kill! "

next moment.

Yan Rumeng and Lin Xiaofeng took the lead in killing Lu Fang and Song Xiao!

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