God Hongtian

Chapter 762: Rescue Yan Rumeng

At this moment, Lu Chaoyuan's thoughts were messy and his heart was broken!

He happily prepared to practice through the formation given by the Dragon God, but... the formation suppressed him, and then created a passage for Yun Hao to come in...

"Silly boy, are you surprised? Are you surprised?" Huangmao happily flew to Lu Chaoyuan's head.

"I've seen a lot of stupid people, but this is the first time I've seen someone as stupid as you. Why don't you take a piss and look in the mirror to see how stupid you are? If you're like this, Shenlong will take a fancy to you. you?"

As Huangmao said, he hit Lu Chaoyuan's head with his claws, making a banging sound, and then said with great disgust: "The melon seeds in this head are not filled with wisdom, but with stones!"

Yun Hao came over.

Lu Chaoyuan stared at Yun Hao, his eyes filled with angry flames.

At this time, he had already guessed the truth.

From the moment the dragon appeared on the ladder to heaven, this was a scam.

Yun Hao is controlling all of this behind the scenes.

His recent hopes, longings, and excitement... are just like a clown...


Yun Hao pointed his sword at the same time, slashed out a sword energy, directly chopped Lu Chaoyuan's body, and sealed his soul!


The core area of ​​the Heavenly Fire and Earthly Evil Formation.

The endless power of heavenly fire and earthly evil are gathering from all directions at all times, constantly eroding a woman's body.

The woman's face was pale and lifeless.

The breath of life is like a candle in the wind, as if it will be completely extinguished at any time.


The woman opened her eyes suddenly.

The moment he opened his eyes, a cold light burst out with determination and death.

She moved instantly.

A terrifying force erupted ferociously.

This is the last power in her life!

Yunhao, who came here with the wild cat, immediately used his teleportation power to avoid the woman's terrifying blow!

The woman turned around, stared at Yun Hao, looked like she was crazy, and shouted: "Even if I die, Yan Rumeng, I will never bow to you, I will never betray my teacher, I will never betray the Martial Palace!"

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

Although he did not come out with the True Martial Emperor Sword, he captured a breath of the True Martial Emperor Sword on his body.

The breath of Emperor Zhenwu's sword condensed into a wisp of sword energy, turning into the sword intention of Wu Sheng Kendo!

The woman's expression turned dull for a moment...and her body trembled slightly, which was obviously a strong shock in her heart.

"The aura of the True Martial Emperor Sword... Who are you? Why can you display the sword intention of Wu Sheng Kendo?!"

Yun Hao: "I am the current swordsman of Wu Palace. As for Wu Sheng Sword Technique, it was the master of Palace Di who taught me personally."

"You lied... My teacher went to the abyss. He can't teach you the swordsmanship of Wusheng at all!"

Yun Hao said calmly: "I have entered the abyss with a ray of my mind through the origin of the seal left by Master Di.

Of course, these things are not important now. When I rescue you, you can ask your junior brother

Lin Xiaofeng, you will believe it then. "

Say it.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

An elixir that exuded a rich treasured light flew out of his storage ring.

This is harvested from the eighth floor of the Source Tower, and it has an excellent effect on healing.

Yan Rumeng stared at the elixir without saying a word.

Huangmao: "Eat it. Even if there is something wrong with the elixir, you will only die if you eat it. Anyway, you won't live much longer in this condition."

Yan Rumeng: "..."

The next moment, she took the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp.

In an instant, extremely surging elixir energy exploded in her body.

Although the energy is majestic, the medicinal properties are extremely mild. Yan Rumeng's life breath increases at an obvious speed!

The other side.

Han Qianshan and Lin Xiaofeng both ended the battle.

This time in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, one great saint and two emperors died!

You two look at me, I look at you.

"Where's Yunhao?"

"I have no idea!"

"I'll look for it!" After Han Qianshan said that, he disappeared from the place in an instant.

Lin Xiaofeng went to find Fu Dongyang and the others.

When Fu Dongyang and the others saw Lin Xiaofeng, their eyes almost dropped to the ground in shock.

Lin Xiaofeng, who had disappeared for a while, unexpectedly... became emperor!

That aura is so domineering that it cannot be faked!

Lin Xiaofeng immediately asked: "Where is Yun Hao?"

Fu Dongyang: "I couldn't protect him, so I let him go first..."

Lin Xiaofeng: "I knew he left alone, I met him, and I prepared a backup plan with him.

Get up and kill a great saint and two emperors in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land! "

As soon as these words came out.

Fu Dongyang and others were confused again.

Yun Hao actually prepared a backup plan?

Two emperors died in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land?

"Then you met Yun Hao. Now you ask me where Yun Hao is?" Fu Dongyang was speechless.

Lin Xiaofeng: "When we finished the battle, he disappeared. I thought he came to join you."

Fu Dongyang: "No...he didn't come back to join us. Could it be that he went back to Tongtian City alone first?"

Lin Xiaofeng frowned and said, "You guys look around, I'll go back to Tongtian City first!"

After saying that, Lin Xiaofeng escaped into the void and left.


In the great formation of heavenly fire and earthly evil.

Yan Rumeng had now refined part of the energy of the elixir given to her by Yun Hao, and her condition was much better. There was a trace of rosiness on her originally bloodless face.

She stopped the operation of the technique, looked at Yun Hao, and said: "Just now...I blamed you wrongly."

Yun Hao: "It doesn't matter."

Yan Rumeng: "I have been trapped here for more than fifty years. What is happening to Wudian now? Can you tell me?"

Yun Hao nodded and briefly explained the current situation in Wudian.

After hearing this, Yan Rumeng clenched her fists and gritted her teeth, saying: "Those two old men, Lu Fang and Song Xiao, I shouldn't have hesitated at the beginning... Otherwise, Wudian wouldn't be what it is now!"

There seems to be a hidden secret behind Yan Rumeng's imprisonment.

"They imprison you but don't kill you. This is

Why? Yun Hao asked.

Yan Rumeng was silent.

Arangmao: "If you don't say it, don't say it. What a stingy woman."

Yan Rumeng took a deep breath and said, "Because, I hold the largest amount of supplies in the Martial Palace.

At that time, I discovered that the two of them had problems, so I talked to them, hoping that they would confess and then look back.

But I never expected that they would directly lay an ambush and poison me.

I was under their control, but luckily I never had the key to that supply with me.

Over the years, they have tried every means to force me to tell them where the key is, but I have never told them. In recent years, they have lost their patience and have never come here in person again! "

Yun Hao didn't ask Yan Rumeng where the key was.

Yan Rumeng didn't completely trust him yet.

But as Yun Hao said just now, this is not important.

After rescuing Yan Rumeng, he can take her back to the Martial Palace. At that time, after eradicating these scourges in the Martial Palace, Yan Rumeng will naturally use that batch of materials to develop and strengthen the Martial Palace!

"Your vitality is weak now and there is poison in your body. You should refine the energy of the elixir as soon as possible to enhance your vitality. Then I will help you exorcise the poison and restore your fighting strength. Then break this formation to fight out and return to the Martial Palace. , Clear away all the evil spirits!" Yun Hao said.

Yan Rumeng hummed, nodded heavily, and then started to use all his strength to refine the energy of the pill given by Yun Hao!

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