God Hongtian

Chapter 737: At the critical moment, the family reunites

Qin Yun and Yun Tiankuo had mixed feelings in their hearts.

Surprised and extremely frightened at the same time.

Qin Wan: "Aunt, uncle, what's wrong with you?"

She found that something was wrong with both of their expressions!

Qin Yun didn't say anything, and quickly took the pill from Qin Wan's hand and swallowed it in one gulp.

Immediately, warm heat began to flow within her body.

This is a mysterious elixir left over from the previous martial arts civilization. The Qin family has a good foundation in alchemy, so Qin Yun can recognize it at a glance.

The effect of this elixir is extraordinary.

After swallowing the elixir, Qin Yun immediately began to use her exercises to refine the energy of the elixir to nourish her body and heal her injuries.

She must recover as soon as possible, and then go to help her child Yunhao to deal with the terrifying Holy Realm enemy!

Yun Tiankuo looked at Qin Wan and said, "Wan'er, come here, tell me about the Master Yun Hao you know."

You should be able to see it even after a while.

But Yuntiankuo still couldn't wait to know what changes had occurred in that brat after being separated for more than a year. Where did he have the courage to kill the saint alone? !

Qin Wan: "Uncle, Mr. Yun is very good-looking. He has a talented appearance and is like a tree in the wind. He also has an outstanding temperament. His style is like the most dazzling star in the night sky. Even if he is among countless talented people, he is still outstanding." You can be noticed at a glance!”

Yun Tiankuo nodded and said: "Well, good-looking is a must, and anyone named Yun is not bad either."

Qin Wan suddenly became unhappy and stared at Yuntiankuo's beard with strange eyes.

Yuntiankuo didn't care and said, "What else?"

Qin Wan told the story of the first time she met Yun Hao and the time when Yun Hao led her here.

After listening, Yuntiankuo's face was full of shock!

At the same time, I am extremely proud inside.


The brat is really awesome!

He knew very well that when he separated from Yun Hao in Beihan County, Yun Hao was only at the Spirit Gathering Realm.


Even Qin Feibai, who was at the peak of the Tribulation Realm, was instantly killed by Yun Hao!

As expected of his own species!

Qin Wan: "Uncle, Mr. Yun also told me not to call him Mr. Yun when we meet again later. Uncle, please give me a suggestion. Do you think it is better for me to call him Brother Yun? Or call him Hao. elder brother?"

Yun Tiankuo laughed loudly and said: "It's all OK, it's all OK. Indeed, it's not appropriate to call him Mr. Yun. It's a bit too unfamiliar."

at this time.


The surging demonic energy rushed over crazily.

The smile on Yuntiankuo's face disappeared instantly. He immediately raised the heavy sword placed aside with a solemn expression: "Wan'er, stay away, that Demon Saint is coming!"

Immediately afterwards.

A wave of demonic energy swept over like a torrent.

In the demonic aura, a guy whose whole body was covered with black demonic patterns exuded a terrifying aura.

This is the Demon Saint who was trapped by Qin Yun with the Qin family's holy weapon!

"Hahaha, Qin Yun, the Qin family's holy weapon you control has been contaminated and its power has been greatly reduced. You have now lost the qualification to compete with me. Next, it is time for me to crush you!"

The words fell.

The Demon Saint suddenly slapped his palm out!

The demonic big handprint fiercely blasted in the direction of Yuntiankuo and the others.

Yuntiankuo took a deep breath, held the epee tightly with both hands, roared angrily, and slashed out with the epee!


Yuntiankuo's heavy sword was instantly shattered by the demonic handprint!

Yun Tiankuo's body was also beaten backwards, and he fell heavily to the ground, with blood spurting out from his mouth and nose!

But he still tried his best and stood up through gritted teeth.

Yuntiankuo, who was covered in blood, shouted: "As long as I am not dead, I will definitely

I won't let you hurt my wife! "

In Liuyun City, the rough man known as the Iron Sword Massacre once again demonstrated his majesty!

He didn't even reach the realm of tribulation.

The reason why he survived the attack from the Demon Saint just now was because Qin Yun had already blessed him with part of the power of the holy weapon.

But the sacred weapon has been contaminated by Tang Yun of the Taixuan Sect with vicious secret techniques, and its power has plummeted.

But so what?

The wife is healing, and as a husband, he must stand in front of his wife!

The Demon Saint snorted coldly: "I couldn't kill you with one move, do you think you are qualified to compete with me? With the next move, you...will die!"

While talking.

The Demon Saint's palm suddenly stretched out and gave a weak grip!


Yun Tiankuo's side suddenly erupted with extremely terrifying pressure.

The pressure from all directions seemed to completely crush Yuntiankuo's body into powder!

at this time.

Qin Yun, who was meditating to heal her wounds, suddenly opened her eyes. She flashed and rushed to the side of Yuntiankuo. Countless sword energy shot out from her body, tearing the Demon Saint's power into pieces.


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Qin Yun's mouth.

The Demon Saint stared at Qin Yun with a look of surprise: "Suffering such a serious injury has allowed you to find the direction of condensing order... There is a very domineering energy flowing in your body... It seems like this This energy allows you to barely recover some combat power and helps you become a saint!

This energy is very attractive even to me!

Just in time, if I kill you and eat you, this energy will be mine, hahaha! "

The Demon Saint laughed wildly.

"Tiankuo, take Wan'er away!" Qin Yun shouted softly, holding a long sword in her hand, and took the initiative to attack the Demon Saint.

The Demon Saint's fists kept blasting out. After more than ten rounds, Qin

Yun couldn't hold on any longer and was knocked backwards by the Demon Saint's fist.

Yuntiankuo didn't leave.

He rushed to Qin Yun's side and helped Qin Yun up.

"How could I leave? I said, I found you when I came back this time, and from now on, I will never be separated from you again!" Yun Tiankuo said.

A deep regret appeared in Qin Yun's expression.


Their children have come here looking for them.

I thought I could see the child I missed day and night...

But after all, I still can't see him.

"You are so infatuated. Even when death is imminent, you are still showing off your affection here. You two should die together!" The Demon Saint shouted, and used his killing move again, suddenly rushing towards Yuntiankuo and Qin Yun.

But... suddenly.

A figure stood in front of Yun Tiankuo and Qin Yun.

"Brother Yun!" Qin Wan, who also didn't leave, was so frightened that her face turned pale and she exclaimed.

"You brat, get out of the way!" Yuntiankuo also shouted.

Qin Yun: "Hao'er, leave quickly!"

The couple did not expect that at this juncture, Yun Hao would come!

But they had no joy or excitement at all, only worry and fear!

Yun Hao, who suddenly appeared on the scene, rushed towards the Demon Saint!

"court death!"

The Demon Saint roared and punched out.


Yun Hao's body was instantly blown apart!



"Brother Yun!"

Yuntiankuo, Qin Yun, and Qin Wan all let out extremely sad cries at the same time.

"If you kill my son, even if I die, you will die with me!"

"I'll kill you and bury you with my son!"

Qin Yun and Yuntiankuo both went crazy in an instant. Without caring about anything, they immediately attacked the Demon Saint!

The Demon Saint snorted coldly and was about to unleash his killing move to kill the two of them.


A sharp pain suddenly erupted in his body.


A terrifying flame erupted in his body, and his internal organs, flesh and blood, bones, and soul seemed to be ignited...

far away.

Yunhao looked serious as he took out one of the Demon Emperor's spiritual power crystals and threw them into the Annihilation Demon Lantern floating in front of him!

Just now, he obtained a wisp of the pure aura of the Demon Saint at the expense of his twin magical clones being shattered!

Then he immediately lit the Demonic Lantern of Annihilation and burned the Demonic Saint from afar!

Next to him, there is a bronze box.

He continued to refine the crystallization of the Demon Emperor's spiritual power from the bronze box.

Normally speaking, this Demon Saint is only at the second level of the Holy Realm. To kill him, four Demon Emperor spiritual power crystals are enough.

But the four Demon Emperor's mental power crystals killed him too slowly!

One after another, the Demon Emperor's spiritual power crystals were thrown into the Demonic Lantern of Annihilation, nine in total!

The remaining soul of the Death Demon Emperor sealed in the bronze box was almost crying!

It was seriously consumed only once some time ago, and now it's happening again...

When Yun Hao threw the tenth Demon Emperor's spiritual power crystal into the Demonic Lantern of Annihilation.


The Demon Saint in the distance could no longer hold on. The terrifying flames rushed out of his body in an instant, covering his whole body, and burned the Demon Saint to ashes in the blink of an eye!

Yun Tiankuo and Qin Yun, who were madly attacking the Demon Saint, were stunned.

This situation is so wrong.

Qin Wan was also confused at this time.

Because...she was sure that she heard correctly just now.

After Mr. Yun was beaten to death by the Demon Saint... his aunt and uncle said that the Demon Saint killed their child!

So... Yunhao... is the son of his aunt and uncle, his cousin!

The Demon Saint is dead.

Yuntiankuo, Qin Yun, and Qin Wan were not happy at all, and their hearts were extremely sad.

But at this moment.

Qin Wan suddenly pointed forward: "Aunt, uncle...look...Master Yun...no, no, no...cousin, he's not dead!"

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