God Hongtian

Chapter 736: Charge in and kill the Saint single-handedly

Qin Feibai, who was at the peak of the Tribulation Realm, used a killing move every time he made a move, without any reserve of strength.

He didn't have time to waste this time, and he still had to do important things with Tang Yun, the holy realm elder of the Taixuan Sect.

After dealing with these two little guys, breaking the Qin family's holy weapon controlled by Qin Yun, and killing Qin Yun, their attempt to seize power in the Qin family can be truly declared successful.

Facing Qin Feibai's slashing sword, Yun Hao snorted coldly, and a soft force instantly escorted Qin Wan to fly to one side.

He rushed directly towards the powerful sword energy, the moment he was about to come into contact with the sword energy.


Disappear directly.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on Qin Feibai's face, and then he slashed behind him with his sword.


His sword struck right at the edge of Yun Hao's sword that was stabbing him.

The violent force exploded violently, and Yun Hao's body flew backwards uncontrollably.

Qin Feibai roared and launched a pursuit.

But suddenly, a golden light appeared in front of Qin Feibai.

Vaguely visible, this is a small golden sword!

The blazing golden light almost blinded Qin Feibai's eyes!

Then there was a pop, and Qin Feibai's head was pierced!

The body fell to the ground!

Killing God with half a step of ancestral pattern, instantly flew back to Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

In the battle before leaving Tongtian City, he had already tried it. With his spiritual power, he used the half-step ancestral pattern to kill a god, and he could still insist on bursting out to kill a queen under the holy realm. Holy!

Although there will be a holy realm of the Taixuan Sect and a holy realm of the demon clan later.

But Yunhao did not choose at this juncture

Choose to save mental energy.

Anyway, with his mental strength, he couldn't use the half-step ancestral pattern to kill two gods in a row.

Kill Qin Feibai quickly to save time and do more important things!

Qin Wan was stunned!

Qin Feibai, who was at the peak of the Tribulation Realm... was considered a top powerhouse in the Qin family.

But in the end, he was killed by Yun Hao in such an instant!

"follow me!"

Yun Hao shouted softly.

Qin Wan came to her senses and immediately flew towards Yun Hao.

With a roll of Yunhao's power, he led Qin Wan towards the entrance of the devil's cave!

at this time.

Tang Yun, the elder of the Taixuan Sect, formed seals with his hands to control a large number of bloody and resentful spirits, swarming towards a screen of light in front of him.

The light curtain is the power emanating from a very powerful holy weapon of the Qin family.

Qin Yun was inside and trapped a demon saint.

Under the pollution of Tang Yun's secret technique, the light curtain gradually became dim.

But suddenly, Tang Yun frowned.

"court death!"

With an angry shout, Tang Yun waved his arm, and suddenly, the terrifying power of ice order swept out.

Yun Hao and Qin Wan rushed over, and they were instantly overwhelmed by the power of the Ice Order, and were directly frozen in the ice.

Tang Yun ignored the two of them.

In his opinion, they were just two little guys, frozen to death inside in an instant. With a flash of his body, he rushed towards the dim light curtain in front and got directly inside.

"Click, click, click!"


Suddenly, the ice exploded, and Yunhao, whose whole body was filled with terrifying flames, took Qin Wan out of the trap.

Qin Wan was once again shocked beyond measure.

Not only could Yunhao instantly kill a peak Tribulation Realm expert like Qin Feibai, he could even outlast a Saint Realm expert.

He can resist the power of sequence...

"When you go in later, take this to find someone first!" Yun Hao looked at Qin Wan and said, and handed Qin Wan a healing pill that he had previously harvested on the eighth floor of the Source Tower.

Qin Wan: "Master Yun... what about you?"

Yun Hao: "I'll go catch up with that old man from the Taixuan Sect first, kill him, and then come back to you!"

Qin Wan: "..."

Shocked again!

That elder of the Taixuan Sect is a real saint. Mr. Yun actually wants to kill even the saints... And he looks determined. It seems that it is not difficult for him to kill the saints...

"Mr. Yun, you must be careful!" Qin Wan was worried after all and warned him very seriously.

Yun Hao hummed, nodded, and then led Qin Wan through the dim veil of sacred light.

On the occasion of separation.

Yun Hao suddenly said: "When I find you again later, please stop calling me Mr. Yun."


Qin Wan didn't react for a moment. When she came to her senses, Yun Hao had disappeared without a trace.

"Then...then I'll call you Brother Yun!" Qin Wan said secretly, feeling secretly happy, and then immediately went to find someone with the pill that Yun Hao gave her.

Yun Hao followed the aura of Tang Yun, the holy realm elder of the Taixuan Sect, and chased after him.

Suddenly, an arrow made of ice appeared in front of him and shot toward him!

Yun Hao took a step forward and teleported several times before avoiding it.

"It's interesting. Not only did he not die, but he also had the courage to chase after him!" Tang Yun appeared and stared at Yun Hao, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

He sensed that someone was following him, so he deliberately waited here.

"did you know

, what does it mean to shake the tree with a worm? Tang Yun snorted coldly: "The consequences of overestimating your own capabilities are death without a burial place!" "

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed towards Yun Hao, raised his hand to grab it, and the power of the Ice Order turned into a huge iceberg, slamming into Yun Hao.

Yun Hao looked solemn and thought.


The half-step ancestral pattern of killing gods instantly shot out from the center of his eyebrows. The golden sword was extremely fast, and its sharp edge directly penetrated the iceberg of order, and then penetrated Tang Yun's center of eyebrows!

The third level of the Holy Realm, faced with the power of half-step ancestral pattern to kill gods, can only be killed instantly!

After killing Tang Yun, Yun Hao's face turned pale.

The head hurts, as if it is going to explode. This is a negative effect caused by excessive mental loss.

Yun Hao bit the tip of his tongue and came to his senses. Now is not the time to rest. There is a Demon Saint here who needs to be dealt with!

The other side.

A gentle and beautiful woman, with blood bleeding from the corner of her mouth, was lying in the arms of a bearded man.

"Tiankuo...I'm sorry, I caused you trouble..." the woman said, with remorse and guilt in her expression.

"Yun'er, what are you talking about? We are husband and wife, we share blessings and share hardships. Don't worry, when the Demon Saint comes to find you later, I will kill him!"

The woman is Qin Yun, and the rough man is Yuntiankuo!

Qin Yun's hand touched Yun Tiankuo's face, her eyes turned red, and she said: "The thing I'm most sorry for in my life... is our child... I don't even know what he looks like... I've never given birth to a child." The responsibility of being a mother... Tiankuo, do you think Hao'er... hates me in his heart? "

Yuntiankuo shook his head violently,

Said: "No, Hao'er is very sensible. If he knows the truth, he will definitely understand you!"

at this time.

A voice full of surprise sounded.

"Aunt, uncle!"

Qin Wan rushed over.

Qin Yun struggled to leave Yuntiankuo's arms and sat on the ground.

"Aunt...what's wrong with you...Aunt...quickly, take this elixir..." Qin Wan took out the elixir in a panic.

Seeing this elixir, Qin Yun's face showed an expression of extreme shock.

"This... this is the super elixir left over from the last martial arts era... Wan'er, how come you have this elixir? And... how did you get in?" Qin Yun asked.

Qin Wan: "Auntie, there was civil strife in the Qin family. It was a young master named Yun who saved me. He also brought me in. He also gave me the medicine."

"Your surname is Yun?" Yuntiankuo looked startled.

"Master Yun is a very good person. He is very brave, responsible, and very strong. By the way, Master Yun's full name is Yun Hao, which is also a nice name!"

As soon as I heard the word Yun Hao.

Both Yuntiankuo and Qin Yun's breathing became extremely rapid.

"Wan'er, where is Yunhao?"

"Where is that brat?"

Qin Wan: "...After he brought me in, he asked me to bring the elixir to you first, because Tang Yun, the elder of the Taixuan Sect, also came in, so Mr. Yun said he was going to kill Tang Yun first, and then Come meet me again!"

Yuntiankuo and Qin Yun looked at each other.

The two of them were excited and happy, but also nervous and apprehensive!

Their baby is coming!

But...their child is now alone, going to kill the saint single-handedly!

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