God Hongtian

Chapter 72: Strong, two choices

The evening breeze is blowing.

Yunhao, who had practiced for two consecutive days, walked out of the training room.

All the Jade Blood Body-Building Pills have been used up, but the effect is not great anymore. We must hurry up to refine the Lieyang Pill to assist in training.

Yun Hao was about to go to his father to inquire about the progress of some matters regarding leaving Liuyun City.

Yun Hao found Yun Tiankuo.

Seeing the complicated expression on his father's face, he said, "Dad, have you encountered something difficult?"

Yuntiankuo shook his head and said: "It's not that difficult, I have sold some of the properties of the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, and left the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall to the Su family.

It's just that after staying here for decades and now leaving, I feel a little reluctant to leave. "

After saying that, Yun Tiankuo patted Yun Hao on the shoulder and said: "But these are all small things. Going to Beihan County and returning to the master's house is the big thing!

Hao'er, this time I sold my property and collected some money. When the old lady celebrates his birthday, I will prepare a gift to make the old lady happy.

When the old man is in a good mood, I will ask him to cultivate you well.

If you have the resources of your master to support you, I believe you will soon be able to stand out and become the most shining genius in Beihan County! "

Yun Hao didn't have any expectations about the master's family, but he didn't directly break the image of the master's family in his father's heart.

Some things have long been ingrained and it is useless to say more. Only when the father truly feels the danger of his master's family will he believe it.

While the father and son were talking.

Mu Baifeng's disciple Ling'er came over.

"Master Yun."

Ling'er took the initiative to say hello, then looked at Yun Hao and said, "Mr. Yun, you are finally released."

Yun Hao said calmly: "I've been so negligent in the past two days, I'm really sorry."

Ling'er curled her lips.

I thought to myself, hum, so you know it too!

But of course, he couldn't say this kind of thing, but said: "Master Yun, I haven't gone out for the past two days, why don't you go for a walk with me?"

Yun Tiankuo also looked at Yun Hao and said: "Hao'er, Miss Ling'er has helped me a lot in the past two days. She has been busy running up and down."

Ling'er smiled and said: "Master Yun, you're welcome, I just want to kill some time."

Yun Hao said, "I'm going to Beihan County the day after tomorrow. There are a lot of things going on in the Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall, so I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I hope Miss Ling'er can forgive me."

Yuntiankuo smiled, feeling quite happy in his heart. Although the girl Ling'er was beautiful and had a good background, he still felt that Ling Feiyu was more suitable for his son.

Ling'er: "..."

She didn't want to rush to Yun Hao's side and use some kind of beauty trick to tie Yun Hao to Bao Danlou.

Instead, he was simply very curious about Yun Hao.

For example, how did Yun Hao go from being a dandy to becoming what he is now?

For another example, Yun Hao always gave her a mysterious feeling!

She has a lively nature, and she is interested in anything that is not complicated in Bao Dan Tower.

You know, in Beihan County, countless young talents want to hang around her all day long, but Yunhao doesn't even have the intention to look at her...

While Ling'er felt depressed, she also felt that Yun Hao was completely different from the children of those aristocratic families in Beihan County, and instead became more interested in Yun Hao.

"Okay, then wait until you go to Beihan County. I will take you around Beihan County. I am familiar with everything to eat, drink and play!"

Linger said with a smile.

Yun Hao hummed.

At this time, a servant suddenly came in in a hurry.

"Master, there are people outside who claim to be from the Valley of Fire. They want the young master to go see them immediately, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences..."

"Why are they here..." Ling'er frowned.

Baodan Tower and Flame Valley have a lot of dealings with each other. The two sides are mortal enemies!

"Valley of Fire?"

Yun Tiankuo frowned and looked at Yun Hao.

Of course, he has also heard of this alchemy force that has developed rapidly in recent years. There is absolutely no intersection between Mad Sword Martial Arts School and Flame Valley. But now that the people from Flame Valley are here, Yun Tiankuo guesses that it should be the same as Bao Dan from two days ago. It is related to Mu Baifeng of the building.

"Hao'er, don't go, I'll take care of it."

Yun Tiankuo warned Yun Hao that he was worried that the Valley of Fire would be detrimental to Yun Hao because of the Baodan Tower.

In Yun Hao's eyes, the cold light flashed away.

He was actually not surprised when the people from the Valley of Fire came.

Because Baodan Tower has been infiltrated by the Flame Valley, the information about the health soup may have been leaked.

In addition, if a servant comes to pass the message, you can tell that the other party is not good-natured.

In this case, how could the father go to see them alone?

"Dad, the person they are looking for is me. Let me go with you." Yun Hao said.

Yun Tiankuo was stunned for a moment, then

When he realized it, he was still the same as before, wanting to stand in front of his son in everything, but his son no longer needed his protection.

Yuntian Kuo hummed and said, "Hao'er, when I see the people in the Flame Valley later, I will negotiate with them first to see what purpose they have here."

Ling'er: "Master Yun, Mr. Yun, I'll go with you. The people in Flame Valley are arrogant and domineering. If I'm here, they will be a little wary. In addition, send someone to Baodan Tower to inform my master. Bar."

Yun Tiankuo immediately arranged for his servants to go to the Baodan Tower, and then took Yun Hao and Ling'er to meet the people in the Valley of Fire.

when they came to the front yard.

In the courtyard, stood a young man wearing a brocade robe. This man looked handsome, but there was a hint of coldness between his brows.

Behind the young man, stood an old man. The old man's face was expressionless, but there was a faint smell of blood on his body. He was obviously a ruthless man who often killed people!

"It's you, Hu Biao!"

Ling'er obviously knew this young man, his expression was very ugly, and then he whispered to Yun Tiankuo and Yun Hao: "He is the son of an elder in the Valley of Fire."

Hu Biao sneered and said: "What a coincidence, I met you here again. It seems that you live in the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall?

Shameless little bitch, I have invited you to spend the night together many times, but you pretended to be aloof, and now in order to win over Yun Hao, you even took the initiative to get into someone else's bed. "

Ling'er shouted angrily: "Hu Biao, don't act like this here."

Talk nonsense! "

Hu Biao sneered and said, "I am here today and I have no time to talk to you."

As he spoke, he stared at Yun Hao and said, "Are you the Yun Hao who provided the health soup to Bao Dan Tower?

I am here just for you today. It is a great virtue for your ancestors to allow me to come forward in person.

Join the Flame Valley. The conditions promised to you by the Baodan Tower can also be given by the Flame Valley, so now you can follow me. "

Yun Tiankuo immediately said: "Thanks to the love of Flame Valley, but this matter needs to be carefully considered by Hao'er before I give you an answer, how about it?"

Hu Biao looked at Yun Tiankuo coldly, snorted coldly, and said: "Who do you think you are? Are you qualified to speak in front of this young master? What I'm asking is Yun Hao, if you say one more word of nonsense, this young master will hit you Damn your mouth!"

After angrily scolding Yun Tiankuo, Hu Biao continued to stare at Yun Hao and said: "It is your blessing that Flame Valley is willing to accept you. The opportunity is already in front of you. As for considering it...

I'm sorry to tell you that I never like to wait for other people's answers.

Now, you can either make a decision and follow me, or... die! "

Yun Hao's eyes were filled with cold light.

If he cooperates with Baodan Tower, he may not necessarily be hostile to Flame Valley.

But the Hu Biao in front of him looked domineering, scolding his father in front of him, and threatening him with death!

Yun Hao's heart already had murderous intent, and he said: "I don't like people yelling in front of me, so you can either get out of the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall now, or... die!"

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