God Hongtian

Chapter 71: Valley of Fire’s Attitude

As soon as he entered the room, Mu Baifeng smelled a special smell, so he looked at the closed door of the back room.

She knew exactly what it smelled like, and a blush appeared on her fair and moist face.

Yun Hao: "..."

It was an oversight.

The traces left by a night of lingering with Ling Feiyu are still there.

After all, Mu Baifeng was a big shot in Beihan County. After seeing a lot of the world, he immediately adjusted his mentality.

"Although Mr. Yun was born in Liuyun City, looking at the entire Beihan County, the temperament of those wealthy and wealthy families is much inferior to that of Mr. Yun. I think he must be an extraordinary master.

I wonder which senior alchemist Master Yun studied under? Maybe, that senior and I might still know each other. "

When Mu Baifeng opened his mouth, he praised Yun Hao first.

It's not a pretense, but a sincere compliment. During the compliment, he directly asked about Yun Hao's background, and the words he used were just right and would not offend anyone.

After Xu Yin brought the health-preserving soup to Baodan Tower in Beihan County, the top management of Baodan Tower unanimously believed that the health-preserving soup was made by an expert, and Yun Hao was probably a disciple of the expert.

Yunhao naturally knew the intention behind Mu Baifeng's words. Since the people in Baodan Tower thought so, he simply said: "My master travels around the world all year round and lives indifferently. Without his consent, I cannot tell his name." ”

Mu Baifeng didn't get the answer he wanted.

A mature woman like this knows the depth and the depth, and knows how to advance and retreat. She knew very well that if Yun Hao didn't want to say anything, then if she continued to ask, he would definitely arouse Yun Hao's resentment.

But Yunhao's answer undoubtedly gave her an answer from another aspect.


Yes, Yun Hao's alchemy skills were indeed guided by an extraordinary expert!

Mu Baifeng smiled gently and said: "Mr. Yun, I know that you are also a sweet-tempered person and do things quickly and neatly, so I won't beat around the bush and get straight to the point.

If it is other prescriptions, Baodan Tower will be happy to share the profits with Mr. Yun.

But that health-preserving soup is of vital significance to Baodan Tower, which plans to give it to alchemists free of charge.

As a result, it will be difficult to carry out profit sharing operations.

Therefore, the poster hopes to buy the prescription for the health-preserving soup from Mr. Yun.

As for the conditions, Mr. Yun can ask for them, and Baodan Tower will do its best to meet Mr. Yun’s needs! "

Because of the Purification Pill in the Flame Valley, many alchemists from the Qingfeng Dynasty took the initiative to join them. The position of the Baodan Tower was in jeopardy, and they indeed attached great importance to the health-preserving soup.


Among them, they must have felt that there was a hidden master of alchemy behind Yun Hao, and they did not want the two sides to become enmity over the health-preserving soup.

Seeing that Yun Hao did not respond immediately.

Mu Baifeng went further and said frankly, "Young Master Yun may not understand how much bargaining chips Bao Dan Tower is willing to give this time, so I'll let you know all about it.

Baodan Tower is willing to give a high-grade Xuanji alchemy furnace to Young Master Yun.

There is only one Xuanjie top-grade alchemy furnace in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty's Baodian Tower. It is located at the Baodan Tower headquarters in the imperial city and the Baodan Tower branches in each county. The best alchemy cauldron is the Xuanjie top-grade alchemy furnace.

In addition, the Baodan Tower can give Young Master Yun the status of an honorary alchemist. With this status, Young Master Yun will receive the highest level of hospitality wherever there is a Baodan Tower.

in addition

, from now on, the Baodan Tower will provide all the medicinal materials needed for Mr. Yun's alchemy free of charge, not only in the Baodan Tower in Beihan County, but in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, including the headquarters of the Imperial City Baodan Tower. However, There is a premise that Baodan Tower has the talent to provide it. I hope Mr. Yun can understand this. "

These three conditions, and the first two points, are actually nothing.

But the third point is indeed full of sincerity!

An alchemist must go through countless failures if he wants to grow up.

Cultivating an excellent alchemist is a huge expense. Even the geniuses trained as core alchemists within the Baodan Tower cannot receive resources for free.

Moreover, what Baodan Tower promised was not a year and a half, but a period without any additional time, which meant that any alchemy ingredients Yunhao needed from now on, as long as Baodan Tower had them, could be given to him for free. !

If the Valley of Fire had not impacted the status of Bao Dan Tower, it would have been impossible for Bao Dan Tower to provide this third condition.

But the situation has become such that the health soup is an opportunity for Baodan Tower to regain its footing!

Mu Baifeng personally revealed the final bottom line of Baodan Tower, showing enough sincerity.

Yun Hao was also a straightforward person, so he nodded and said, "I can accept these conditions."

After hearing this, the stone hanging in Mu Baifeng's heart finally fell to the ground.

But he didn't wait for her to speak.

Yun Hao then continued: "But, I still have one condition."

Mu Baifeng: "Master Yun, please speak."

Yun Hao said: "Bao Dan Tower must ensure my father's safety at all times."

Next, he will go to Beihan County. He will face many things, and there will inevitably be times when he is unable to do anything.

With his father's character and strength, he may encounter a lot of trouble in Beihan County.

This is what worries him the most.

With a smile on his face, Mu Baifeng said: "That's no problem. I can arrange for a Yuangang Realm expert to be in the dark at all times to ensure the safety of Pavilion Master Yun."

Yuangang Realm is already the core strength of Beihan County.

The head of the Yun family, the strongest one, is only in the Yuangang realm.

Yun Hao nodded.

Mu Baifeng said: "I wonder when Mr. Yun will have time to go to Beihan County? At that time, the host will personally sign a contract with Mr. Yun."

Yun Hao thought for a moment and said, "In three days."

He could leave at any time, and he had already planned to leave Liuyun City, but his father had worked hard in Liuyun City for decades, so he couldn't just leave. He needed some time to deal with some trivial matters.

Mu Baifeng smiled and said: "Okay, then I will wait for Mr. Yun in Liuyun City for a few days.

By the way, there is one more thing that may cause some trouble for Mr. Yun. My disciple Ling'er has never liked the environment of Baodan Tower. Can you let that girl stay in the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall for a few days? "

Before meeting Yun Hao, Mu Baifeng had already learned a lot about Yun Hao through Xu Yin.

Although Yun Hao was a complete playboy in the past.

But in recent days, Yun Hao has completely changed his temper and values ​​love and justice.

After meeting Yun Hao, even she was attracted by Yun Hao's special temperament, and naturally wanted to bring Yun Hao and her disciples together.

As for Ling Feiyu, Mu Baifeng also heard about it, but Ling Feiyu went to Cangxing Martial Arts Academy. No one can say what the future will be like!

How could Yunhao not know Mu Baifeng's intention?

But it doesn’t matter.

"There are a lot of empty rooms in the martial arts hall. She

Just stay if you want. "

After a while.

Mu Baifeng left the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall with Xu Yin.

Yun Hao directly ordered his subordinates to take the woman named Ling'er to choose a place to live, and then told his father about going to Beihan County.

Yuntiankuo nodded and said: "It just so happens that the old man's birthday is coming soon, and I am going to Beihan County anyway."

Yun Hao and Yun Tiankuo became increasingly opaque.

Today, even the chief alchemist of Beihan County Baodan Tower came to visit politely.

As for what Mu Baifeng and Yun Hao talked about, Yun Tiankuo didn't ask.

Anyway, he just needs to know that his son has grown up and is no longer the child who needs him to worry about, and that is enough!


for the rest of the time.

Yunhao has been practicing.

Yuntian Kuo is selling off the properties of the Mad Sword Martial Arts School.

He has made up his mind that he will not come back after going to Beihan County this time.

Two days later.


A chariot made of gold entered Liuyun City.

The cart was pulled by a mythical horse that was all white and had a single horn.

An old man following Che Chu came to Che Chu's curtain and said, "Master, Liuyun City has arrived."

Inside the car, a man sneered and said: "According to the news from our correspondent in Baodan Tower, Baodan Tower has found a health-preserving soup that can relieve the erysipelas in the alchemist's body.

This health-preserving soup was made by Yun Hao from the Mad Sword Martial Arts School in Liuyun City.

So, now go directly to the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, and I will meet the guy named Yun Hao in person.

If he is willing to join us in the Valley of Fire, everything is easy. If he is not willing, then... destroy him! "

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