God Hongtian

Chapter 719: Twins, the second heaven-defying supernatural power

Facing this great avenue to imbue the body, Yunhao instantly used the Taichu Creation Art with all his strength!

He directly used the power of the technique to forcibly use all the Dao aura that entered his body to temper his body!

The Dao Treasure Body controls a large number of principles and order, but for Yun Hao, it is not needed at all.

When the Taichu Creation Technique is practiced to a certain level, it will also have the same effect.

Therefore, at this time, he chose to temper his body and condense the sixth magical seed!

Nourished by the continuous aura of the avenue, Yun Hao's body gradually emitted the treasure light of the avenue, and the power of his energy and blood grew rapidly. The effect was even more amazing than the effect of swallowing the dragon and phoenix blood fruit some time ago!

Half an hour later, the sixth magical seed condensed!

Three hours later, the seventh magical seed condensed!

Another day has passed, and the eighth magical seed has been completely formed!

Yun Hao stepped into the high-level Taoist body in one fell swoop!

At this time, the aura of the avenue falling from the Tongtian Sacred Tree finally returned to normal levels.

Yunhao ended the operation of the Taichu Creation Art, calmed his mind, and sensed the three new magical seeds in his body.

I saw his palms spread out, and suddenly, endless thunder burst out from his hands!

The sixth magical seed, the thunder in the palm!

Then, with a wave of his hand, a real mountain appeared out of thin air, its thick aura was extremely majestic and majestic.

The seventh magical seed can move mountains!

The two magical powers of thunder in the palm and moving mountains are not too strong, but Yun Hao doesn't care too much.

Just enough!

Many times, some magical powers are almost useless.

Of course, the two gods of thunder in the palm and moving mountains

Tong, if Yun Hao's vitality is exhausted, it can still be of great use. After all, the power to stimulate magical powers has nothing to do with vitality.

As for the effect of the eighth magical seed, it is very useful!

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao inspired the eighth magical seed.

In an instant.

His body trembled.

Another him came out of his body.

The appearance, aura, and even strength...are exactly the same as him!

"Incarnation outside the body!"

The eighth magical power was the incarnation outside the body. Yun Hao seemed a little excited and shouted out.

This magical power has super practical functions.

"No, this is not an external incarnation!" At this moment, the sacred monument in Yunhao's dantian shook, and the mysterious woman's voice came out.

"Not an external incarnation?" Confusion appeared on Yun Hao's face.

"The external incarnation is just a top-level magical power. Your magical power, like your eternal golden body magical power, belongs to the heaven-defying level. The real name of this magical power is twins!"


"The external incarnation is actually just a clone. The core is still your body, but these twin magical powers, the two you, are your core and your body.

simply put.

The external avatar is actually different from your main body. When you use the external avatar, the main body is responsible for controlling the clone. If the enemy discovers your main body and destroys your main body, your external avatar will naturally take over. It’s gone.

But with twin powers, both are cores, and there is truly an extra you.

You don’t need to control this

, because you have the same power, the same thinking, and everything you have is exactly the same.

Even if the enemy kills one of you, whether you are the original body or you who were born with twin magical powers, you can still live normally. The price is just that you will no longer be able to use this magical power in a short period of time! "

The mysterious woman finished speaking.

Yunhao took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case!

This is a clone that has the same life and thoughts as him!

With the same thought, there is no need for him to control it. If it is released during battle, there will be no trace at all.

This is the clone that understands him best and can perfectly coordinate with his thoughts during battle!

"Then...will these twin magical powers have thoughts independent of mine?" Yun Hao asked.

This problem is serious!

"If this happens, it is not worthy of being called a heaven-defying magical power. The twin magical powers have a time limit. Each time the clone comes out, it can only last for a certain period of time.

The next time you use your twin magical powers, it will be a new beginning for your clone.

Moreover, it is said that you two are the same body, but... the real body is always you. No matter where the clone is, you can take it back or destroy it with just a thought. "

Yun Hao nodded: "Thank you for letting me know!"

The mysterious woman in the sacred monument: "I told you last time that when you reach the high-level treasure body, I will tell you all the secrets. Now that you have been promoted to the high-level treasure body, you will enter the sacred monument when you finish your affairs here. Inner space, I will tell you what you want to know,

All give you a clear answer! "

"Okay!" Yun Hao responded.

He really wanted to find out about the secrets of the divine monument and the immortal war spirits of the human race!

The conversation between Yun Hao and the mysterious woman ended here.

Then he looked at the other version of himself born from the twin magical powers, and began to carefully explore the mystery of this magical power.

If used properly, it is tantamount to gaining an extra life.

Moreover, even if it is destroyed, you can continue to use it after a while, which means you have a lot more lives!

An hour later.

He, who was born with twin magical powers, suddenly turned into a wisp of smoke and drifted away.

Obviously, the time it can last is one hour.

Just like the magical power seeds of the eternal golden body, after one use, the light of the magical power seeds dims, and you need to wait for the mysterious energy in the magical power to recover before you can continue to use it.

After basically understanding the mystery of the twin magical powers, Yunhao jumped up and rushed higher to the crown of the Tongtian Sacred Tree!

He is going to find the true fruit of the great avenue!

Time passes day by day.

In the blink of an eye.

There is only half a day left before the light of the avenue disappears.

Yunhao finally came down from the canopy of the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

The true fruit of the great avenue has been found!

But now it's too late to refine and absorb it.

Therefore, he directly stored the true fruit of the Great Dao in the inner world of the Hidden Edge Sword Sheath.

Because, as Yun Ritian, he hunted people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land from the tenth circle, all the way to the first circle.

He now has to go back to the tenth lap.

When the light of the avenue completely dissipates, he will leave the tenth circle as Jian Hongchen.


In this way, it can be seamless.

As Yun Hao went down the Great Avenue Ladder, he sensed that Long Kuang, Lu Chaoyuan and others were all still practicing near the Great Avenue Ladder.

Yun Hao activated the dragon spirit in his body and sent a message to Long Kuang: "Help me lead these people away!"

Long Kuang understood immediately, stood up, and geared up. He walked towards Lu Chaoyuan and said excitedly: "The glory of this avenue will disappear soon. I thought about it, let's have a fight, Lu Chaoyuan, come on, one-on-one!"

Lu Chaoyuan raised his eyebrows.

Long Kuang didn't care whether he agreed or not. He roared, waved his fist and rushed over.

"Looking for a fight!"

Lu Chaoyuan snorted coldly and swung his sword to meet the attack.

With one move, Long Kuang's body was blown away.

"Lu Chaoyuan, I'll fuck your ancestor!" Long Kuang cursed angrily and immediately used the Heavenly Shadow Step to retreat.

Lu Chaoyuan was furious and immediately chased after him.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly followed to watch the excitement. Everyone wanted to see how strong Lu Chaoyuan was now, after being blessed by the dragon on the ladder to heaven!

As people are led away.

Yunhao immediately came down from the Dao Ladder and left the first circle... It didn't take long before he returned to the tenth circle and found Yi Shengnan who was still practicing in the Dao Acupoint.

At this time, Yi Shengnan has indeed achieved a breakthrough, and now has the cultivation level of the heavenly realm!

"Junior Brother Hongchen!"

When Yi Shengnan noticed Yun Hao's appearance, he immediately ended his practice and said excitedly: "I...I succeeded!"

Yun Hao: "Congratulations, senior sister."

at this time.

The glory of the avenue begins to dissipate!

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