God Hongtian

Chapter 718: Climb to the top, Tao Yun imbues the body

Lu Chaoyuan knelt on the ground piously, his eyes full of excitement.

Although the chance of this divine tree reaching the sky is almost all related to the great road, it seems a bit unexpected that such a powerful divine dragon suddenly appears, but why do you care about him so much?

As long as it’s a chance!

Even for the people in Donghuang Tongtian City, being involved with the Dragon Clan is a great blessing.

The golden eyes of the golden dragon stared straight at Lu Chaoyuan with a cold light. At this moment, Yun Hao suddenly changed his mind.

He doesn't want to kill Lu Chaoyuan anymore!

Killing Lu Chaoyuan was nothing more than a trivial matter to him.

This kind of insidious guy is self-righteous, thinks he is very powerful, and although his calculations are very clever, he is just a clown, sitting in a well and watching the sky.

But to the people who trained him in Wudian, Lu Chaoyuan was a heavy chess piece.

Yun Hao knew Lu Chaoyuan's identity in the Martial Palace.

These things, he heard Lin Xiaofeng mention a few words when he was in the Martial Palace a few days ago.

Lu Chaoyuan is the descendant of the deputy master of the Martial Palace, and he is the leader of the younger generation of the Martial Palace recommended by them.

In other words, Yun Hao wanted to help Di Fei reorganize the Martial Palace, and the power of Lu Chaoyuan and his faction were destined to be on opposite sides.

Lu Chaoyuan is the prince of that faction!

If... I take action now and kill this so-called Prince of Martial Palace

I am in control of the game, and when the time comes, at the critical moment, it may play a vital role!

Therefore, Yun Hao spoke in the form of a divine dragon: "Humble little guy, it's your luck to be able to see me. I will give you a blessing today!"

The words fell.

The breath of the dragon!

A breath of dragon breath instantly turned into a golden mark, rushing towards Lu Chaoyuan's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lu Chaoyuan's first instinctive reaction was to open his sea of ​​consciousness and let this breath of divine dragon enter his sea of ​​consciousness.

The dragon's breath that entered Lu Chaoyuan's sea of ​​consciousness instantly turned into a golden dragon mark, and was directly integrated into Lu Chaoyuan's soul!

"The opportunity has been given to you. Whether you can understand the mystery depends on your own qualifications and understanding. If you can understand something, maybe you can get the guidance of the Dragon Clan and go to the ancestral land of the Dragon Clan to practice. !" Yun Hao spoke again.

This made Lu Chaoyuan extremely excited.

He briefly sensed the dragon mark in his soul, but nothing was sensed, but precisely because of this, it meant that this opportunity was definitely not simple.

You know, he is a genius, a super genius. From childhood to adulthood, he can easily learn many extremely advanced skills and martial arts.

This was the first time in his life that he had encountered something that he couldn't sense at all for a while!

Shenlong also said that if he could understand it, he would still have the opportunity to get the guidance of the dragon clan and go to the ancestral land of the dragon clan to cultivate.


Dragon clan...

A force that can make all holy places bow their heads!

Even the current emperor Yang Tianhua does not dare to provoke the dragon clan. When it comes to dealing with the dragon clan, the emperor Yang Tianhua of the first generation can only be polite and discuss things nicely!

"Okay, the opportunity has been given to you, you can go." Shenlong spoke again.

"This..." Lu Chaoyuan turned to look at the higher avenue ladder.

Although it would be much more difficult to go up next, he could at least go up one more level.

On this sixth level, you have already received the blessing of the dragon.

He is eager to reach the seventh level to obtain greater opportunities.

"If greed is enough, the snake will swallow the elephant!" Shenlong snorted coldly, with a hint of coldness in his tone, and the power of the dragon exploded.

Lu Chaoyuan was so frightened that his whole body went limp and broke into cold sweat. How could he dare to offend Shenlong? He hurriedly kowtowed: "Dragon God, calm down, Dragon God, calm down, I was greedy, I shouldn't... I know I was wrong, I'm going down now!"

After saying that, he immediately stood up and walked downwards. Because his legs were so frightened that they became weak, he just rolled all the way down...

When Lu Chaoyuan fell to the platform on the fifth floor, he neither saw Zhuge Wuwang nor Yun Ritian.

"Could it be that... we all died together?" Lu Chaoyuan thought to himself, then he straightened his clothes and messy hair, dealt with the bruised nose and face from the fall, and then walked down calmly.


Soon, Lu Chaoyuan completely left the Avenue of Heaven Ladder.

"Senior Brother Lu...Senior Brother Lu..."

A genius from the Martial Palace hurriedly came forward and said, "Senior Brother Lu, what happened on this great ladder to heaven?"

Lu Chaoyuan said calmly: "When opportunity comes, only those with great luck can climb up. If you can't climb up, don't be depressed. Not everyone has amazing luck!"

The genius of the Martial Arts Hall immediately showed shock: "Senior Brother Lu, did you get a chance up there...?"

At this time, the two geniuses from Source Tower and Long Kuang looked at Lu Chaoyuan curiously.

Lu Chaoyuan put one hand behind his back and said with an inscrutable look: "The opportunity has come to me. With this opportunity in hand, not to mention Donghuang, even in the entire Cang Realm, I am the number one among the younger generation!"

Say it.

Lu Chaoyuan asked: "By the way, I suppressed Zhuge Wuwang and Yun Ritian just before I got the chance. Have they ever come down?"

Hearing this, everyone was even more shocked!

Lu Chaoyuan actually has the strength to suppress Yun Ritian and Zhuge Wuwang?

The genius of Wudian quickly shook his head and said: "I didn't see Yun Ritian and Zhuge Wuwang."

Lu Chaoyuan was determined and said: "It seems that after they were defeated by me, they started fighting each other again. They fought hard and died together, and they were wiped out together."

At this time, Long Kuang muttered: "Dare I ask this man named Lu, how did you suppress Zhuge Wu?"

Are you fooling around with Yun Ri Tian? "

Brother Hongchen is dead?

Long Kuangcai didn't believe it.

Although he couldn't see the situation above, his Tianlong bloodline clearly sensed that the amazing dragon spirit energy still existed!

Lu Chaoyuan: "Some people have been low-key, but that doesn't mean they are not strong enough. When the time comes, they will naturally shine brightly, suppress all directions, and then embark on a road to be invincible in the world!"

Long Kuang curled his lips: "What you said is not as domineering as the sentence Luo Qingtian engraved on him: Luo Qingtian is here to urinate!"

Lu Chaoyuan: "..."

A genius from Yuanta couldn't help but ask: "Master Lu, what is your opportunity?"

There is nothing unspeakable. Lu Chaoyuan raised his head slightly, a mysterious light appeared on his face, and said: "Blessing from the dragon!"

As soon as they heard the word Shenlong, the two geniuses from Yuanta and another genius from Wudian felt a little strange, but they both looked envious.

But Long Kuang showed a strange smile.

Blessing from the dragon?

Bless you!

It must be Brother Hongchen who turned into a golden dragon and deceived this fool!


The tenth floor of the Avenue Ladder.

When Yun Hao stepped here, he had already entered the canopy of the Tongtian Sacred Tree!

Surrounded by branches filled with mysterious light, and leaves with golden veins.

Endless Taoist charms were poured into his body, creating for him a Taoist treasure body that is close to the Taoism and order!

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