God Hongtian

Chapter 702 Brothers’ Promise

Di Fei, who killed the Demon Emperor with one sword, was like a child waiting for the praise of his parents.

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Handsome, he can almost catch up with me back then!"


Di Fei could no longer control the turbulent emotions in his heart and rushed to Yun Hao, opening his arms and wanting to hug his most respected eldest brother.

However, Di Fei's body passed directly through Yun Hao's body.

Yun Hao's body is just a projection of a ray of perception.

Di Fei felt disappointed.

Yun Hao: "Xiao Fei, I will come to the abyss to find you soon. Then we two brothers will level the abyss together!"

Di Fei nodded heavily.

"Xiao Fei, tell me, why did you come to the abyss alone?" Yun Hao asked.

Di Fei: "Brother, I want to eradicate the demon clan."

Yun Hao was silent for a moment and said: "Xiao Fei, you are still the same as before, you don't know how to lie."

If Di Fei really wanted to completely eradicate the demons, then he would never come to the abyss alone. Instead, he would have to be fully prepared and unite a large number of forces to attack the abyss together.

Yun Hao: "You must have come to the abyss because of something related to me. I know that before you came in, you found Cang Yao and got the sword bone left by my previous life!"

Di Fei: "Brother, have you found Cang Yao?"

Yun Hao: "Don't change the subject, tell me. In the past, you would never hide anything from me."

Di Fei: "Brother, how much strength have you recovered now?"

Yun Hao: "It doesn't matter how much my strength has been restored. What's important is that I want to know the truth!"

Di Fei: "Brother, please forgive me. Before you return to the imperial realm, there is no way you can

No matter what, I won't say anything, even if you hit me, scold me, even if you put a sword on my neck, I won't say anything! "

His attitude was extremely determined.

Yun Hao sighed and said: "Xiao Fei, Qinglan looked for you. After she looked for you, you went to Cang Yao and took away the sword bone left by my previous life... Then tell me , where did Qinglan go?"

Di Fei showed pain on his face and said: "When Sister Qinglan came to look for me... she had just come back from the Heavenly Palace. At that time, her origin... was close to drying up. After she asked me, she... left..."

Empress Qinglan was Yun Hao's beauty in her previous life.

Di Fei keeps calling Empress Qinglan Sister Qinglan...

At this moment, Yun Hao's figure fluctuated violently, and his emotions fluctuated violently...

Qinglan has been to the Tiangong, and his origin is close to being exhausted... Yunhao already knew it if Di Fei didn't say anything else!

Empress Qinglan... I'm afraid she has also... fallen!

Empress Qinglan must have known something important when she went to the Heavenly Palace, so she tried her best to find Di Fei, the only one she could trust before she ran out of life. Then Di Fei came to the abyss alone at all costs for this matter.

Yunhao wanted to know the truth behind it even more.

But he knew Difei very well.

Difei is a person who accepts death. Once he makes a decision, he will never change it!

Difei: "Brother, what exactly is going on with you?"

Yun Hao briefly explained the situation, and even told Di Fei about the sacred monument.

For Di Fei, he was like this before and would not hide anything, and it is the same now.

Difei is the brother who truly lives his life.

The two came out of a difficult environment together, grew up together, and relied on each other. On the way to growth, Di Fei fought for him more times than he could count.


Yun Hao directly passed on the Taichu Creation Technique to Di Fei.

“Xiao Fei, it’s impossible for you to practice this inheritance now.

The power of this inheritance can erase the shackles glyphs imposed by those bastards in the Heavenly Palace on the vitality of heaven and earth. You can combine it with your Wu Sheng swordsmanship and try to see if you can first eliminate some of the shackles glyphs in your body.

If it doesn't work, don't worry. I will personally take action in the future to remove the shackles and runes in your body. When the time comes, I will help you open the door to becoming a god! "

Di Fei: "Okay, when the time comes, let's go to the Heavenly Palace together and kill all those bastards!"

Yun Hao nodded and said: "In this life, I will never make the same mistakes again. I will destroy the Heavenly Palace and carve out a path to becoming a god for the human race!"

Di Fei suddenly sighed: "It would be great if there was wine at this time... Let us two brothers have a good drink... It's a pity, I didn't expect to stay here for so long. The wine in the storage ring has already been drunk." It’s over.”

Yunhao looked at Difei and fell into silence.

Difei didn't just drink all the wine in the storage ring?

He had even used up all the elixirs used to heal his wounds and restore his strength.

Even... his Wusheng Emperor Sword was gone and was broken in the battle. The sword he was using now was not the Wusheng Emperor Sword at all, and this sword was almost broken.

In front of him, Di Fei showed no sign of weakness or pain.

But how could Yunhao not know?

All of this is Di Fei's disguise.

his real situation

, it has already become extremely bad!

Especially just now, in order to kill a demon emperor, the sword attack he made was tantamount to a serious overdraft of life force for him!

"By the way, brother, if your sensory projection can enter here, it means that you have entered the main hall of the Martial Palace in Tongtian City. How is the Martial Palace now?"

The Martial Palace is Di Fei’s hard work.

But Di Fei just let go of Wu Dian in order to come to the abyss to do an important thing. Even so, he still left the origin of the contract in Wu Dian and continued to provide power to Wu Dian. Until now, he really couldn't hold on anymore. Already...

Yunhao didn't want to make Di Fei feel uncomfortable anymore.

Then he said: "The Martial Palace is very good. People are united and powerful. It has killed demons in various places and is highly praised. In Tongtian City, even the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land can only retreat when facing the Martial Palace!"

Hearing this, a heartfelt smile appeared on Di Fei's face.

Yun Hao thought to himself: "Xiao Fei, wait until I come to take you out of the abyss. When you return to Tongtian City, I guarantee that the Martial Palace you see will be what I told you!"

"By the way, there is one more thing. Brother, please help me. My disciple Lin Xiaofeng is a good person who is naturally suitable for practicing Wusheng Swordsmanship, but his qualifications are not very good. I have prepared an opportunity for him. To improve my strength, when I came to the abyss, I thought I would be able to go back soon, so I didn’t tell him in advance. Fortunately, you are here. Please help me tell him the location of the hidden opportunity! "

Di Fei then told Yun Hao the information about the hidden opportunity.

Yun Hao: "I have met him. He is very good. He is worthy of being the successor of Wu Sheng Swordsmanship that you chose, Xiao Fei."


Brother, I have always wanted to kill that bastard of the Holy Lord of the Eastern Wasteland, but that old turtle has become the lackey of the Tiangong. With the magic weapon of protection given by the Tiangong, I can't kill him. Not only him, but also several other dogs! "Difei said.

Yun Hao: "It's okay, they won't live long."

"Yeah!" Di Fei nodded excitedly and said, "Brother, I really look forward to the day when I can fight side by side with you again!"

Yun Hao: "Then you must hold on and wait for me!"

Di Fei: "Yes, although I can't leave here, I am very safe. These trash from the demon clan can't do anything to me. Brother, you also saw the sword I made just now, how handsome it is!"

Yun Hao: "Xiao Fei, I have something to do outside. I'm going out first. You must remember what you promised me. When I come over, we will fight side by side again!"

"Brother, I'm waiting for you!"


" must!"

next moment.

Yun Hao's illusory figure dispersed.

He had to go.

If he doesn't leave, Di Fei will have to hold on. His condition is extremely bad. Every time he holds on for a moment, he will be in great pain!

Yun Hao did not expose him.

As a brother, how can you not give your brother face?

Therefore, before he left, he repeatedly asked Di Fei to hold on and wait for him!

After the projection of Yun Hao's perception dissipated.


Di Fei's whole body was shaking violently, and a large mouthful of black blood spurted out from his mouth. He staggered, and barely managed to use the broken sword to pierce the ground to support himself, so that he did not fall down.

"Brother... I will hold on... I promised sister Qinglan, and I will definitely do whatever I promise you!"

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