God Hongtian

Chapter 701: Brother, is my sword handsome?

Originally, the place where the origin of the contract seal was stored in the main hall of the Martial Palace was listed as the highest-level forbidden area by the Martial Palace.

Ordinary people wouldn't even think of getting close.

Even Lin Xiaofeng, the only person who inherited the Wu Sheng swordsmanship, didn't just go in.

But as the deed seal expired, the Martial Palace Headquarters no longer cared so much about this forbidden area. With Lin Xiaofeng leading the way, it was extremely smooth to enter.

The origin of the contract seal of Wudian is a sword energy.

This sword energy is suspended in the secret room.

"Before the contract seal expired, the sword energy left by the teacher always exuded an extremely terrifying edge.

But now... it no longer has the edge, has lost its light, and continues to become illusory.

Although I come every day to cultivate this sword energy with the power of Wu Sheng Kendo, my strength is simply unable to maintain this sword energy. If this continues, in a few months at most, this sword energy will completely disappear. . "

Lin Xiaofeng looked at the sword energy in front of him, his expression full of emotion, and said: "My qualifications are actually very dull. I don't know why the teacher took a fancy to me in the first place and accepted me as a disciple... and taught me Wusheng Sword Technique.

I won’t be afraid of making fun of you if you tell me.

More than a thousand years ago, under the guidance of my teacher in every possible way, I touched the threshold of Mu Sheng Kendo.

Then the teacher went to the abyss.

It took me nearly a thousand years to finally enter the door of Wusheng Kendo.

Compared with the teacher's other two disciples... one of them is already a perfect saint, and another has even stepped into the imperial realm, but as the successor of Wusheng Swordsmanship, I am still only in the tribulation realm. Cultivation,

I failed to live up to the teacher's high expectations. "

Facing the sword energy left by Di Fei, Lin Xiaofeng was filled with emotion, feeling unworthy of Di Fei's love and blaming himself.

Yun Hao said calmly: "Senior Lin, in the process of practicing Wusheng Swordsmanship, have you ever shown any signs of being unable to control your desire to kill?"

Lin Xiaofeng thought for a while and shook his head: "No..."

Yun Hao: "This should be the reason why Master Di taught you Wusheng Swordsmanship. Wusheng Swordsmanship is the swordsmanship of killing. When the sword comes out, all life will be extinguished!"

This is not a kendo that everyone can practice!

If you practice Wusheng Kendo, if you are not careful, you will become a slave of Wusheng Sword, be dominated by Wusheng Sword, and turn into a killing demon.

But you have never shown any signs of being dominated by killing... This proves that you are indeed the most suitable candidate to practice Wusheng Swordsmanship.

As for the slow improvement of cultivation level, this is not important.

You have truly stepped into the gate of Wusheng Swordsmanship. You have already passed the most difficult level. Improving your cultivation level is just a matter of course. When you enter the holy realm, with the power of Wusheng Swordsmanship, you can reach the ordinary level. The Holy City cannot be your opponent.

If you reach the level of a great sage, you can definitely kill the emperor with Wusheng Sword Technique! "

Lin Xiaofeng suddenly felt enlightened when he heard Yun Hao's words. At the same time, he looked at Yun Hao with even more confusion: "You... seem to know Wu Sheng Kendo very well?"

Yun Hao: "These are just my guesses."

Just a perfunctory sentence.

There is no need to say more.

Whether Lin Xiaofeng believes it or not, there is no need to explain more.

"Senior Lin, I'm starting."

Lin Xiaofeng: "

Do you need my help? "

Yun Hao nodded: "Use your Wusheng Sword Technique to temporarily give this sword energy an edge!"

Yun Hao can do this kind of thing himself.

After all, in this world, apart from Di Fei himself, he is the one who knows Wusheng Swordsmanship best.

But having a ready-made helper nearby can save him a lot of effort, and there is no need to make himself too tired.

Lin Xiaofeng immediately concentrated his mind and fired a sword light in an instant. The sword light rushed into the dim sword aura left by Di Fei.


The sword energy trembled slightly, and a faint edge slowly emerged.

"Xiao Fei, I'm here to find you!" Yun Hao seemed calm, but in fact, his inner emotions were extremely complicated.

He told Cang Yao that after Cang Yao's Nine Hell Demonic Body was unified, they would go to the abyss together to find Di Fei.

But...the unification of Cang Yao's nine hell demon bodies is not an easy task, and it also takes time, so it cannot be completed so quickly.

Now, Yunhao couldn't wait to contact Di Fei in the abyss.

He was worried and nervous, fearing that he would not be able to contact Di Fei... After all, last time he sensed that Di Fei's situation in the abyss was not optimistic!

Yun Hao collected his thoughts and suppressed distracting thoughts. The next moment, his mental power suddenly swept out from the sea of ​​consciousness and rushed into the sword energy.

This is the seal left by Di Fei.

The power of the seal comes from Di Fei himself.

Therefore, there is an unknown passage between the origin of the seal and Di Fei!

Yun Hao's mental power rushed into the sword energy, and he soon discovered the passage. He used his mental power to simulate the power of Wusheng Sword Dao and merged into the passage.

Follow this passage, spanning thousands of miles, and head to the abyss!

Maybe a long time passed.

Maybe just for a moment.


Yun Hao's perception rushed out of the passage and descended into a dark space.


The true birthplace of the demon clan!

The base camp of the demons is located!

Surrounded by a complex formation.

This formation was arranged by Di Fei to connect to the origin of the contract seal he left in the main hall of the Martial Palace.

As long as Di Fei returns to this formation, his power can be transferred to the origin of the seal through the formation, and then provide blessings to the people of the Martial Palace!

Yun Hao's perception condensed into an illusory figure, and he did not find Di Fei's figure within the scope of this formation.

But he couldn't go out and look for it.

This ray of his perception cannot leave this formation at all, otherwise, he will be instantly overwhelmed by the omnipresent demonic energy in the abyss!

The fact that the formation arranged by Di Fei is still there means that Di Fei is still alive. Otherwise, the power of the demons would have destroyed this formation long ago.

All Yunhao can do now is wait!

A quarter of an hour……

Two quarters of an hour...

Three quarters of an hour...

The clock is ticking.

Yunhao was waiting anxiously!

He is so eager to reunite with his good brothers!

He also wanted to know why his good brother came to the abyss alone!

For what purpose? Why did he bring the only sword bone left after his death in his previous life before coming to the abyss?



A huge explosion erupted.

Immediately afterwards, an extremely terrifying air wave hit.

A figure followed

Flying upside down with the air wave, he landed heavily in the formation.

Dressed in black, the sword in his hand had cracked, and his whole body was covered in blood stains!

After this figure landed, he stood up instantly.

The straight waist seems to have never understood what it means to bend down!

"Xiao Fei..."

Yun Hao called softly, and countless emotions were poured into this call.

Di Fei's body trembled obviously.

But at this moment, the majestic demonic energy rolled in...

"Today, your uncle and I are happy, so...I am going to kill a demon emperor kid to add to the fun!"

Di Fei shouted, and in an instant, an indescribable heroism burst out from his body. The shattered sword in his hand slashed at the majestic demonic energy rushing in front of him!

Wu Sheng Sword Dao bloomed at its peak power at this moment!

He didn't turn around.

But he knew that his big brother was coming.

Last time, Yun Hao had a momentary connection with him through the power of the seal.

Therefore, Di Fei has confirmed that his eldest brother is still alive. When his eldest brother comes this time, he is only excited, without any surprises or doubts!

Now that big brother is here...

Of course, I have to kill a top demon emperor to reunite the brothers... Congratulations!

The ten thousand-foot-long sword energy was like the Milky Way that penetrated the heaven and earth, tearing apart the endless darkness of the abyss and scattering the surging terrifying demonic energy.

The powerful demon emperor in the demonic aura was wiped out in ashes!

Di Fei killed the Demon Emperor with a sword, turned around, looked at Yun Hao's illusory figure, his eyes were red, and he forced a smile on his resolute face, and said: "Brother, was that handsome sword strike I just made?"

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