God Hongtian

Chapter 689: Sending Sister, Yuanta

Yun Hao and Luo Yiyi took Long Kuang back to the Wan Jian Men's base, and then Yun Hao personally arranged Long Kuang's accommodation.

After Yun Hao finished his work, he returned to his residence. Luo Yiyi was playing with a wild cat in the yard.

The wild cat's little paws were restlessly pressing and rubbing in Luo Yiyi's arms... having a lot of fun.

"When do you plan to go to the Source Tower?" Luo Yiyi asked.

Yun Hao: "Tomorrow."

Luo Yiyi hummed and said, "You should know nothing about the information of the Source Tower."

Yun Hao nodded.

Luo Yiyi said: "In the entire East Wilderness, except for you, there are a total of eight known Source Heavenly Masters, five of whom are from the Source Tower.

The tower master of the Source Tower, named Gu Tong, is the most powerful of the five Source Heavenly Masters. Gu Tong's ancestor was Gu Yaoqi, a legendary Source Heavenly Master who was once in the entire Cang Realm!"

Hearing this, Yun Hao's eyes flashed!

Gu Yaoqi, he knew!

He was considered half of his disciple in the Source Technique!

Back then, Yun Hao saw no hope of becoming a martial arts god, so he tried every possible way to start from other aspects. His achievements in the source art reached the pinnacle, and he was proud of all the source masters in the world.

At that time, Gu Yaoqi was just a young man who had just entered the field of source masters.

He had a tough character, excellent comprehension, and a good character, so Yun Hao taught him half of the Daoyuan Sutra!

But he never thought that Gu Yaoqi's descendant Gu Tong would be the owner of the source tower in Tongtian City today!

Luo Yi continued, "This Gu Tong has lived for a long time. It is said that because he has been exposed to too many taboo powers, he has been entangled by taboos, so he has not appeared in Tongtian City for hundreds of years. But even so, Gu Tong's deterrence remains undiminished. As long as he is not dead, no one in the Source Tower dares to have a different heart. Even if the East Wasteland Holy Land has always wanted to bring the Source Tower under its command, they can only think about it. An old generation of Source Heaven Master who has lived for a long time is very terrifying. If this level of existence is willing, it can create a life restricted area at any time!" After introducing the general situation of the Source Tower, Luo Yi then began to focus on explaining some details. For example, the Source Tower is a force composed of source masters in Tongtian City, but there is indeed a nine-story pagoda in the Source Tower, named Source Tower. The quota that the East Tian League took out at the Qingyun Banquet is the opportunity to enter that nine-story Source Tower. The source master of the Source Tower put a lot of treasures mined from the source stone in it. But the first to third floors are all relatively ordinary things. The fourth to sixth floors store treasures mined from the disaster source stone.

The seventh floor involves forbidden source stones, and the eighth floor is extremely precious among the forbidden treasures!

As for the ninth floor, no one has ever been there. Except for the few source masters in the source tower, no one knows the situation on the ninth floor.

And everyone who gets the opportunity to enter the source tower must rely on themselves to go up from the first floor. The level they can reach depends on their strength. According to the rules of the source tower, no matter who enters, they can take one thing away.

After the introduction, Luo Yiyi looked at Yun Hao meaningfully: "If you force your way in with your strength, you can only reach the fifth floor at most, but you are still a source master, maybe you have the hope of reaching the eighth floor!"


In one day.

What happened at the Qingyun Banquet spread throughout Tongtian City.

The performance of Luo Yiyi and Long Kuang amazed everyone.

And the Wanjianmen Saint Jian Hongchen... made people feel very complicated.

Say he is weak... He has proved that he is not as weak as everyone thinks. Even Lai Jie, the Saint of Shengquan Sect who ranks 91st on the Qingyun List, was easily suppressed by him.

But saying he is strong... is not enough. Many people estimate that even if he bursts out with all his strength, he will only be ranked 80th on the Qingyun List at best.

But... Jian Hongchen won the first place in this Qingyun Banquet and has a place to enter the Source Tower!

Yesterday Jian Hongchen relied on the golden bird and the big fat cat.

Today Jian Hongchen relies on Luo Yiyi and Long Kuang...

The East Wasteland Holy Land is stationed in Tongtian City.

Ye Wei, an elder at the level of the Great Saint, almost had his teeth broken by his bite.

"Waste, a bunch of waste, the face of the East Wasteland Holy Land has been lost by you!" Ye Wei roared.

In front of him, Bi Xuan and Lin Guangxiong knelt on their knees, not daring to breathe.

Ye Wei cursed for almost half an hour before stopping.

Lin Guangxiong: "Grandmaster... We didn't expect that Jian Hongchen would have two such powerful people around him this time..."

Bi Xuan also said cautiously: "Especially that Dragon Madman, I suspect he has the strength to enter the top five of the Qingyun List..."

Ye Wei shouted again: "I don't want to hear why you lost so shamefully. If you still want to make excuses for your failure, I can use the life order to restore you, and I can also use the life order to turn you into two dead people!"

"Grandmaster, calm down..."

"Elder, calm down..."

Lin Guangxiong and Bi Xuan were so scared that they kowtowed quickly.

"Grandmaster... I still have a way to deal with Jian Hongchen..." Lin Guangxiong said with a pale face.


Lin Guangxiong: "There is a guy at the Source Tower who has a good relationship with me. He has liked a woman in our East Wasteland Holy Land for a long time. As long as we send the person to him, he will definitely help.

Wait for Jian Hongchen to go to the Source Tower, let him operate in secret and kill Jian Hongchen directly..."

"Who is the woman he likes?" Ye Wei shouted coldly.

Lin Guangxiong glanced at Bi Xuan, and then said: "Bi Lan!"

Bi Xuan's eyes suddenly widened and he glared at Lin Guangxiong.

Bi Lan is her sister!

Ye Wei: "Bixuan, do you have any objections?"

Bi Xuan instantly trembled all over and said hurriedly: "No objection... It is her honor for my sister-in-law to work for Elder Ye, and it is also our Bi family's honor..."

Ye Wei snorted coldly and said: "Lin Guangxiong, Bi Xuan, you two should handle this matter together!"




The next day.

Ancestor Jinghong of Wanjian Sect personally took Yun Hao to the Source Pagoda.

Source Tower is a very powerful force.

They have huge influence in Tongtian City, and their headquarters is located in the West City area of ​​Tongtian City.

There are only two forces stationed in the entire Xicheng area, Yuan Pagoda is one of them, and the other one is the main hall of Martial Palace.

As for the Dongcheng area, there is only one Dongtian League.

Counting the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land occupying the Nancheng area, in fact, only the Beicheng area is where all forces have settled.

Soon, Ancestor Jinghong and Yun Hao, led by a Source Master from the Source Tower, arrived at the huge square where the nine-story Source Tower was located.

The nine-story Source Tower stands in the square, with each floor ninety-nine feet high.

The exterior is engraved with complex lines, which is simple and grand, conveying the vicissitudes of time.

This nine-story Source Tower is itself a top-notch imperial treasure!

At this time, a middle-aged man and a young man came forward.

"Senior Jinghong, long time no see." The middle-aged man said hello with a smile.

Ancestor Jinghong smiled and nodded, then looked at Yun Hao and introduced: "Hongchen, this is Zhang Ping, the top source master of Source Tower."

Yun Hao cupped his hands and said, "I have met Master Zhang Yuan."

Zhang Ping looked at Yun Hao and said with a smile: "He is indeed a talented person with outstanding temperament. Jian Hongchen, let Quanzi Zhangyang take you into the Source Tower!"

Yun Hao: "Thank you."

The young man behind Zhang Ping, Zhang Yang, looked at Yun Hao: "Jian Hongchen, come with me."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the entrance of Source Tower.

Zhang Yang, who had his back turned to everyone, suddenly had a sinister look in his eyes!

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