God Hongtian

Chapter 688 Poor acting skills

On the high platform, Long Kuang walked to the side of the flag and pulled it out.

Wang Fu, the elder of the Dongtian League, said: "Carry Bi Xuan and the kid named Lin Guangxiong away and send them back to the Donghuang Holy Land immediately. Their injuries are too serious. Let the Donghuang Holy Land treat them."

The remaining people from the Donghuang Holy Land were all angry but dared not speak.

Long Kuang: "Come up and fight me quickly."

No one dared to say a word.

Long Kuang: "The one wearing blue clothes and holding a fan in his hand, you are staring at me, do you want to fight me? Come up quickly!"

"I... I am not your opponent, I admit defeat!" The guy who was stared at by Long Kuang said hurriedly.

He was a person from the Donghuang Holy Land, staring at Long Kuang, of course, because he was very angry, but if he really asked him to go up and fight Long Kuang, he would not dare to do it even if he had ten courage.

Even Bi Xuan was beaten like a turtle grandson by Long Kuang, what could he use to fight?

Long Kuang pointed at another person and said, "You... will you fight me?"

"I... I am not your opponent, I admit defeat!"

Long Kuang looked at Wang Fu with a distressed expression and said, "You lied to me. You said that the geniuses on the Qingyun list are not only good at fighting, but also very courageous. But now it seems that only Bi Xuan is brave. He was beaten by me for so long and almost died before he admitted defeat. No one else can do it!"

Wang Fu: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Then, Long Kuang pointed at one person after another and asked them if they dared to go on stage.

No one dared, and they all admitted defeat decisively.

Although admitting defeat is embarrassing, it is not so embarrassing if everyone admits defeat together.

Except Yun Hao and Luo Yiyi, all the others were pointed at and asked by Long Kuang.

Long Kuang looked at Wang Fu and said, "Can these people who have admitted defeat come up to grab the flag later?" Wang Fu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "No, admitting defeat is considered giving up the qualification to fight for the flag!" Long Kuang nodded, and then looked at the position of Luo Yiyi and Yun Hao. "Jian Hongchen, I want to fight you!" Luo Yiyi: "I will fight you!" Yun Hao: "No, I will do it!" As soon as the voice fell, Yun Hao's figure flashed and flew to the high platform. Luo Yiyi's beautiful eyes flickered, and she thought to herself, "Do you have confidence even against such a strong opponent? Jian Hongchen, how much strength have you hidden?" A group of people around had complicated expressions. They were pointed at by Long Kuang and asked if they wanted to fight, and they all admitted their fear decisively. But Jian Hongchen went up... If this spread out, wouldn't it make people think that their courage was not as good as Jian Hongchen? Someone immediately said sourly: "This Jian Hongchen wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of losing to Bi Xuan to get rid of the label of a coward, but failed. Now he wants to find Long Kuang to get rid of this label!"

"He is really scheming and has no ability. He always wants to use being beaten to establish his personality. The Holy Son of Wanjianmen is simply a shameless person!"

"There are only these crooked ways in his mind, which is embarrassing!"

"Even Bi Xuan can't take his punch. A waste like Jian Hongchen might be beaten to death by Long Kuang?"

"Hahaha, that's funny. He wanted to get a reputation by being beaten, but was beaten to death. This is definitely the biggest joke in the history of the entire East Wilderness!"

All kinds of mocking voices rang out.

On the high platform, Long Kuang stared at Yun Hao with a solemn expression and said: "I am injured, very seriously injured, but I will still go all out!"

Yun Hao nodded: "Okay!"

Long Kuang took a deep breath: "Then you have to be careful!"

The voice fell.

Long Kuang growled, and punched Yun Hao. The punch just came out. "Ah!" Long Kuang screamed, and the punch collapsed. "It hurts so much, I was seriously injured, and now the injury has exploded, and I can't suppress it anymore... Jian Hongchen, I lost, the flag is yours!" Long Kuang said, and threw the flag directly to Yun Hao. Yun Hao: "..." At this moment, everyone present was confused, their scalps were numb, and their heads were buzzing. This operation... It's too fake! Can it be more fake? Long Kuang looked at the people around him a little embarrassedly and said, "Doesn't it look like it?" Everyone was speechless. The next moment, Long Kuang's arm was filled with blood and blood, and blood vessels burst instantly... In the blink of an eye, the whole arm was bloody. Long Kuang: "It hurts so much, my injury is too serious, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to faint..."

After saying that, Long Kuang jumped up, left the platform, and then found an empty table to sit down, picked up the things on the table and stuffed them into his mouth, and kept muttering: "I'm seriously injured, bleeding too much, and my body is weak. I have to eat more to replenish my body!"

On the platform.

Yun Hao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He didn't expect that Long Kuang would repay him in this way...

Yun Hao held the banner in his hand and looked at the confused Dongtian League Elder Wang Fu.

Luo Yiyi's voice rang out: "Elder Wang, everyone else has just abstained, hurry up and announce the result!"

Wang Fu came back to his senses, smiled helplessly, and then said: "The winner of this Qingyun Banquet is the Holy Son of Wanjianmen, Jian Hongchen!"


Yun Hao returned to his seat and sat with Luo Yiyi.

"What's your relationship with this Long Kuang?" Luo Yiyi asked curiously.

Yun Hao: "He is the person who came to our Wanjianmen base to look for me yesterday."

"Then what exactly did you do in the room yesterday?"

"Nothing has been done." A cheerful voice sounded, and Long Kuang came over and said, "Can I sit at your table?"

Yun Hao nodded.

Roy Yi looked unconvinced: "You really didn't do anything?"

Long Kuang grunted: "Yes, I promised Brother Jian Hongchen not to reveal secrets."

Yun Hao: "..."

Long Kuang suddenly said: "Isn't it a bit inappropriate for me to sit here? Everyone will suspect that I was deliberately pretending just now!"

Roy Yi couldn't help laughing and said: "It's okay, even if you don't sit here, everyone knows that you were just pretending!"


Roy Yi couldn't bear to attack Long Kuang, and said: "...Maybe you are too devoted to the performance, and overdoing it is not enough!"

Long Kuang showed a look of sudden realization and said: "I understand!"

Roy: "..."

What do you understand? I complained in my mind, but didn't ask any more questions.

In the past, the Qingyun Banquet every year was very lively, and geniuses from all walks of life would find ways to show off their skills, but the style of this year's Qingyun Banquet has completely changed.

There were only three games played in total.

The three battles can be said to be completely uninspiring, all of which were suppressed in an instant.

Jian Hongchen suppressed Lai Jie.

Roy suppressed Lin Guangxiong.

Long Kuang suppressed Bi Xuan.

Everyone was depressed and envious of this guy Jian Hongchen.

Even if he could defeat Lai Jie, his strength was good... But Jian Hongchen should have been disgraced and embarrassed today.

But... Jian Hongchen's luck is so good!

Yesterday, there were two perverted monsters beside Jian Hongchen who helped him survive the disaster.

Today, an incredibly beautiful and powerful girl, and a fool who looks innocent but is actually very evil... helped Jian Hongchen get a

A quota to enter the Source Tower.

What a chance to enter the Source Tower!

It just fell into Jian Hongchen's hands for nothing, and he got a huge advantage!

Where is Source Tower?

That was the territory established by the most powerful group of Yuan Tianshi in the Eastern Wasteland!

There are too many treasures in the Source Tower. These treasures are all rare things left over from the previous martial arts civilization!

But...even if you are not convinced, what can you do?

Roy Yi and Long Kuang stayed next to Jian Hongchen. No one dared to say another word, and they couldn't afford to offend him at all.

Soon, this boring and depressing Qingyun Banquet came to an end.

Wang Fu, the elder of the Eastern Sky Alliance, brought He Lin and Zhou Ying to Yunhao and the others.

Wang Fu: "Jian Hongchen, the Eastern Sky Alliance has passed the news to Source Pagoda. You can go to Source Pagoda anytime."

"Thank you." Yun Hao said politely.

Zhou Ying smiled and said: "Congratulations, Mr. Hongchen."

Wang Fu looked at Long Kuang: "Long Kuang, if you don't have a place to stay for the time being, you might as well live in the Eastern Sky Alliance first."

Obviously, Wang Fu is trying to win over Long Kuang. Long Kuang is too strong. In time, he will definitely become a top powerhouse!

Long Kuang looked at Yun Hao: "Brother Jian Hongchen, can I stay at your place?"

Yun Hao: "If you want to go, you can do it at any time."

Long Kuang: "Okay, then I'll go to your Wanjianmen station."

"Elder Wang, let's say goodbye first." Roy Yi said.

Wang Fu nodded.

After Yunhao and the others left, Wang Fu looked at He Lin and said, "He Lin, do you like Royi?"

He Lin's eyes glanced at Royi from time to time, and Wang Fu could see it.

He Lin: "...Elder, I..."

Wang Fu: "Remember, don't have any ideas about her. You are not worthy of this girl. There is no one in the entire Donghuang who is worthy of her!"

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