God Hongtian

Chapter 616: Playing with the Descendants of the Demon Queen, a killer move

Yun Hao's eyes collided with the eyes of Demon Prince Ming Xue in the air.

Invisibly, it seemed as if a storm suddenly exploded.

A terrifying power suddenly erupted from Ming Xue's body. He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the rolling demonic energy instantly condensed into a spear, which he threw fiercely.

The demonic spear penetrated the space and exploded in front of Yun Hao.

The light of thunder appeared under Yun Hao's feet, and he stepped on the lightning to escape.


The demonic spear landed on the top of the mountain.

The entire mountain peak exploded into pieces under the impact of this terrifying force!


The demon prince Mingxue shouted and rushed out.

It won't take a while.

In Ming Xue's eyes, the figure of the target was lost.

Nether Blood's facial expression became distorted.


At this moment, a shrill scream sounded.

It turned out that the demon guard who was left behind by him was attacked and killed by the flying sword.

Ming Xue suddenly turned his head and looked.

Just in time to see two flying swords harvesting the lives of his guards.

"It's time to fight head-on!"

Nether Blood roared angrily, turned back, and violently rushed toward Yun Hao.

“You’ll have to catch up with me later!”

Yun Hao laughed, retracted his flying sword instantly, and withdrew from the battlefield.

"Your Highness, Jian Hongchen of Wanjian Sect is very cunning. His speed is too fast. This is his advantage. He is deliberately irritating Your Highness." Mingxue's confidant Canby said.

Nether Blood clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

If he hadn't sent out all the Destiny Realm guards under his command, how could things have turned out like this?

at this time.

Yun Hao's figure appeared again

In Mingxue's sight, he stood on a mountaintop in the distance, and his light voice spread and clearly reached Mingxue.

"The so-called demon prince is nothing more than that!"

After saying that, he turned around and flew over.

Ming Xue was so angry that his chest felt like it was going to explode. Why did he think so much? He angrily launched another pursuit!

A chase begins.

Only Canby, who is in the destiny realm, can keep up with the speed of Ming Xue.

But Canby followed Mingxue.

Yun Hao made a circle and appeared in the rear group of demon warriors to kill one round!

When Kanby and Netherblood returned, he retreated immediately.

More than a quarter of an hour passed.

Ning Xue didn't even touch Yun Hao's sleeve, but nearly a hundred of the demon warriors under his command were killed by Yun Hao!

"Cambi, don't follow me anymore!"

Nether Blood shouted angrily.

He was going crazy.

Jian Hongchen, whom he regarded as his prey, was now luring him around in front of him, and even hunting down his guards right under his nose.

This is a direct provocation like a slap in the face!

Canby: "Your Highness...but your safety..."

Ming Xue snorted coldly and said: "Jian Hongchen of Wanjianmen is no match for me. I don't need your protection. If he thinks that you can pose a threat to me without you being by my side, then it's time for his death!" "

"Your Highness, please be careful!" Kanby said, and then followed Ming Xue's instructions and stopped following. Instead, he stayed with the group of demon warriors behind to prevent Jian Hongchen from repeating his old tricks.

In Mingxue's sight, the target was lost again.


A powerful sense of crisis erupted from the bottom of his heart.

Ming Xue snorted coldly, and the demonic energy in his body spread with a roar, like a huge wave hitting the sky.

Under the impact of the demonic energy, Yun Hao's figure was exposed, right near Ming Xue.

"You are dead!"

Nether Blood roared and grabbed his hand.


The demonic energy that filled the world shook and crushed Xiang Yunhao.

Next to Yun Hao, two flying swords bloomed with sharp edges. The sword energy stirred and crushed the demonic energy.

But this is just a moment.

The prince of the demon clan, Ming Xue, has already come to kill him.

"Troll Punch!"

Nether Blood roared and punched out. In an instant, all the demonic energy seemed to turn into a huge demonic shadow, and the demonic shadow's fist slammed down hard!

The surrounding space is shattered inch by inch!

Yun Hao immediately crossed his arms in front of him.


When the huge demonic shadow's fist landed on Yun Hao's crossed arms.

The tyrannical force directly hit Yun Hao's figure backwards.

Wherever it passed, blood splattered.

The demon prince Ming Xue smiled ferociously: "In a head-to-head confrontation, you can't even withstand my punch. You loser, it's your honor to die in the hands of this prince!"

While he was talking, Ming Xue was already in front of Yun Hao again.

Yun Hao hurriedly stabilized his body, and at the critical moment, he narrowly avoided Ming Xue's attack and killed him. Then, two flying swords flew into the air and slashed out two sword auras, killing Ming Xue.

Ming Xue sneered, flicked his arm, and the surging demonic energy dispersed the two sword energy.

And Yunhao took this opportunity to escape again!

At this time.

Canby has already driven over with a group of demon warriors.


"He has been severely injured by me and can't escape much further. If you chase him and don't kill him, my Mingxue's name will be written upside down!" The demon prince Mingxue was extremely proud.

After a while.

Netherblood took Kanbi and a large number of demon warriors to the foot of a mountain with rugged rocks.

"The bloody gas has stayed here. Jian Hongchen must have been unable to withstand the explosion of his injuries, so he is hiding in this area to heal his injuries. If we look for him, we will have to dig him out even if the ground in this area is completely overturned!"

Ning Xue led his men and chased them all the way, following the bloody aura.

At this time, he couldn't wait to kill Jian Hongchen, the genius of Wanjian Sect!

Kanby frowned and said, "Your Highness...is there any fraud?"

Ming Xue sneered and said: "Don't worry, that Jian Hongchen wanted to attack this prince before, but was severely injured by my punch. He escaped here and then couldn't bear it anymore and hid to heal his injuries. There will be no problem!" "

When Canby heard this, he felt it made sense, and was ready to lead the demon warriors to search the area carefully.

But in the next moment.


A flash of light rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of spiritual light, and in the blink of an eye, this area was completely covered by spiritual light!


"It's really a scam!"

Kanby stood nervously next to Mingxue.

Ming Xue frowned and stared at the target figure appearing in front of him.

"You deliberately provoked me and pretended to be injured. It turns out that your trump card is this formation." Ning Xue's voice was cold, and his murderous intent was so strong that it seemed to be solidified!

Yun Hao said calmly: "You know the truth now,

It's too late. "

Ming Xue sneered, frowned, and said: "You are too self-righteous. Do you think this formation can change anything? In the face of absolute strength, your ending will still be death!"

"Really? Then let me wait and see how capable you are!"

The words fell.

The power of the formation exploded.

The Formless Formation was formless and formless. In the dark, the terrifying force crushed the demon warriors one by one.




A series of dense explosions sounded, and the bodies of the demon warriors were crushed directly!

Even Nether Blood and Kanbi, both of whom were at the Destiny Realm, were feeling extremely uncomfortable at this time, and fine cracks began to appear on their bodies!

There was a cold arc at the corner of Yun Hao's mouth, and he rushed out the next moment.

"Camby, stop him!"

Nether Blood shouted loudly.

Kambi, the demon in the Destiny Realm, roared and faced the rushing Yun Hao against the pressure of the formation.

However, under the suppression of the formation, his burst of power, speed, and moves were severely disrupted. Yun Hao only moved slightly laterally and passed by Canby with two flying swords.

Two flying swords.

Cut off Canby's neck!

Cut off Canby's body!

With the cooperation of the formation, Kanby, who was in the destiny realm, was instantly killed!

Seeing it, Yun Hao was about to kill Ming Xue.

"It's my turn to fight back!"

Ming Xue shouted loudly, and suddenly, two whirlpools seemed to sweep out of the vertical pupils of his demon eyes...

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