God Hongtian

Chapter 615: Showdown between strong men, eyes facing each other

Ye Lin took Yi Shengnan and a group of people to evacuate from the Lianduan Mountains.

Yi Shengnan and the Feijian Hall disciples were actually very confused.

Ye Lin is just a newcomer to the Zhanjian Hall. Although she is a genius with dual Dharma Aspects, why does Jian Hongchen trust her so much? She is also extremely confident that Ye Lin can safely lead everyone out of the Lianduan Mountains...

Ye Lin's heart was also full of doubts.

What is Jian Hongchen's plan at Wanjianmen?

Why does Jian Hongchen value Yi Shengnan and the others, marginalized figures in Feijian Hall, so much?

Ye Lin approached Yi Shengnan with a smile and said, "Senior Sister Yi, what did Brother Hongchen say to you in private just now?"

Oto Shengnan: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask!"

Ye Lin: "..."

After a while, Ye Lin said again: "Senior Sister B, you and Brother Hongchen must have known each other for a long time."

Yi Shengnan snorted: "You have no right to know!"

Ye Lin was speechless again.

After a while, Ye Lin continued to say tentatively: "Senior Sister B..."

But this time, Yi Shengnan didn't give her a chance to finish her sentence, and interrupted coldly: "If you keep talking nonsense, you will bear the consequences!"

Ye Lin shut up completely.

The disciples of Feijian Hall were all confused!

what's the situation?

Although Senior Sister B does have a bad temper, she is still very friendly to others...

But now, Senior Sister B is so indifferent to Ye Lin.

Is it jealousy?

But Senior Sister B is so indifferent, and this Ye Lin has no temper at all, and still greets her with a smile...



Katsuo was also helpless.

This was all explained by Jian Hongchen.

Before following Ye Lin to evacuate, her junior brother Hongchen gave her a few words of advice alone.

All in all, no matter what Ye Lin asks along the way, don't pay attention to her. Your attitude must be cold and cold. There is no need to be polite to Ye Lin!


The other side.

Yunhao, who stayed alone in the Lianduan Mountains, no longer had any worries.

Yi Shengnan was found and escorted by Ye Lin to evacuate.

As for the demon prince Ming Xue who wants to come to him, then just accept the challenge!

Yun Hao was in a mountain, traveling quickly. Wherever he passed, pieces of spiritual light bloomed, and countless spiritual patterns scattered across the world.

When he was in the ancient country of Daxia, his mental power was already able to lay out formations of the middle level of the earth.

During this period of time, he has not stopped practicing the Ancestral Divine Art, and his mental power has steadily improved, and he is already able to lay out formations that are high-level for the first time.

There is no problem at all against opponents who are in the realm of ordinary gods.

At this time, the formation arranged by Yun Hao was called the Xuanmen Phaseless Formation!

This formation integrates attack, defense, trapping and confusing the enemy, and is an extremely comprehensive formation.

Yunhao was busy for a while, and it took more than two quarters of an hour to finally complete the arrangement of the formation.

He did not stay in the area where the formation was located and wait for the demon prince Mingxue to come on his own initiative. Doing so was too obvious and would instead arouse the vigilance of his opponents.



"Your Highness, Jian Hongchen from Wanjian Sect is constantly hunting our demon warriors!"



"Jian Hongchen appeared southwest of us and killed seven of our demon warriors!"


"Jian Hongchen appeared in the northeast of us and attacked and killed a group of our elites!"

His Highness the Prince of the Demon Clan, Mingxue, was so angry that smoke was coming out of his nostrils.

He wanted to find this genius from Wanjian Sect and crush him with his own hands.

But the opponent's whereabouts kept changing, making him miss time and time again.

What was originally his prey has now become a hunter, hunting down the soldiers under his command!

Ming Xue turned around and looked at the most powerful group of guards who had been following him. Among them were several strong demons from the Destiny Realm, which were equivalent to the Heavenly Realm monks of the human race.

"You don't have to follow me anymore. Go look for me and find Jian Hongchen from Wanjianmen!"

"Your Highness, your safety is more important..." said a demon from the destiny realm.

"Hmph, Teacher Modo has already gone to find the strongest rescuer of Wanjianmen. Who can hurt me? You all spread out. I'll give you an hour. You must find Jian Hongchen. Why don't you set off? I don't want to talk anymore. Second time!”

A group of powerful demons in the Destiny Realm all know the temper of Prince Netherblood, and no one dares to say a word, and they will act according to Prince Netherblood's instructions.

"Your Highness, you still have to be careful." At this time, the only remaining Destiny Realm demon next to Prince Mingxue whispered.

He is not the guardian of Nether Blood, but the descendant of a strong man from the Demon Clan, named Canby. He grew up with Nether Blood, and he is considered the most trusted by Nether Blood.


"Kambi, with you here and the strength of this prince, there is nothing to worry about. Wanjianmen has reacted now. We don't have much time. We have to kill a super genius of Wanjianmen quickly. This is the only way. , I have a chance to defeat my two elder brothers in this trial and get the right to inherit the throne of the Demon Emperor!"

Canby: "Your Highness, please rest assured, I will do my best to assist you."

Ming Xue hummed and said: "Don't worry, if this prince wins the right to inherit the Demon King, your future achievements will definitely surpass your father's!"

at this time.


A terrifying explosion erupted in the sky.

A large space was shattered.

A figure of a woman and a figure of a demon fought in the raging void storm!

It was Mo Duo, the teacher of the demon prince Ming Xue, who encountered the master of Feijian Hall and started a fight.

The battle between the two powerful men was quite fierce.

Ming Xue looked into the air with a solemn expression and said: "It can make the teacher explode with all his strength. This Wanjianmen strongman is indeed powerful. If you guessed correctly, this person should be the flying master responsible for Wanjianmen's Autumn Hunting Conference." The Master of the Sword Hall.

She did not go to Qiying City or Blackwater Swamp, but came directly to the Lianduan Mountains, which meant that the person she wanted to save the most was Jian Hongchen from Feijian Hall. From this, it can be seen that Jian Hongchen is in Wanwan. The status of Jianmen is much higher than we imagined.

Killing Jian Hongchen is definitely a major blow to Wanjianmen.

Jian Hongchen's life alone was more powerful than my two brothers killing a large number of Wanjian Sect disciples.

This prince must find him and crush him to death with his own hands! "

The prince of the demon clan, Mingxue, became even more determined to kill Jian Hongchen!

at the same time.

Yun Hao was also in a hidden area, staring at the battle that broke out in the broken sky.

A demon clan around the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm.

And the woman who controls the flying sword should have just entered the realm of transcending tribulation.

If the woman hadn't been fighting, it would have been difficult for Yun Hao to discover her secret. The woman revealed a special aura during the fight.

This breath is not unfamiliar to Yun Hao.

It is the barefoot woman in Aoba's space.

The barefoot woman is young and beautiful, and her girlish nature is very obvious.

And this woman is mature and plump, exuding dignity and majesty.

But in fact, the barefoot girl is her true face, and the image of a woman is the result of an extremely profound secret technique!

Now that it was confirmed that the woman was the barefoot girl, Yunhao was not worried at all.

She can already control forty-nine flying swords and use sword arrays to attack and kill. With her first cultivation level in the Tribulation Realm, it will not be a problem to suppress the demons who are around the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm.

Yunhao no longer paid attention to the battle in the sky. He passed through several mountains with lush vegetation and stood on the top of the mountain. Not far away, the figure of the demon prince Ming Xue appeared in his sight.

Maybe I feel something.

The prince of the demon clan, Mingxue, suddenly looked towards the mountain peak where Yun Hao was!

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