God Hongtian

Chapter 61 Crisis, someone from the Blood Demon Hall

Ling Feiyu noticed a change in Yun Hao's expression and immediately asked, "What's wrong?"

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "It's okay, Feiyu, you go to the kitchen first. By the way, take Xiao Hei over and give him some bones to chew on."

Hurricane Wolf: "..."

Wolves eat meat, not bones!

But when Yun Hao looked at Hurricane Wolf, Hurricane Wolf immediately looked hungry and barked several times.

Ling Feiyu didn't think much and took Hurricane Wolf to the kitchen.

The strength of the hurricane wolf is equivalent to that of a warrior at the peak of the Yuangang Realm. With it by Ling Feiyu's side, Yun Hao can rest assured and use his energy to deal with those who come with bad intentions!


Ling Feiyu was around the residence of Kuangjian Martial Arts School.

Several figures approached like ghosts.

They flew through the air under the blue sky and white sun, with a layer of distorted light always surrounding them, so no one could detect their whereabouts.

"Boss, do you really want to take action in advance? The order given to us by the Great Protector is to keep an eye on Ling Feiyu first, and then catch her when he comes." A ghostly figure whispered.

The leader snorted coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, the Great Protector has something to do on the way, and it will take at least three days to arrive. These three days are enough for us to take Ling Feiyu away!"

"Boss... you mean... we will arrest Ling Feiyu without going through the Great Protector?" Another person said, his tone was uneasy and very uneasy.

The leader, with gleaming eyes and full of ambition, said: "In the past, the Ling family provoked the hall master to go to war, but it also made the hall master's work in vain.

This time, the Great Protector obviously wants to pry out the Ling family's secrets behind the Hall Master's back. You should all know the Hall Master's methods. If he discovers it, we will all have no chance of surviving!

I don’t want to follow the great protector and seek death. We will capture Ling Feiyu and bring him back to the hall master for disposal. In this way, not only will we have no faults, but we will also make great achievements. We will become famous and prosperous, and it will be just around the corner! "

After saying that, the leader raised his arm and signaled several subordinates to stop. He whispered: "I will go in personally to arrest you. You guys keep an eye on me outside!"

After giving an explanation, the figure turned into a ray of light and escaped into the courtyard where Ling Feiyu lived.

At this moment, Yun Hao, who was already in the courtyard, suddenly looked at a space with nothing.

The killer of the Blood Demon Hall is indeed very good at hiding his figure, but in Yun Hao's eyes, he is nothing!

The killer who rushed into the yard was still in the air, and suddenly his heart trembled.

At this moment, he felt that the young man in the yard seemed to have seen through his concealment.

Moreover, the cold light flashing in those eyes gave him an indescribable fear in his heart.

To arrest Ling Feiyu, they naturally conducted some investigations in Liuyun City. The killer knew that the young man in the yard,

He is Ling Feiyu's fiancé, a loser.

Many thoughts suddenly appeared in the mind of the leader of the killer team, and then he snorted coldly, even if Yun Hao really discovered him, what would be the use?

Just kill him!

The next moment, his figure in the air suddenly shot towards Yun Hao.

Powerful vitality burst out from his body and condensed into the form of a giant python.

The energy transformed into the Yuanling Giant Python, which symbolizes that he is a martial arts monk in the Spirit Gathering Realm. Although he has only entered the Spirit Gathering Realm for the first time, he thinks he is good enough to sweep the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall!

It was this strength that made him dare to go against the will of the Great Protector of Blood Fiend Hall. He took action in advance before the Great Protector arrived, because he had absolute certainty.

In an instant.

The aura of the killer of Xueshatang suddenly exploded, and a giant vitality python dozens of feet long, with thick scales, especially its eyes, as scarlet as two seas of blood, suddenly rushed towards Yun Hao from the air.

Yun Hao was in the yard, waiting for these killers to show up. His Su Xin sword, which had been ready for use, was suddenly dragged out of the scabbard.




A series of nine sword lights, like nine waves rolling, slashed towards the vitality python in the air!

Yun Hao's body tempering progress has reached a high-level treasure body, and the vitality of his physical body is more powerful. What he is using at this time is a killing move called Dielang Nine Ultimate Sword!

High-level treasure body, quite

Yu Huahai realm's cultivation.

But because of the purity of the physical body's energy, the sharpness of the sword's energy, and Yun Hao's use of sword techniques, even without the blessing of formations, there is no problem at all against some ordinary spirit-gathering realm monks!

The vitality giant python was directly split into pieces by Yun Hao's move of the Jiu Jue Sword.

In the air, vitality was surging, strong winds were surging, and the little leader of the Blood Demon Hall killer in the Spirit Gathering Realm had a look of horror on his face.

How could this guy have such a terrifying outburst?

It turned out that just one move... broke his Yuanling!

The killer was horrified and his movements were slightly stagnant.

At this time, Yun Hao in the courtyard had already stepped out, soared into the air, and appeared in front of the killer.

The killer suddenly became excited, came to his senses, and roared: "Seeking death!"

As he spoke, an arm gathered powerful vitality, and its five fingers were like hooks, grabbing Yun Hao's head fiercely!

The air exploded like thunder.

Yun Hao's toes tapped lightly in the air, and immediately moved with the force, elegant and free, leaving an afterimage in the original position, and circled behind the killer.

The killer's attack failed, and without giving him any time to react, the Su Xin Sword in Yun Hao's hand had already stabbed out.

In an instant, thirty-six rays of sword energy burst out from the sword's edge. The sharp edge and blazing sword light directly overwhelmed the killer.


In the blink of an eye, this spiritual gathering mirror

The little killer leader fell from the sky to the ground, his whole body covered in blood and his meridians all severed.

"No...there's an ambush, retreat!"

The remaining killers guarding outside the courtyard immediately made a decisive decision to evacuate.

But don't wait until they withdraw.

In Yun Hao's hand, a faint blue sword light shot out.

In an instant, this faint blue sword light chased behind a killer and pierced the killer's head with a pop.

It was the flying sword presented by Qin Lan!

The flying sword killed one person in a very crisp and clear way, and then circled in the air and shot down the next target.

The corpses of the killers fell from the sky like dumplings one after another.


Finally, the flying sword flew back in front of Yun Hao, hanging in the air, trembling slightly and making a crisp sword cry.

Killed five killers from the Blood Demon Hall in a row, and not a drop of blood was stained by the flying sword.

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao put the flying sword back into the storage ring, and then walked to the little killer leader of the Blood Demon Hall with all his veins in the yard.

One kick fell.


The little killer's chest and ribs were all broken, and his body sank into the ground.

The reason why he was left alive was naturally to find out information about his opponent.

He just heard the conversation between these killers, but the information revealed was too general. He had to know as much detail as possible.

Yun Hao pointed his sword between his eyebrows and shouted coldly: "Tell me, how many people came to the Blood Demon Hall!"

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