God Hongtian

Chapter 60: Someone from the Blood Demon Hall

The sword Qin Lan gave was a flying sword!

Swordsmanship is also all-encompassing.

For example, Yun Hao's father, Yun Tiankuo, followed the epee route, opening and closing.

For example, the Thirty-Six Meridians Sword Art created by Yun Hao for Cang Yao is based on ingenious changes.

There are also sword cultivators who use themselves as swords to cultivate pure sword bodies.

As for the path of sword cultivation, there is another way, which is recognized as the strongest way in terms of attack and killing, and that is the flying sword!

The attack and killing power of the flying sword does not lie in how powerful it is, but in the fact that once the flying sword is released, it is tricky and difficult to defend against, and it can kill the opponent thousands of miles away.

It is also recognized that it is difficult to practice flying swords. It requires not only strong vitality support, but also strong mental power that can be meticulous.

It is equivalent to dual cultivation of spirit and martial arts, and both must have certain achievements before they can open the door to flying swords.

Among sword cultivators, those who practice flying swords are quite rare. Even though the way of flying swords has terrifying attack and killing power, the threshold is too high and it is too difficult to improve.

But for Yun Hao, flying swords are just a part of his swordsmanship.

In his previous life, he even used his mental power combined with his vitality to control flying swords, and then integrated sword techniques and formations into flying swords, creating an unprecedented sword formation avenue!

The forging of flying swords is more complicated than ordinary weapon refining, and the materials required are also very special.

Therefore, Yunhao has no idea of ​​recreating the power of the sword array in Liuyun City for the time being.

But now,

There is a ready-made flying sword in front of you. After a little training, even if the invincible style of the sword array cannot be reproduced for the time being, it can still be used as an ordinary flying sword.

Yun Hao took the flying sword that symbolized Qingfeng Wuyuan's Yujian Peak token.

"I will go to Beihan County in a while. You should go back to recuperate and make some preparations. I will contact you when I need you," Yun Hao said.

Qin Lan was overjoyed and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yun, I'll take my leave first."

Yun Hao nodded.

After Qin Lan said goodbye, Hurricane Wolf continued to rub Yunhao's trouser legs with his head.

Yun Hao lowered his head and looked at the mutated Hurricane Wolf. While he was talking to Qin Lan just now, the injuries on the Hurricane Wolf's body had actually healed some.

"The hurricane wolf bloodline is just a lower class in this world, but by chance, you have absorbed the magic power in your body, and you are considered to be favored by the fate of heaven and earth.

As long as you follow me loyally, your good fortune will naturally be indispensable. In time, it will not be difficult for you to become a giant in the demon world. "

Hurricane Wolf is a demon body, so even if it has magic power integrated into its body, it is still classified as a demon beast.

The hurricane wolf stretched out its barbed tongue, like a pug, wanting to lick Yunhao's feet...

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

Hurricane Wolf retracted his tongue in a hurry, not daring to make a mistake!

After a while.

Yun Hao took Hurricane Wolf to find Yun Tiankuo and Su Zhenming.

Leaving the Tomb of Life and Death.


The ground shook, like dragons rolling underground, and a powerful and terrifying force erupted.

In just a few breaths, the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death collapsed completely, turning into a huge pit hundreds of meters deep.

All of this was naturally done intentionally by Yun Hao. He used the remaining power of the dazzling infinite array to destroy this place.

Cang Yao's matter has a clear answer, and there is no need to keep the ancient tomb of life and death!

After all, there are some traces of Cang Yao inside. If discovered by some people, it may bring some trouble to Cang Yao, who has been reincarnated for many years. Although this possibility is slim, Yun Hao cannot tolerate this possibility!


Liuyun City was in chaos.

A group of people who escaped from the Tomb of Life and Death in advance revealed the sinister intentions of the city lord Jiang Zhiyuan in the Tomb of Life and Death. People were so angry that a group of monks even led people directly into the city lord's mansion to vent their anger.

After Yunhao and the others returned to Liuyun City, Su Zhenming said a few polite words and immediately rushed back to the Su family.

Without the outsiders, Yun Tiankuo looked at Yun Hao: "Hao'er... what happened at the Tomb of Life and Death?"

Yun Hao: "Dad, the matter of the Tomb of Life and Death is over."

He had no intention of telling Yuntiankuo what happened inside.

Yun Tian's eyes flashed and he stopped asking. Then he looked at the hurricane wolf next to Yun Hao and shifted.

The topic: "This big black dog has no hair and doesn't look pleasant at all."

It's true that we can't blame Yun Tiankuo for thinking this is a big black dog. In fact, the hurricane wolf's behavior all the way was just like a dog. He was either rubbing Yun Hao's trouser legs or sticking out his tongue to lick it.

Yuntiankuo just finished speaking.

"Woof woof woof..."

The hurricane wolf barked like a big dog, and then the black scales on its body faded away, and its whole body was instantly covered with shiny black hair.

Yuntiankuo's eyes were bright, he slapped Hurricane Wolf's head, and laughed: "Good guy, you understand human nature, hahaha, from now on you will be called Xiao Hei!"

Hurricane Wolf stuck out his tongue and licked Yun Tiankuo's palm until even the barbs on his tongue were gone...

This is the master and his father, he must please him!

Yun Hao: "..."

The father and son soon returned to the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall.

Ling Feiyu, who learned that they were back, rushed out immediately, his face full of excitement, but his eyes instantly turned red.

The situation in the ancient tomb of life and death has now spread a lot, and she is extremely worried. Fortunately, Yun Tiankuo and Yun Hao are back safely.

"never mind."

Yun Hao smiled faintly and reached out to wipe away the tears from the corners of Ling Feiyu's eyes.

Ling Feiyu grabbed Yun Hao's hand, focused his eyes on Yun Hao's face, and said: "I am not allowed to sneak out alone in the future... I will be worried..."

There was grievance in his tone.


Yuntiankuo coughed lightly and said, "I'm a little tired. Let's go back to the room and rest first."

The two young men didn't care about the feelings of this old man, but they showed off their affection in front of him!

Xiao Hei immediately came forward and squatted at Ling Feiyu's feet. His two big eyes were black and shiny, and his long tongue stuck out, looking well-behaved.

This is the master's woman, she must be pleased!

Yunhao was speechless again...

Ling Feiyu looked at Hurricane Wolf and said, "This is it?"

Yun Hao said angrily: "A dog picked up by the roadside."

Xiaohei: "Woof woof woof..."

Ling Feiyu glanced down again and said, "I like cute little dogs, and they must be female!"

Xiao Hei was dumbfounded.

Make it small and exquisite, it can do it.

Can become a mother... No!

Just pretend you didn’t hear it…

"You just came back from the Tomb of Life and Death. You must be tired. Go and have a rest. I'll have the kitchen prepare food and wine for you and Uncle Yun to catch up with each other." Ling Feiyu said understandingly.

Yun Hao nodded and was about to go back to his room. Suddenly, he frowned and his expression became extremely solemn.

In his senses, several strong murderous auras were quickly approaching the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall!

This aura is exactly the same as the aura on the Blood Evil Hall token.

The people from the Blood Demon Hall are here!

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