God Hongtian

Chapter 604: Without looking back, suppress with one sword

Ye Lin seems to be innocent and enthusiastic, but she is also cautious in everything.

Almost all of the disciples she recruited were a little wary of her.

Not everyone who participates in the Autumn Hunting Conference does so to compete for the top ten positions and become a disciple of the Golden Sword.

Everyone knows how difficult it is to stand out among more than a thousand people.

Therefore, many people will choose to form a team.

Many people help, one person is successful!

As long as that person can win the top ten, become a disciple of the Golden Sword, and gain a very high status in the Wanjian Sect, then the rest of the team will naturally reap the benefits.

This method of forming a team does not violate the rules of the Wanjianmen Autumn Hunting Conference.

Moreover, this situation has occurred in every autumn hunting conference in the past. It can be seen that Wanjianmen acquiesces to the existence of this kind of team.

Because, if a person has the ability to convince others and is willing to be a green leaf for them, that is his ability!

The Golden Sword disciples of Wanjian Sect need such influential people.

Most of the people in the team with Ye Lin did not dare to provoke Feijian Tang Jian Hongchen!

After all, although Jian Hongchen is a newcomer, he is also a ruthless person.

Some time ago, the news that Jian Hongchen single-handedly killed Lu Yan and killed a group of veteran disciples of Feijian Hall had already spread throughout the Wanjian Sect.

But there is one person who is not afraid of Jian Hongchen.

This man has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and his appearance is quite handsome. He exudes a arrogant temperament that ordinary people don't have.

The two cores of their team, one is

Ye Lin, the other one is him.

As a newcomer to the Zhanjian Hall, Ye Lin was able to recruit such a team mainly because of this man.

The man merged those who supported him into the team that Ye Lin had originally gathered.

It was his wish to complete the Autumn Hunting Conference with Ye Lin, become disciples of the Golden Sword together, enter the Wanjian Space together, and fly together.

"Junior sister Ye, I don't think Jian Hongchen is willing to form a team, so there is no need to drag him into the team. It's not sweet to force him, so there is no need to force him." The man said.

Ye Lin blinked and said: "Although the twisted melon is not sweet, it can quench your thirst!"

Everyone: "..."

Ye Lin looked at Yun Hao sincerely and said, "Brother Hongchen, please join us."

I heard Ye Lin calling Brother Hongchen.

The man from Zhanjian Hall looked even more ugly and said, "Junior sister Ye, it is not appropriate to add more people to our team.

First of all, we are not familiar with him. Naturally, we cannot trust people we are not familiar with.

Secondly, your goal is to become a disciple of the Golden Sword. Our team needs to help us two complete the Autumn Hunting Conference. If one more person comes in, it will be a serious waste of our time, unless... he is willing to give up becoming a Golden Sword disciple. The opportunity of being a sword disciple will come true for me and you. "

Ye Lin turned around, faced the man, and said: "Brother, I am very familiar with Brother Hongchen. I trust him, and Brother Hongchen is very strong. He, me, and you, the three of us can become disciples of the Golden Sword together." , there is no need for brother Hongchen to give up

of. "

The corner of the man's mouth twitched and said: "His strength is quite strong, but that's all. Since it is Junior Sister Ye who insists on letting him join, I will not deny Junior Sister Ye this face. The premise is that he has to prove that he It won’t hold us back!”

Ye Lin: "Thank you, senior brother, for giving me face. In that case, who of you wants to try my Hongchen brother's strength?"

When she said this, she looked at the group of people in the team.

No one said a word.

After all, none of them had the confidence to be stronger than Feijian Tang Lu Yan.

Lu Yan died at the hands of Jian Hongchen, how could they dare to attack him?

"Junior sister Ye, Jian Hongchen joins the team to compete for the spot of Golden Sword disciple. If he wants to prove whether he has the strength, of course he must pass my test."

After saying that, the man stared at Yun Hao: "Jian Hongchen, if you can persist in ten moves without defeat under my sword, then I will allow you to join the team!"

Yun Hao: "No need, I won't join your team."

He deliberately showed off his arrogance to attract Ye Lin, not because he wanted to join Ye Lin's team.

It was purely to lure Ye Lin to appear, and I was too lazy to look for it.

Ye Lin can almost be clearly marked as an important figure in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. Since there were already people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land three months ago to help Ye Lin prepare the way for the Autumn Hunting Conference, then Ye Lin must still have something in her hands. Clues to other villains on the black list.

Yun Hao's purpose is this.

If he wants to kill another villain on the black list, the most time-saving way is to follow Ye Lin.

This following can be together or following...

Forming a team...he really wasn't interested.

Ye Lin: "Brother Hongchen, this..."

Obviously, she thought that stimulating and using provocation would be very effective.

What he never expected was that Jian Hongchen would not accept this trick at all.

The man from Zhanjian Hall snorted coldly and said: "Very good, you are self-aware."

Ye Lin gritted her teeth and said, "Senior brother, let me break away from the team. I will go with Brother Hongchen. Wherever Brother Hongchen goes, I will go."

This group of people are just Ye Lin's pawns.

But in Ye Lin's eyes, these piles of chess pieces are not as good as Jian Hongchen.

Ye Lin's operation immediately confused people.

"Junior sister Ye, why are you doing this? It's not worth it for him, his strength is only that much!" The man from Zhanjian Hall said unwillingly.

Yun Hao also refused and said: "Miss Ye, you take the sunshine path, and I take my single-plank bridge. We have different paths and do not work together."

Ye Lin: "..."

I almost exploded with anger.

Even after all this, Jian Hongchen still wanted to shut her out!

Say it.

Yun Hao turned around and left.

The young man from Zhanjian Hall glanced at Ye Lin, who was standing there angrily, and then at the back of Jian Hongchen, who was leaving.

"Junior sister Ye, it's not worth it to fight for this kind of person. He made you unhappy, and senior brother helped you out!"

The words fell.

In an instant, a sword sound sounded.

The man drew his sword from its sheath.

"Jian Hongchen, pick me up

sword! "

A loud shout.

Not only did Yunhao not look back, he never even stopped.

The man shouted coldly: "Why, don't you have the courage to take a single move from me? You have to take this sword even if you don't want to take it!"

The words fell.

The man's figure shot forward instantly!


A powerful aura erupted.

Hao Ran is a warrior at the ninth level of Dharma Realm!

This level of cultivation is higher than that of Lu Yan who was killed by Yun Hao in Feijian Hall.

Moreover, he is also a very famous genius in Zhanjian Hall. In the same realm, his combat power belongs to the top group!

The man violently charged towards Yun Hao with his sword.

As he watched, Jianfeng appeared less than a finger's distance behind Yun Hao.

A layer of sword light suddenly burst out from Yun Hao's body!

His whole body was instantly like an unsheathed sword, its edge unstoppable!

The powerful sword element directly crushed the power of the man's sword!

The sword in the man's hand was bent, unable to tear through the layer of sword light on Yun Hao's body.


The next moment, a flying sword appeared.

The man had no time to react. With a pop, the flying sword penetrated his chest and sent his body flying backwards!

The flying sword dexterously turned and flew back to Yun Hao's side, before being put away.

Everyone looked at Yun Haoyuan's disappearing figure, dumbfounded.

Their senior brother...the genius of Zhanjian Hall, with the ninth level cultivation of Dharma Realm, took the initiative to attack...

As a result, Jian Hongchen suppressed their senior brother without even turning his head!

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