God Hongtian

Chapter 603: Heavenly Mysterious True Fire

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, the storage ring he got after killing the real poisonous dragon floated in the air. His mental power entered the storage ring, and he quickly found a map and took it out.

The map is made of some kind of special exotic animal leather and is only about the size of a palm, with complex terrain routes drawn on it.

"Yes, that's it." Luo Xiong said: "I have had this map for decades, but I can't understand it at all. I only know that this is an incomplete map."

Yun Hao took the map in his hand and immediately had the answer in his heart. He did not show it, but said: "Master Luo, this map is useful to me."

Luo Xiong was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly: "Master Yun, just take it if you need it. Anyway, I can't figure out the secret of this map. And because of this map, I almost died, and almost destroyed the entire map." Everyone in Luojiazhuang was harmed."

After what happened today, he understood.

The last time Donghuang Holy Land came to ask for a map, he didn't give it to him. Donghuang Holy Land seemed like nothing, but the people in Donghuang Holy Land were actually still thinking about this map.

What happened this time was caused by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

If you still have the map in your hand, you won't be so lucky next time, and everyone in Luojiazhuang will die!

Yun Hao: "I will let the people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land know that the map is in my hands."

When Luo Xiong heard this, he immediately raised his hands towards Yun Hao and bowed deeply.

Bowed and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yun!"


"Miss, the information about the guy who ruined our plan has been obtained."


"This person's name is Yun Ritian. He is not from Qiying City. He just entered Qiying City today and went straight to Luojiazhuang. He said he wanted to ask Luo Xiong for a pill, but I think this is an excuse. His The purpose should be for that map!”

Ye Lin's eyes were cold and she said: "I must get the map of Tianxuan True Fire!"

"Miss, according to the news that Du Longshou spread before his death, he had obtained the map from Luo Xiong. Yun Ritian killed Luo Xiong, and the map should have fallen into his hands."

"Assign someone to keep an eye on Yun Ritian for me. As soon as he leaves Qiying City, I will take action directly, kill him, and bring me the map!"

A few hours later.

"Miss, Yun Ritian has left Qi Yingcheng... we... we have lost him."

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

"Miss, please calm down... That Yun Ritian's ability to hide his aura is very good... When he killed the poisonous dragon hand, even the powerful people who entered the Dao realm couldn't find him..."

Ye Lin sneered and said: "So, I still wrongly blamed you? You have lost someone, and I still want to reward you?"

The words fell.

A swish sound.

Ye Lin drew her sword out of its sheath, swept the sword blade across, and directly killed the person kneeling in front of her!

"Miss, please forgive me...Miss, please forgive me!"

The few remaining people were kneeling on the ground

, kowtow constantly.

"By the way, miss, we also found another clue...Jian Hongchen...Jian Hongchen entered Qiying City."

Hearing the words "Jian Hongchen", Ye Lin did not kill the wastes kneeling in front of her.

Inside Qiying City.

Yun Hao came to kill Poisonous Dragon Hand in the name of Yun Ritian, took away the map, and then left Qiying City, getting rid of the following informants, and then entered openly and honestly as Jian Hongchen, a disciple of Wanjianmen Feijian Hall To Qi Yingcheng.

If he didn't have that map, he wouldn't care so much, even if he went back to hand in the mission later and it was revealed that he was Yun Ritian.

But now, he really wants to hide Yun Ritian's identity.

Because that map involves an extremely powerful fire from heaven and earth!

Luo Xiong obtained the map and gained nothing for decades.

But the moment Yun Hao's hand touched the map, the fire spirit contained in his heart reacted extremely strongly.

His fire spirit is a fusion of the complete Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire, the Blue Spirit Void Fire, and a wisp of Phoenix True Fire. If compared in the 108 rankings of Heaven and Earth Fire, it would rank almost fifty The power of left and right.

However, just the aura of fire on that map can trigger such a violent reaction in his fire spirit. This means that the fire of heaven and earth associated with the map is of such high grade that it is definitely in the top thirty!

Any of the top thirty flames in the fire rankings of heaven and earth are extremely powerful and can be encountered but not sought.

After Yunhao left Qiying City, he took out the map and identified it carefully.

He has now been able to determine what kind of fire in heaven and earth is associated with this map.

Tianxuan Zhenhuo, ranked twenty-fifth!

This fire, also known as the fire that burns the sky, is extremely domineering and can even burn the laws of heaven and earth!

Therefore, Yun Hao did not hesitate to waste some time and returned to Qiying City as Jian Hongchen to hunt down the evil villains on the black list. In this way, he hid Yun Ritian's identity!

At this time, as a disciple of the Wanjian Sect, he received courtesy from the City Lord's Mansion, and through the City Lord's Mansion, he obtained more specific information about the evildoers on the Black List.

But it takes a lot of time to find a hidden villain.

Of course Yunhao would not look for it like this.

The reason why he swaggered into Qiying City was to hide Yun Ritian's identity, and the other reason was to tell Ye Lin that he was coming!

He was certain that Ye Lin had definitely not left.

Ye Lin also had to kill a blacklisted villain to complete the Autumn Hunting Conference mission.

Not long after Yunhao came out of the city lord's mansion.

Suddenly, a voice full of surprise sounded.

"Brother Hongchen!"

Yun Hao turned around and saw Ye Lin rushing towards him, with an excited look on her face.

And the group of disciples from Zhanjian Hall were following behind Ye Lin.

"What a coincidence, I thought Brother Hongchen wouldn't

I participated in the Autumn Hunting Conference. "Ye Lin said.

Yun Hao: "When everyone set out, I missed the time due to practice, but fortunately the sixth elder of Feijian Hall helped me sign up, so I had the opportunity to participate."

"So that's it." Ye Lin said with a look of sudden realization: "Brother Hongchen, it seems that we thought of going together. We all came to Qi Yingcheng first. Hehe, this is fate."

Behind Ye Lin, a group of disciples from Zhanjian Hall stared at Yun Hao, looking very unhappy.

These people were all won over by Ye Lin. They were not pawns of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, but her admirers!

She would not be stupid enough to bring a group of chess pieces from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land around. If she was exposed, wouldn't she be taken advantage of by Wanjianmen?

Yun Hao: "It seems to be fate."

Ye Lin: "Brother Hongchen, let's form a team so we can save time.

If you act alone, it will waste too much time to kill the evil people in the Black List. Next, you have to go to the Blackwater Swamp and the Connected Mountains. If you don't have enough time, you will be in trouble! "

Yun Hao did not agree immediately.

Ye Lin: "Brother Hongchen, don't hesitate. Let's work together and win the top ten in the Autumn Hunting Conference. Then we will become disciples of the Golden Sword and enter the Ten Thousand Swords Space together."

She said it sincerely.

But the disciples of Zhanjian Hall who followed her to Qi Yingcheng had their eyes almost bursting with fire!

Yunhao knew that Ye Lin did it on purpose.

She's on fire!

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