God Hongtian

Chapter 57: People and swords cultivate each other and achieve comprehensive sublimation

Su Xin Sword is about to break!

Yun Hao's expression condensed, and he immediately followed the connection with Su Xinjian and rushed over.

This sword is his emotional sustenance for his disciple Cang Yao.

At the same time, the material used to forge this sword is extremely extraordinary. By keeping this sword, Yun Hao will also have a suitable weapon.



Powerful power surged, and the old Murong Guang was as excited as a beast in heat, continuously bursting out with the strongest attack power.

Under Murong Guang's offensive, a beautiful woman kept vomiting blood, like a small boat in the tsunami, and would be smashed to pieces at any time.

"Qin Lan, you want to ruin my good deeds? You are simply wishful thinking. Your father and your fiancé both died in my hands. Today, I will send you to reunite with them!"

Murong Guang roared and launched a series of intensive attack and killing moves.

Qin Lan used the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Techniques and resisted with all his strength.

But she was only in the Yuangang realm, and Murong Guang, an old thief, was already a strong Jindan expert. The gap in cultivation meant that all Qin Lan's efforts were meaningless.

Her injuries were getting worse.

Continue like this.

She couldn't hold on much longer!


Suddenly, Murong Guang's palm force penetrated the whistling sword energy around Qin Lan and hit her in the abdomen. Qin Lan lost her balance and flew backwards.


die! "

Murong Guang shouted fiercely, stepped in the air, chased Qin Lan who was flying backwards, and used his killing move again!


At this moment, a wolf roar sounded.

The hurricane wolf rushed out like a dark bolt of lightning, blocking Murong Guang's power.


Hurricane Wolf's body fell hard, creating a huge crater on the ground and sending up billowing smoke and dust.

The next moment, Hurricane Wolf jumped up from the pit again.

The dark scales on his body were torn in large pieces and dripping with blood.

Murong Guang stared at Hurricane Wolf, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light burst out.

In the miasmatic fog, the hurricane wolf attacked repeatedly and killed many of his subordinates.

But this beast was very cunning and timid. Every time Murong Guang made a move, the hurricane wolf would hide in the mist.

He never imagined that this cunning beast would rush out to fight against him without fear of death!

What he didn't expect was that the Hurricane Wolf, which was seriously injured by his blow, not only did not run away, but instead rushed towards him again.

"You don't know how to live or die, I will send you on your way!"

Murong Guang shouted angrily.


Qin Lan, who was covered in blood, looked at this scene with a complicated expression.

She was no match for Murong Guang.

Even with the addition of this very special demon wolf, he still couldn't beat Murong Guang.

She made a quick decision and turned to face the other side.

There, blooming

The dazzling sword light and the sharp edge are terrifying.

Treasures in the Tomb of Life and Death!

She wanted to take advantage of Hurricane Wolf's opportunity to hold Murong Guang back and take away the treasure!

But just as he rushed towards the gorgeous sword light.

Suddenly, the slowly rippling sword light became extremely violent and knocked her away.

"You are not qualified to touch the things inside!"

A cold voice sounded in Qin Lan's ears.

Qin Lan's heart trembled.

She looked in the direction where the sound came from and saw a handsome young man with deep eyes and sword-like brows flying towards her.

The young man exuded a supreme power that frightened her in her heart!

"It will be to your advantage to hold Murong Guang off for a moment!"

After Yun Hao finished speaking, he no longer cared about whether Qin Lan agreed or not. In a flash, he rushed into the interior of the gorgeous sword light.

Now, the top priority is to keep Su Xin Sword!

But if he wants to rely on the power of the dazzling infinite array to suppress Murong Guang, who is in the Golden Core realm, it will take some time.

If Murong Guang is killed first, Su Xin Sword cannot be saved.

Qin Lan looked startled, then bit her blood-stained red lips, used the Thirty-Six Meridian Sword Techniques, and cooperated with the Hurricane Wolf to entangle Murong Guang!

As Yun Hao entered the surging sword light.

He felt the joyful mood of Su Xinjian's sword spirit.

In the sword light, a long river of sword energy spread out to Yun Hao's feet.

Next, welcome Yun Hao's arrival.

Yun Hao stepped on the long river of sword energy, unfolding his extreme speed, and in a few breaths, he came to the side of a sword.

The simple sword body exuded a majestic atmosphere, but the sword was full of cracks, and wisps of domineering power overflowed from the cracks.

Yun Hao looked solemn, formed seals with his hands, suddenly reached out with one hand, and grabbed the cold hilt of the sword with his palm.


Su Xin Sword suddenly let out a sonorous sword sound that resounded throughout the world.

But the cracks on the sword suddenly spread faster.

Yun Hao took a deep breath and immediately circulated the vitality in his body.

The vitality rushed into the Su Xin Sword along the palm of his hand, and then flowed back into his body, forming a stable cycle in an instant!

This is a secret method of raising a sword!

In his previous life, Yun Hao was proud of his swordsmanship and led the glory of Cangjie swordsmanship. The inheritance he practiced is called the Origin Sword Scripture!

The secret technique being used now comes from the Origin Sword Scripture!

Everything about oneself is in harmony with the sword.

Maintain your sword with your body!

Maintain your health with the sword!

The spread of cracks in Su Xin Sword has been contained.

And wisps of sword edge also merged into Yun Hao's body.

The vitality of his physical body began to gain an extra layer of characteristics.

When all the vitality is endowed with the edge of the sword, the vitality is no longer pure vitality, but the sword essence.

With Jian Yuan added to the body, every part of the body can be transformed into

Make a sharp sword!

In the Shiyuan Sword Scripture, there are nine turns of the sword element. The improvement of each turn will bring about huge changes, and the combat effectiveness will show a qualitative leap!



Murong Guang's expression was ferocious.

He saw Yun Hao enter the surging sword light.

He is anxious!

This was the treasure he had been planning to get for a long time, and he was about to get it, but now a young man came out to pick his peaches. How could he tolerate it?

"Heavenly Eagle Hand!"

Murong Guang roared.

His right hand, with five fingers like hooks, grabbed hard.


The violent golden elixir energy turned into a ferocious giant eagle in his hands!

Murong Guang grabbed the big eagle and attacked the hurricane wolf fiercely.

Hurricane Wolf was hit, and a large piece of flesh was torn off. He fell to the ground and whimpered, unable to get up again.


Murong Guang used the power of the big eagle again and struck again.


The sword in Qin Lan's hand was also broken. Qin Lan vomited blood and lost his fighting ability!

"Fuck them all!"

The angry Murong Guang had a ferocious expression and roared full of cruelty.

But just when he was about to kill Hurricane Wolf and Qin Lan.

not far away.

An extremely bright ray of light suddenly burst out from the surging sword light, and the vigorous and majestic life energy transpired, as if there was a sea of ​​blood boiling!

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