God Hongtian

Chapter 56 The Cruel Truth

When Yun Hao entered the vision circulation area.

In a daze, he seemed to see a thin figure, stained with blood, fighting with full of sorrow and indignation. That figure, isolated and helpless, fell down again and again, but stood up tenaciously again and again, and continued Swing your sword and face enemies from all directions!


Yun Hao felt sad in his heart.

How much pain and despair did Cang Yao go through back then?

Yun Hao suppressed his complicated emotions and continued walking forward. Suddenly, a stone tablet stood in front of him.

On the stone tablet, writings were left in blood.

Even though a long time has passed, the blood is still bright red.

"My name is Cang Yao, and today I make a blood oath to the great road.

I must clean up the door for Master, eliminate the evil disciple Yang Tianhua, destroy the Holy Lords from all directions, crush the bones of these thieves who took refuge in the Heavenly Palace, and suppress their souls in the Nine Nether Purgatory to endure endless torture.

From now on, I will inherit my master’s wish, go to the Heavenly Palace, slaughter all the false gods in the sky, and avenge my master!

If you violate this oath, I, Cang Yao, will willingly accept the devouring of the body by the Great Dao, the punishment of divine thunder, and will never be reincarnated! "


Hao looked at the bloody words, and while grief surged in his heart, there was also an extremely terrifying murderous intention that filled the air from his body.

The truth about Cang Yao’s death is about to come out!

In his previous life, he had two disciples.

The eldest disciple, Yang Tianhua, was extremely talented. He originally planned to teach Yang Tianhua the true meaning of his swordsmanship, but later he discovered that Yang Tianhua was extremely scheming, so he gave up the idea.

Then he traveled around the world, and by chance, he discovered the astonishing jade Cang Yao who possesses the body of a great sword heart, and designated Cang Yao as the successor to his mantle.

Yang Tianhua never showed any dissatisfaction. In front of him, he also took great care of Cang Yao, his junior sister.

Now it seems that everything is an illusion.

When he went to Tiangong and shed blood in the sky, Yang Tianhua actually went to Tiangong directly!

Although Cang Yao is Yang Tianhua's junior sister, Cang Yao's strength has long surpassed Yang Tianhua's. It is naturally impossible for Yang Tianhua alone to suppress Cang Yao.

According to the information revealed by the blood-lettered stone tablet left by Cang Yao, in addition to Yang Tianhua, there are also the Holy Lords from all directions who colluded with Yang Tianhua!

The Holy Lord of the Four Directions is the Lord of the four holy places in the Cang Realm!

Thinking back to the beginning, the Cang Realm was in turmoil, demons were causing trouble, and the human race was in danger, and the holy lands in all directions were also in danger of destruction.

It was Yun Hao's previous life, holding a three-foot green blade, turning the tide, helping them survive the disaster, leading them to sweep away the demons, which not only allowed the Sifang Holy Land to continue, but also brought the Sifang Holy Land to a glory far beyond its past.

The Holy Lords from all over the world respectfully and respectfully worshiped him in front of him.


Now it seems that they are all a bunch of sanctimonious and shameless people!

After his death, he immediately teamed up with the ambitious Yang Tianhua to surround and kill his successor!

"Yang Tianhua, you evil disciple who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors!"

"Holy Lord of the Four Directions, you ungrateful and shameless people!"

"You all just wait for me, I will definitely destroy your souls!"

Yun Hao shouted fiercely, his murderous intention turned into substance and turned into bone-chilling ice.

After a long time.

Yun Hao looked at the words written in bright red blood on the stone tablet and said: "Yao'er, my master is back, my master will definitely find you.

I will take you back to Central Continent with me. I will seek justice on your behalf for the injustice you have suffered! "

From the information left by Cang Yao, he felt that Cang Yao might still be alive, but had lost the body of Dao Jianxin.

The next moment, he raised his hand and waved.

The sword energy surged, wrapped around the stone tablet, pulled it up, and put it into the storage ring.

His original intention was just to preserve this stone tablet.

But just when he pulled out the stone tablet.

Changes occur suddenly.

A magic light with a diameter of a hundred feet exploded, and the terrifying magic power swept in all directions like a torrent, and the heaven and earth shook!

Yun Hao also burst out with an unparalleled edge that could break through the sky and the earth, tearing apart the demonic power that was eroding around him and blocking them all!

His eyes were fixed on the hole after the stone tablet was pulled out.

After a while.

The supreme demonic power disappeared into thin air.

The hundred-foot dark beam also disappeared without a trace.

In the pit, there is only a piece of dark ancient jade covered with dense cracks. It seems that if it is touched even slightly, it will completely break into ashes.

Yunhao looked at this piece of dark ancient jade and was silent for a while.

After a long time, he finally let out a long sigh: "Yao'er... why are you doing this..."

From the moment he saw this piece of dark ancient jade, he already knew what choice Cang Yao made after taking the blood oath of the great road!

This is the ancient Demonic Heart Jade, a forbidden object that Yun Hao discovered from a source stone in his previous life.

Cang Yao, this optimistic and kind-hearted girl... gave up the Dao Sword Heart, used the Demon Heart Jade as the foundation, forged the ancient Demon Heart, and turned to the Nine Hell Demon Art!

The Nine Hell Demonic Skills, the nine reincarnations of purgatory, each life is plagued by endless pain, and you are always in the torture of purgatory...

If you can successfully survive the reincarnation of the nine hells and achieve an immortal demonic body, your strength will surely shake the world and overturn the world!

However, according to records in some classics, no one has ever been able to practice this magic skill to perfection.

Countless people with great perseverance, in the torture of purgatory from life to life, their minds collapsed, they committed suicide, and their bodies and souls disappeared...

At this moment, not far away, another unexpected situation occurred.

In the dark, it seemed as if the cry of the sword spirit reached Yun Hao's ears.

Su Xin Sword!

The sword he gave to Cangyao... was about to break!

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