God Hongtian

Chapter 491: Cub, Sealing Bell

The situation once again exceeded Yunhao's expectations.

The creatures that existed in this taboo that the Su family touched turned out to be wild beasts.

This made Yunhao feel the pressure.

After all, this is a creature that can destroy the world. The previous cultivation civilization was extremely glorious and prosperous, but it was all destroyed by the power of wild beasts.

The fat man muttered: "Brother Yun, what is a wild beast?"

Yun Hao: "Tell me, under what circumstances does this wild beast hit you every time?"

Although this desolate beast is still in its infancy, the strength that the desolate beast just exploded to break free from Yun Hao's source of magic is enough to prove that this desolate beast cub actually has the strength to kill Fatty. .

But Fatty was only slapped in the face every time, and he is still alive and well, which means that this desolate beast may not have any murderous intention. It is very likely that some kind of behavior of Fatty has angered this desolate beast cub. .

The fat man thought for a moment and said, "I just eat forbidden energy."

"Keep eating!" Yun Hao said.

The fat man blinked and said, "Brother Yun, you mean, if I eat forbidden energy, wild beasts will come out and beat me?"

Yun Hao: "Bring out the body of the wild beast first!"

The fat man hummed, and immediately started to use the Heaven-Swallowing Technique again, desperately sucking in the forbidden energy.

But no matter how much he ate, there was no movement around him.

After a while, the fat man was full and said: "Brother Yun, if I keep eating, I feel like my stomach will explode... Could it be because you are here?

The beast dare not come out? "

Yun Hao immediately used a spell to completely hide his aura.

The fat man's belly grew bigger and bigger as he ate, and his belly stretched out, revealing the light. It was obvious that he was on the verge of exploding.

Yun Hao frowned and said to himself: "It seems that I guessed wrongly. There is no pattern to the wild beast cub beating the fat man."

The fat man looked sad and said: "Unexpectedly, the fat man was so wise and handsome all his life, but he ended up with such a miserable ending as his stomach exploding."

As soon as these words came out.

Those furry little claws suddenly appeared and hit the fat man in the face!

With a snap, the fat man's head tilted and his body flew away.

Then, the furry little paws disappeared in an instant.

Yun Hao immediately flew to Fatty's side.

Fatty: "Brother Yun, what were you doing just now?"

Yun Hao just thought that he couldn't lure out the wild beast, so he was indeed a little distracted and didn't react.

"I was preparing the Origin Technique just now. It's ready now. Brother Fat, you continue to lure the wild beast out!" Yun Hao explained casually.

Fatty: "...I don't know how to lure that little wild beast out...I can't eat anymore."

"No need to eat, I found the pattern of wild beasts beating you."

"What?" The fat man looked confused.

Yun Hao: "What do you think you look like?"

The fat man's expression instantly became deep, revealing a touch of brightness and sadness, and he said: "Of course he is handsome and extraordinary, with jade trees in the wind."

Just finished speaking.


The furry claws appeared from the surging forbidden energy and hit the fat man's face unceremoniously.

Yun Hao immediately squeezed the source seal with his hand and grabbed the furry paw directly.

His palm successfully grasped the furry claw. Even though the source technique covered his palm, Yunhao's hand still felt an extremely violent impact of power.

This violent force was completely different from any other force that Yun Hao had come into contact with. It exuded a sense of wilderness and loneliness!

Obviously, this is the power of the wild beast!


The wild beast's furry little paws flicked violently, breaking free from Yun Hao's grasp, and then escaped.

Yun Hao's eyes flickered, and a ray of spiritual power condensed into a spiritual pattern.

"Fat brother, what do you think of your character?"

Fatty: "Fat Master's character is high-spirited and upright!"


The voice of the wild beast sounded with anger, and the furry little claw that Yun Hao had just frightened away appeared again, trying to slap the fat man in the face.

Yun Hao flicked his finger, and a ray of sword energy, carrying the mark of spiritual power, shot towards the claws of the wild beast.

A wild power rippled on the surface of the wild beast's claws, shattering Yun Hao's sword energy.

But the spiritual pattern formed by the condensed ray of Yunhao's mental power was successfully stained on the fur of the desolate beast's claws.

The claws of the wild beast were once again forced back and disappeared by Yun Hao.

The fat monk Zhang Er was confused and said: "Brother Yun, what is the pattern of wild beasts beating me?"

What? "

Yun Hao: "...this little wild beast, look, I can't stand how shameless you are."

Fatty: "..."

"Fat brother, you stay here and wait for me, I'll go find the wild beast!"

After giving the warning, Yun Hao's figure flashed and disappeared instantly, following the induction of the spiritual patterns he left on the fur of the desolate beast.

In the gray forbidden energy, Yunhao protected his body with source magic and used extreme speed to find the wild beast.

Soon, he came to the core area of ​​this forbidden energy.

Here, the taboo energy is extremely powerful, and there are even traces of taboo aura that penetrate Yun Hao's body protection source technique.

Yun Hao's body was aging rapidly, becoming diseased, and countless cold and vicious forces were eroding his body.


In his body, Qi and blood burst out, bringing with it bursts of rays of light, and the life energy surged, clearing away the taboo aura that had penetrated the power of the body protection source technique, and restored his physical body.

Resolved physical problems.

Yun Hao's eyes were fixed forward.

I saw a cute, chubby white kitten, curled up, its two big eyes full of fear and uneasiness. It was vaguely visible that the kitten's body was trembling, and it was very scared!

The creatures in this forbidden energy that is enough to form a restricted area of ​​life, the legendary wild beast with the power to destroy the world, turned out to be in this form.

It really surprised Yun Hao.


"Bad guy!"

"You are just like that shameless fat man.

Bad guy, big bad guy! "

"Don't come over here. I'm warning you. I'm very fierce. If you come any closer, I'll slap you in the face!"

The little wild beast uttered human words, saying cruel words in a milky voice.

At this time, the little wild beast stood up and assumed an attacking posture. Only then did Yunhao realize that there was a small bell pressed under the little wild beast's claws!

"Sealing Heaven Bell!"

Yunhao was shocked again.

This is a treasure that can seal forbidden energy. In his previous life, Yunhao had opened a complete heaven-sealing bell from a forbidden source stone!

If you control this heaven-sealing bell, then the forbidden energy of the Su family can be completely sealed in it!

"Bad guy, your eyes tell me that you want to steal my toys!"

The little wild beast bared its teeth, but it didn't look fierce at all. Instead, it looked quite naive!

Yun Hao immediately took a step forward, and his figure shot forward. In an instant, the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique was launched, and the body of a true dragon appeared!


The little wild beast was immediately frightened, turned around suddenly, and disappeared without a trace!

Even the Sealing Heaven Bell pressed in his paws was ignored.

The little wild beast disappeared so quickly that in the blink of an eye, even if Yun Hao left a mental mark on its fur, he could no longer sense any breath.

Yun Hao dispersed the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique and took the Heaven Sealing Bell in his hand.

The Sealing Sky Bell is a little damaged, but the problem is not serious. It can be used after a little repair!

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