God Hongtian

Chapter 490: World-Destroying Desolate Beast

In the restricted area of ​​the Su family.

Yunhao sat cross-legged, running his skills and continuing to refine the energy of the Qingkong Hematopoietic Pill remaining in his body.

As for the Su family's source formation, he doesn't need his help to control it yet.

The three Source Masters who have just come in need to understand the Source Formation first, and then they can start to work officially.

After Yunhao looked at the source array diagram, he knew more about this source array than anyone in the Su family, but there was no need to show it now, otherwise it would attract too much attention and make it inconvenient to sneak into the forbidden energy. , to explore the secrets of the creatures inside.

As the fat man said.

Half an hour later.

The power of the source array in the forbidden area suddenly increased a lot.

This means that the current top Source Master of the Su family, the Supreme Elder who has always been guarding the forbidden energy, has also gone to operate the Source Formation himself.

Yunhao immediately set off, avoiding the areas guarded by active masters along the way, and went deep into the core of the Su family's forbidden area.

It didn't take long.

A ball of gray energy, like a mountain a hundred feet high, appeared in Yun Hao's sight.

Yun Hao's expression became countless times more serious.

In fact, when the Su family first came into contact with this taboo, it was not very powerful. At most, it only touched upon the level of a taboo.

Otherwise, the Source Formation of the Su family would not be able to suppress it at all!

But as time went by, the power of this taboo continued to grow, and it became what it is now.

Yun Hao's solemn expression revealed a hint of doubt.

The Su family didn't understand how terrifying this forbidden energy was, but Yunhao knew it very well.

Logically speaking, the forbidden energy that has become so huge cannot be suppressed and blocked by the Su family's source formation.

Even if it is twice as small.

This Source Formation of the Su family cannot be suppressed at all!

Then, the only explanation is that it has something to do with the creatures existing in the forbidden energy.

Yun Hao's thoughts were spinning rapidly, and the next moment, his figure flew towards this terrifying gray forbidden energy.

The moment Yun Hao's body was about to come into contact with this forbidden energy, he immediately formed a seal with one hand and used the source seal to turn it into a layer of mysterious and unpredictable meaning.

The shimmer of light adhered to the surface of his body.

Facing such powerful forbidden energy, even Yun Hao had to take some protective measures!


The formation hub area that Yun Hao was originally responsible for.

Liu Piaopiao took advantage of the opportunity when all the Source Masters were manipulating the Source Formation with all their strength and came over.

"Huh? Where is the person? Why is he missing?"

Liu Piaopiao didn't notice Yun Hao, and instantly put the jade bottle in her hand into the storage ring.

She stood there, thinking for a moment, and then headed to another area.

Not long after.

Liu Piaopiao came to an old man who was using the source technique and manipulating the source array with all his strength.

"Liu Piaopiao, I have met Senior Zhou." Liu Piaopiao bowed her hands in a polite manner.

The old man didn't look at her and said: "The genius of Origin Art who just came in, the first place in the Origin Stone Festival, I know you, if you have anything, we can talk about it later, I shouldn't be distracted now."

Liu Piaopiao smiled faintly and said: "Senior Zhou, I will just say a few words, you are busy with your business."


With a thought in her mind, Liu Piaopiao took out a jade pendant from the storage ring and placed it in front of the old man.

The old man's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Liu Piaopiao: "Other people think that Senior Zhou is an open-minded person who has no worries.

But by chance, the little girl got acquainted with the hidden descendant of Senior Zhou.

We have a good relationship. The descendants of Senior Zhou knew that I was coming to Tianbao City and specially entrusted me to say hello to Senior Zhou. "

"What... do you mean?" the old man said angrily.

Liu Piaopian smiled and said: "I don't mean anything else, I just came to say hello to Senior Zhou as entrusted by others.

Senior Zhou can rest assured that our people will take good care of Senior Zhou's descendants so that they will be well clothed and well fed, without any worries.

As long as some unexpected accidents don't happen, they will always be safe! "

Say it.

Liu Piaopiao turned around and left.

The old man immediately picked up the jade pendant on the ground, his expression extremely complicated, mixed with worry and anger.

After a while, Liu Piaopiao came to the side of a Source Master again...


Within forbidden energy.

The fat man opened his mouth, big

Swallowing and sucking.

His belly had swelled again, like a super big bubble, as if it would pop if poked.

Although it has forbidden energy and no taste, this stuff is very filling!

Even though he has been eating since he started practicing the Heaven Swallowing Technique, the speed at which the Heaven Swallowing Technique refines energy is so fast that the fat man can't get enough no matter how much he eats, and he always feels hungry.

But when he started eating this forbidden energy.

The happiness of having a full stomach is simply overwhelming!

Come for a meal every day.

I feel so satisfied eating it every day.

His cultivation realm has improved rapidly.

A few days ago, I just overcame the tribulation and was promoted to the Guiyi Realm. Now, I have reached the peak of the Guiyi Realm and I am about to sprint to the Cave Heaven Realm!

The fat man ate happily and said with great pride: "The fat man proves his way through eating. In the future, he will be the most handsome, handsome and powerful person in the nine heavens and ten earths, and he must be the fat man!"


A furry little paw appeared in front of Fatty out of thin air.

The fat man's eyes widened.

He wants to hide.

But suddenly, he couldn't move.

The furry little claws were aimed at the fat man's face.

There was a snap.


The fat man screamed, his head tilted, and his bloated body flew sideways.


That little claw slaps you in the face again!

Recently, he has been beaten every day when he comes to eat forbidden energy, and the number of beatings is increasing. The key is, he is beaten specifically on his handsome and cruel face!

"Little thing, get out of here, Fatty!"

The fat man shouted angrily.

The next moment, the furry paw suddenly appeared next to his other face and waved it down unceremoniously.


The fat man's head tilted again, and his body continued to fly sideways.

"Ah, ah, I'm so mad at Fatty. If you have the guts, just show up in front of Fatty openly, and Fatty will challenge you to a one-on-one fight!"

The furry little paws appeared in front of Fatty again.


This time, it’s a direct slap in the face!

"Hitting people doesn't mean hitting people in the face. You can humiliate Fatty, but you can't hit Fatty in the face. Fatty still relies on this face to walk around the world!"

The fat man shouted sadly, and then continued to eat, eat, eat!

How to relieve worries?

Just keep eating!

furry little

The claws kept hitting and hitting, especially in the face.

After a while.

The fat man's face was completely deformed after being beaten.

The fat man was distraught.

"Little one, if you bully me today, the fat man will beat you to pieces in the future!"

The furry little paw seemed to be irritated, and after reappearing, it actually grew several times larger.

Fatty: "...you...do you think that the fat man will be afraid of you if you become a big pig's hoof?"

The big furry paw fell down again.

"Excuse me, I was wrong..."

The fat man immediately held his head in his hands and gave in.


An expected blow didn't come.

The fat man finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Zhao, Master Fatty, I can't see Taishan. Fatty will rub your legs from now on. Stop hitting, stop hitting. Let's live in harmony and love each other."

The fat man muttered as he loosened his grip on his head and looked up.

Only then did he realize that Yun Hao's figure was standing in front of him.

The fat man was moved to tears.


Yun Hao used the Origin Technique, a layer of mysterious power, to freeze the big furry claws in the air.

When the fat man saw this, all his grievances and anger suddenly burst out.

"Hmph, the fat man is so wise and brave, how can he be afraid of a little thing like you? The fat man will eat you!"

With an angry roar, the fat man swung his fist towards the big claw that Yun Hao had pinned in the air with his source technique.



The breath on this big furry paw shook, and it directly crushed the power of Yun Hao's source of imprisonment. With a slap of the paw, it hit the charging fat man's face again.


The fat man screamed and flew backwards.

The furry claws shrunk and retreated, trying to hide into the forbidden energy.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and connected the seals with his hands, and the Source Technique seal burst out with brilliant light. Layers of Source Technique light surged out like a tide, rushing towards the claws that wanted to hide in the forbidden energy.


At this time.

A milky cat meow sounded, which seemed to be mixed with a hint of anger. The forbidden energy around him suddenly seemed to be boiling, crushing crazily and crushing the light of Yun Hao's source technique.

Yun Hao immediately flashed and suddenly

He rushed to the side of the fat man who was knocked out, holding the fat man's collar in one hand, and retreated again!


The impact of forbidden energy brought bursts of thunderous explosions.

Fortunately, Yun Hao took Fatty back to a distance in time.

The fat man was still frightened.

After the storm of forbidden energy subsided, the fat man said: "Brother Yun, if you come a little later, maybe I will suppress this little thing.


Bullying the fat man, but not looking at who the fat man is?

Fatty is full of courage and unparalleled courage. He is a born god of war! "

Yun Hao: "..."

The next moment, he raised his hand and a piece of source magic light fell on the fat man's face. Suddenly, dense black claw marks appeared on the fat man's face!

"Ah...it hurts...it hurts me to death, Fatty..."

Yunhao was speechless. He channeled part of his life energy and combined it with source magic to help the fat man remove the black claw marks on his face.

After a while, the fat man returned to normal. He used his energy to form a mirror, looked at it, touched his face with his hand, and said, "Fortunately, there are no scars on my face."

Yun Hao ignored the fat man again. His eyes were deep, as if there was a divine light in his eyes, and he looked around silently.

Fatty: "Brother Yun, what is that thing?"

Yun Hao looked solemn and said: "Desolate beast!"

This is an extremely terrifying creature.

Based on some clues, it can be inferred that the previous cultivation civilization was actually extremely prosperous, powerful, and brilliant.

But the last cultivation civilization seemed to have gone from prosperity to decline in a short period of time, and then disappeared in the long river of time.

Several top Yuantian masters once jointly deduced and came up with an extremely bold guess.

The last cultivation civilization was probably destroyed by a creature called a wild beast.

A desolate beast, so it is also called a world-destroying desolate beast!

In Yun Hao's previous life, he had studied source magic for a long time, and even came into contact with a broken bone of what seemed to be a desolate beast.

That kind of breath is similar in origin to the breath emanating from the furry paw just now.

It is very possible that what was conceived in this ball of forbidden energy was a living wild beast cub!

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