God Hongtian

Chapter 468: Use spiritual crystals to teach him how to behave

The next day, early morning.

After a night of mental adjustment, Jin Yan'er had hidden her sadness in her heart.

Yun Hao called Zhu Pin to his room early in the morning.

After Zhu Pin entered the room, his expression was startled.

Good guy.

As expected of a young genius and charming, there was actually an extra woman in the room.

Although Zhu Pin has long passed the point of lusting after women, he still has normal aesthetic ability.

As for the little lady in Yunhao's room, although she is far inferior to the maid in the Martial Palace in all aspects, she can still be called a proper beauty.

Walking on the road, it can attract the attention of countless men and turn their heads!

Zhu Pin didn't dare to take another look. He lowered his head and said, "What do you want to say, Master?"

"I'm going out for a trip. You are responsible for protecting Jin Yan'er's safety here." Yun Hao said.

When Zhu Pin heard this, his eyes suddenly flashed.

It turns out that this girl is Jin Yuzhong's granddaughter, the poor girl who was tortured by the power of disaster just like Jin Yuzhong!

"Please rest assured, young master, Zhu San will ensure the safety of Miss Jin and will not let Miss Jin be harmed in the slightest." Zhu Pin promised.

Yun Hao looked at Jin Yan'er: "What happened last night has sounded the alarm. There is a hidden force in Tianbao City. Who are they? What is their overall strength? What is the purpose they want to achieve? We They don’t know anything yet.

So, don’t go out casually anymore.

With Zhu San here, his strength is enough to ensure your safety.

I promised your grandpa that I would resolve the power of disaster in you, and I will certainly keep my word! "

He went out today just to visit the Origin Stone trading area in Tianbao City!

The fire in Jin Yaner's body has existed for three years.

It is not easy to save her.

But since Yun Hao agreed to Jin Yuzhong, he would not be perfunctory.

He has several ways to keep Jin Yan'er alive and avoid being burned by the fire of disaster in the future.

But the safest way is to use the power of disaster to deal with disaster!

This is the purpose of Yunhao going out today!

Jin Yan'er: "Young master, you have to be careful when you go out."

Yun Hao hummed, and then left the inn alone, heading straight to the source stone trading place in Tianbao City.

Tianbao City is famous for its Origin Stones in Daxia. Almost all the Origin Stones from the ancient country of Daxia will be concentrated in Tianbao City for trading.

Therefore, the place where Tianbao City trades Origin Stones is located in the core area.

This is an extremely wide square called Origin Stone Square. There is no building blocking the view. All the Origin Stones are piled up in front of the vendors.

Whether you are a Source Master or someone who is just interested in Source Stones, you can come to the Source Stone Plaza and choose to purchase Source Stones. You can also open stones on site, etc., and you can also bet on stones with each other.

All in all, here, as long as there is no fighting and robbery, there are no other binding rules.

Master Yuan is here. It is normal for him to lose his sight and lose everything.

It often happens that people who don't understand the source of magic get lucky and make a lot of money!

After Yunhao arrived at Origin Stone Square, he was immediately recognized.

Many people were muttering in the distance.

"Does this mortal swordsman also know about Origin Stone?"

"Oh, it's impossible. Human energy is limited, even for super geniuses. He has practiced the flying sword method that is so difficult to practice to the third stage of the Heart Sword. How can he still have time to learn it? Source technique?”

"That's true. Looking at him like this, he's just here to join in the fun!"

"Maybe I'll have to take off my pants later!"

"Hahaha, that makes sense!"

Yun Hao didn't pay attention to the countless strange looks and murmuring comments.

After entering the Originium Square, he passed two Originium stalls and then stopped in front of the third Originium stall.

The owner of the stall is an old man who looks extremely shrewd, with a mustache and sneaky eyes.

"Hey, isn't this the famous Hongchen Swordsman? I admire Master Hongchen extremely. Mr. Hongchen

My son bought the Origin Stone from me. He was truly a genius. He could tell at a glance that the Origin Stone here was extraordinary! "

The old man immediately held up a head-sized Origin Stone, patted it with his hand, and said: "Young Master Hongchen, the price of this Origin Stone is one hundred spiritual crystals.

But since it’s Young Master Hongchen who wants to buy it, I’ll give you a 20% discount and eighty spiritual crystals!

I dare say that if Young Master Hongchen buys this Origin Stone, not to mention earning one hundred and eighty thousand spiritual crystals, it will not be a big problem if it is doubled ten to eight times! "

In the ancient country of Daxia, the currency used among monks is no longer mundane things such as silver, gold, and jewelry, but spiritual crystals!

Spiritual crystals are also the currency commonly used by cultivators in the entire Eastern Wasteland, and even in the entire Cang Realm.

It can be said that the cultivation environment here in the ancient country of Daxia has at least been officially integrated with the entire Cang Realm!

Unlike the Qingfeng Dynasty, a small country where even cultivators still use gold and silver.

Yun Hao came to the ancient country of Daxia. Although he did not earn spiritual crystals, he had a lot of spiritual crystals in his storage ring, at least tens of thousands!

These are all his trophies.

When the Martial Palace's Yunhai Formation killed the Feiying Hall Master and the Crazy Blade Hall Master, all the things they owned fell into Yun Hao's storage ring.

This also includes all the wealth of Yan Quan, the deputy master of the Martial Palace.

These are all big shots, and their total spiritual crystals add up to tens of thousands.

It can be imagined that for some ordinary cultivators, a hundred spiritual crystals are actually not a small amount of money!

at this time.

A tall, round-waisted, richly dressed middle-aged man came over and said immediately: "I want this Origin Stone and eighty spiritual crystals!"

The old man immediately looked embarrassed and said: "Sir, the price of eighty spirit crystals is only for geniuses like Mr. Hongchen. If others buy it, the price is one hundred spirit crystals, so one must not be missing!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and said: "Will I be short of these spiritual crystals? I have taken a fancy to this source stone. This source stone will definitely produce high-level treasures. One hundred spiritual crystals, take it. Source Stone

Give me! "

As he spoke, he was very generous, and with a flick of his arm, a hundred spiritual crystals fell on the stall, flashing and shining.

There were people whispering around.

He was talking about the origin of this rich middle-aged man. He was a Source Master who was about to be promoted to a Source Master. He had a sharp eye and was extremely accurate in identifying Source Stones. He was attracted to the Source Stones out of ten. Jiudu has treasures.

The stall owner looked embarrassed and said: "First come, first served. If Mr. Hongchen doesn't want it, I will give it to you."

Yun Hao casually picked up a fist-sized Origin Stone from the stall with a price tag of fifty spiritual crystals, and said: "I want this Origin Stone and ten spiritual crystals."

For this kind of low-level source stone, Yun Hao didn't need to use source magic to identify it. He could figure it out after just a few glances.

The source stone in his hand contains rich medicinal energy. Judging from the fluctuations of this energy, the value should be in the range of one hundred to one hundred and fifty spiritual crystals.

Stall owner: "..."

The rich middle-aged man: "..."

Stall owner: "Young Master Hongchen, this is really a treasure in my hand. Don't you want it?"

Yun Hao: "If you don't want to sell this Origin Stone and ten spiritual crystals in my hand, I will look elsewhere."

With that said, he put down the Origin Stone, turned around and left.

Stall owner: "Okay, okay, ten spiritual crystals, it doesn't matter if I lose some, I just want to make friends with Mr. Hongchen. Mr. Hongchen, take it!"

Yun Hao turned around, took out eight spiritual crystals from the storage ring, placed them on the stall, and threw the Origin Stone into the storage ring.

Stall owner: "Where are the ten spiritual crystals promised?"

Yun Hao: "You said I would buy your Origin Stone at a 20% discount, right?"

The stall owner looked frustrated and said, "It doesn't matter."

Yun Hao took the Origin Stone and left.

The rich middle-aged man took back the hundred spiritual crystals he had just thrown out, and said depressedly: "Dad, this mortal swordsman is not easy to fool!"

The stall owner sighed and said: "Fortunately, we finally opened today. I bought the Origin Stone with seven spiritual crystals and earned him one spiritual crystal!"


After a while.

a group of people,

Arrive at Origin Stone Square.

Prince Xia Yi, and the little fat boy from the Su family!

Xia Yi said with a smile: "Brother Su, we have hit it off since the first time we met. In my heart, I feel that I regret meeting each other late. It's okay for us to be happy today. Brother Su saw something in Origin Stone Square, even though Take it, take the spirit crystal, and the prince is out!"

The fat man glanced at Xia Yi.

He didn't forget.

Back then, when they were in the imperial city of the Qingfeng Dynasty, it was the old bastard from the royal family of the ancient Kingdom of Daxia who almost forced Yun Hao to despair. The brothers left the Qingfeng Dynasty with the purpose of settling accounts with the old bastard.

Although, it was later learned that Yun Hao was not dead and was still thriving in the Martial Hall.

But this account does not mean that it is forgotten!

Today, Xia Yi took the initiative to invite him out to play. He would not be polite. If he didn't cheat Xia Yi, the little bastard, he would be sorry for the title of Fat Master!

Xia Yi: "As long as Brother Su is happy, everything will be easy. It's just a matter of spiritual crystals. This prince has plenty!"

The fat man's little eyes glowed.

Since Xia Yi said so himself, if she didn't trick him into taking off his pants, then he would be sorry for Xia Yi's warm-heartedness!

"Prince, I'm new to learning Origin Technique, if I get it wrong..."

Xia Yi: "It doesn't matter, no matter whether the Origin Stone bought by Brother Su has gone up or lost, the things inside still belong to Brother Su. Today, this prince is only responsible for taking the spirit crystals. Brother Su is responsible for having fun, and the rest are , don’t think about it.”

The fat man looked touched: "Prince, you are really my good brother!"

Xia Yi: "If I can become a good brother with such a handsome man as Brother Su, no matter how much spiritual crystals I spend, what's the harm?"

at this time.

One of Xia Yi's henchmen came up to Xia Yi and said, "Prince Qi, the Red Dust Swordsman is also in Origin Stone Square and came alone."

Xia Yi's eyes flashed.

The fat man snorted and said: "You can't do anything in Origin Stone Square. This is the rule of the Su family, but it doesn't matter. Today, let's first let this mortal swordsman feel what it means to be wealthy and use spiritual crystals to teach him how to behave!"

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