God Hongtian

Chapter 467: Secret forces, the prince’s conspiracy

Jin Yuzhong is gone.

With a determination to die, he just wanted to give his granddaughter Jin Yaner a new life in the future.

If he hadn't always wanted to find a chance to save Jin Yan'er's life in Tianbao City, he would have died long ago.

As a legendary figure in the ancient country of Daxia, he turned into a monster and had to feed on human blood to survive. This state actually made his life worse than death!

Just when Yunhao wanted to call Jin Yaner in and explain the situation to her.


Several powerful auras approached quietly.

A cold light suddenly flashed in Yun Hao's eyes, and the next moment, his figure melted into the darkness.




After the three figures approached this deserted yard, they no longer concealed themselves and broke out instantly.

The three auras are all at the peak of Mortal Realm!

Jin Yan'er, who was guarding outside the courtyard, was immediately surrounded by three people.

Jin Yaner suddenly looked like she was facing a formidable enemy.

"Finally found it!"

"As long as we investigate all the guys whose blood was sucked, we can find traces of you little girl. Such an easy clue, but the Su family in Tianbao City has never been able to find it. It seems that the Su family's trouble is really It has reached an urgent stage.”

"Little girl, be honest and surrender. We won't kill you. As long as you cooperate and explain the whereabouts of that monster, you will be fine!"

The three of them sneered again and again.

Jin Yan'er took a deep breath, and the next moment, she let out a soft drink, and her figure instantly stood up from the ground, wanting to

Break out of the siege and lure these three guys elsewhere.

She didn't want these three guys to find her grandfather.

Once exposed.

Then we will no longer be able to hide and gain a foothold in Tianbao City!


A warrior at the peak of the Mortal Transformation Realm suddenly slapped out a palm.

Jin Yan'er's body was immediately lifted away by the powerful palm force.

"Humph, I gave you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it. If you don't drink the toast, you will be fined, and you will be responsible for the consequences!"

There was another guy at the peak of Mortal Transformation Realm. His figure shot out like an arrow from a string, rushing towards Jin Yan'er who was flying upside down. He stretched out one hand and grabbed Jin Yan'er with five fingers like hooks.

at this time.

Suddenly, rays of light from spiritual patterns bloomed.

The power of the formation turned into a huge beam of light, and with a bang, it hit the guy who was trying to catch Jin Yan'er, sending his body flying!


Yun Hao, who had concealed his appearance, stepped on the thunder light, rushed to Jin Yan'er's side in an instant, grabbed Jin Yan'er's arm, and evacuated with Jin Yan'er!

"Want to leave?"

"You're dreaming!"

"Leave me alone!"

Three loud shouts broke out.

Yun Hao snorted coldly and formed a seal with one hand.


The power of the formation rushed out crazily, knocking the three people away, and then Yun Hao took Jin Yan'er away and disappeared into the night.

His current mental power has reached the peak level of a low-level formation mage.

Using formation techniques to crush the peak of Mortal Transformation Realm is naturally a piece of cake.

But time was too hasty.

he must

Take Jin Yaner and leave immediately.

Therefore, we can only set up a simple formation and get Jin Yaner out of trouble first!

After the three warriors at the peak of the Mortal Transformation Realm got rid of the entanglement of the formation, where could they find any trace of Jin Yan'er?

"Let's go back and report first!"

The three people made a prompt decision and disappeared from the place in an instant.


Yun Hao took Jin Yan'er back to the inn where he was temporarily staying.

Jin Yaner: "Young Master Hongchen, thank you for saving me, but...but my grandpa is still over there..."

Yun Hao: "Don't worry, your grandpa is gone."

Jin Yan'er: "That's good... Master Hongchen, please tell me where my grandfather is hiding? I'll go find him!"

Yun Hao: "He left Tianbao City."

"What?!" Jin Yan'er exclaimed, "No, absolutely not. Once my grandfather leaves Tianbao City, he...he will die. I want to find my grandfather, and I can't let him go!"

Yun Hao said calmly: "This is his choice. In the next period of time, he will be a golden man and no longer a monster hiding in Tianbao City who dare not be exposed to the sun."

Speaking of which.

An extremely sad and helpless look appeared on Jin Yan'er's face. She leaned in the corner of the room, squatted down slowly, and hugged her knees with her hands, looking pitiful.

"Your grandfather left Tianbao City, firstly because he wanted to regain his last dignity, and secondly because he wanted to save you, so I will save you. Next, you stay with me. Within three months, I will definitely save you." inside you

Get rid of the fire and let you live a normal life again! "

Jin Yan'er sobbed for a long time, then raised her tear-stained cheek and looked at Yun Hao.

"I know... Grandpa has actually been heartbroken for a long time...

It was always because of me that he endured the humiliation and survived by hiding in a well and sucking blood...

Young Master Hongchen, do I... still have a chance to see my grandpa? "

Yun Hao: "I can't guarantee it."

Jin Yaner fell into silence, unable to extricate herself from sadness.

After a long time.

Jin Yan'er's mood recovered a little.

Yun Hao: "Do you know the person who wanted to arrest you just now?"

Jin Yaner shook her head and said, "The Su family has always arranged people to find me and my grandfather, but I know who those people from the Su family are, and listening to the conversation between these people tonight, they are not from the Su family..." Yun Hao frowned slightly. This sudden force obviously knew that the Su family in Tianbao City was facing huge troubles at this time. They secretly searched for monsters in the dark night of Tianbao City... After finding them, they did not want to kill them, but wanted to capture them, which means that they definitely have other purposes! What are they thinking secretly? On the other side. Three warriors at the peak of the Transcendent Realm knelt at the door of a secret room. After a while. The secret room slowly opened. A charming woman with a torn long skirt walked out with a look of dissatisfaction on her face. "Come in!" A cold shout came from the secret room. The three peak warriors of the Transcendent Realm kneeling on the ground immediately lowered their heads and entered the secret room tremblingly. The person in the secret room was Prince Xia Yi. "Where's the monster?"

"We found... we found the girl who helped the monster to locate the target, but... but just when we were about to catch the girl, a formation master suddenly appeared, attacked us, and rescued the girl..."

The secret room suddenly became like an ice cave.

"What do I need you for?"

"Three pieces of trash!"

"Go find it immediately. If you can't find the monster, don't come back alive!"

"Get lost!"

Xia Yi roared!

The three of them immediately left the secret room in a hurry.


Footsteps sounded in the secret room, and Xia Yi's teacher walked in from another entrance in the secret room.

"If this clue is broken, don't worry too much.

The Su family is not airtight.

The information of the little fat man who survived the tribulation during the day has been found out. He is a guy who just came back to the Su family to recognize his ancestors and has no sense of belonging to the Su family.

But the Su family attaches great importance to the little fat man.

We can start with the little fat man. What's more, we have made several preparations this time. This time, we can definitely defeat Tianbao City and destroy the Su family!"

Xia Yi hummed: "Immediately find a way to contact the little fat man!"

The old man: "Don't worry, he has been contacted. He has accepted our invitation. He will come to meet the prince tomorrow!"

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