God Hongtian

Chapter 450 The true identity of the monster

The woman's body suddenly erupted with the power of disaster.

But her disaster power is not like her grandfather's.

She was burned by fire.

This is an extremely painful torture that does not kill people so quickly, but occurs every once in a while.

People polluted by the power of this disaster will be in the pain of being burned for a long time. Every time a disaster breaks out, they will be in pain, but after the outbreak, everything will return to the original state.

Moreover, each outbreak will be more violent than the previous one.

Almost no one can survive to the point where such a fire breaks out and kills them all at once, because the long-term pain and torture has already crushed the person's spirit and will, and then chooses to end his life!

The fire on the woman in front of her erupted instantly and became extremely ferocious. It was obvious that she had been suffering from this kind of disaster pollution for a long time.

It can last so long.

This woman's will is obviously very amazing.


The fire that broke out in the woman's body was related to Yun Hao.

Apparently it was because Yun Hao had just used part of the power of the Taiyan Fire Seal to stir up the fire of disaster in her body.

Just now.

The woman stopped her grandfather from making a murderous move against Yun Hao, sowing a good karma.


Yun Hao did not remain indifferent, but gave this woman a good result!

He didn't hesitate at all, and in an instant he fired out sword energy and penetrated the woman's body. He planned to help her suppress the fire in her body just like he helped Zhu Pin!


The strange figure who had just thrown himself back into the well rushed out again, shouting extremely nervously: "You... how dare you hurt my granddaughter again, you die!"

"I'll help her again. If you don't want to see her tortured, don't bother me!" Yun Hao shouted coldly, Su Xin

The sword had been put into the storage ring, and he slapped the woman's body with both palms.

The woman's skin was burned and peeled off at a slower rate, and her pain was instantly relieved.

The strange figure that rushed out of the well also noticed this, so he just stayed aside and did not come forward to disturb him.

The woman has been deeply contaminated by the power of disaster for a long time, and the fire of disaster is deep-rooted in her body.

What Zhu Pin suffered was only secondary pollution from the disaster, and he was instantly controlled by Yun Hao from the beginning.

But it would obviously take a lot of time to suppress the fire in this woman's body.

Time passed slowly.

Yun Hao continued to use the skill of controlling fire, combined with his understanding of the power of disaster, to suppress the fire in the woman's body bit by bit.

It was getting light.

The rising sun sheds a faint golden light.

The woman's grandfather, a fifth-level expert in the Dharma Realm who had been severely polluted by the disaster, his strange body was illuminated by a pale golden light, and the scales on his skin suddenly made a sizzling sound, and pieces of smoke came out. .

His body was shaking.


He cannot be exposed to daylight.

The sunlight will cause him extremely painful torture.

But even so, he still stood by and stared at his granddaughter. He endured the pain and did not make a sound, for fear of affecting Yun Hao who helped his granddaughter suppress the fire.

And this time.

The woman's pain has eased a lot.

Her skin that had been burned off had all grown back under her own power of transformation.

White, smooth and tender.

No scars can be seen at all.

No outsider can imagine how much pain and torture this beauty must have endured!

"Grandpa...I...I'm fine. You go back to the bottom of the well first...don't worry about me."

woman looking

Looking at the monster-like grandfather next to him, his voice was weak.

The strange figure took a deep breath, then stood up, cupped his hands towards Yun Hao, bent down, bowed and thanked him, and said: "Young Master saved my granddaughter, I am very grateful. If you can completely remove the power of disaster from my granddaughter's body, I will , Whatever the young master wants, I will work hard to help the young master do it!”


The strange figure returned to the bottom of the well with a splash.

Another half hour passed.

Yun Hao finally suppressed the fire in the woman's body.

It's been a busy night.

His forehead was covered with sweat.

The woman recovered, her complexion quickly improved, her face became rosy and shiny, and she said, "Thank you so much, sir, for your help. I will never forget it. I have one more merciless request. I hope you will not expose my grandfather's hiding place!" "


The woman knelt down directly on the ground and said: "If the young master doesn't agree to me, wherever the young master goes, the little girl will follow him and kneel in front of the young master!"

Yun Hao frowned.

The woman continued: "Sir, I didn't lie to you last night. My grandfather has never killed innocent people indiscriminately since he was infected by the disaster.

On weekdays, I am active in Tianbao City, collecting clues and looking for those who have committed heinous crimes.

I collected the list, and my grandfather would go out at night, find them, and drink their blood.

If you don't believe me, you can go investigate. This list is full of people whose blood was sucked by my grandfather. I have recorded all the crimes they committed on it. "

With that said, he took out the book of records.

Yun Hao didn't check it, there was no need.

"If your grandfather needs to drink blood, it is obviously more appropriate to leave Tianbao City. You can find more evil people in other parts of the ancient country of Daxia, and the risk is much smaller. Why do you two stay in Tianbao City?" Yun said

Hao asked.

This is very abnormal.

Combined with some of the things he found in Tianbao City last night, Yunhao vaguely felt that this might be related to the secrets of Tianbao City.

Woman: "We can't leave. Once we leave Tianbao City, we will die immediately.

Because, somehow, the disaster and pollution in my and grandpa’s bodies are closely related to Tianbao City.

It can be understood that there are roots of disaster in Tianbao City, and we are just the fruits of disaster after it spreads its branches and leaves.

If we leave Tianbao City, we will lose our roots and will die immediately!

Originally, my grandfather and I were both willing to die if we continued to live like this.

But my grandfather is still thinking of a way. He wants to save me, so he has been staying in Tianbao City and relying on sucking human blood to survive. He feels that since the trouble comes from Tianbao City, the solution to the problem must also be in Tianbao City.

Grandpa said that only when the disaster pollution in my body is removed, will he stop sucking human blood and choose to end his life..."

Yun Hao: "Then what did you find out in your investigation?"

The woman shook her head and said: "Tianbao City is the territory of the Su family. The Su family must know the truth, but the Su family has been hiding the truth. Grandpa once tried to sneak into the Su family and found that the Su family had a secret area where countless formations were set up. Prohibition.

Grandpa suspected that there was the truth inside.

But grandpa can’t get in..."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered and he said, "Tell me how you were contaminated by the disaster."

The woman recalled it. For her, that experience was the beginning of pain. It was the past that she least wanted to recall. Her emotions were ups and downs. After a moment, she said: "My grandfather and I were together three years ago. , came to Tianbao City.

The night we first arrived in Tianbao City, something very strange happened in Tianbao City, and a terrifying power of disaster broke out.

Even though the power of the disaster was instantly suppressed by the power of the Su family, thousands of people were still affected by the power of the disaster and died in the disaster.

My grandfather was very strong, so he not only survived the pollution of the disaster, but also saved my life.

But from that day on, Grandpa was afraid of the sun and could only live in darkness. His body also experienced abnormal changes.

And every once in a while, I would be burned by fire, and I would be in pain. "

Yun Hao was silent for a moment.

Almost no useful information was obtained.

After all, a discerning person can guess that all this must be related to the Su family.

Finally, Yun Hao asked slightly curiously: "Your grandfather is at the fifth level of Dharma Realm. He is by no means an unknown person in the ancient country of Daxia. What is his true identity?"


She didn't want to say.

Because her grandfather was indeed a very famous man.

But now, it has become like this.

She was afraid that the news would leak out and ruin her grandfather's reputation.

But at this moment.

In the well, the woman's grandfather's voice came out: "Sir, you can suppress the fire in my granddaughter's body. Is there any way you can save her?"

Yun Hao: "It can be saved, but it is difficult. The disaster has been in the body for three years. If you want to save her, it depends on whether she has enough opportunities and luck. After all, saving her requires some rare resources. Can you find them?" ,not sure."

From the well, there was a sound again.

“I don’t dare to be harsh on whether the rescue can be successful.

As long as you are willing to save my granddaughter, I will do my best to repay you.

I always keep my words and keep my word.

If you don’t believe me, then you can ask anyone for the name Jin Yuzhong! "

As soon as these words came out.

Yun Hao was shocked.

This... is the Jin Yuzhong he is looking for! !

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