God Hongtian

Chapter 449 Good Causes and Good Results

The angle at which the long whip strikes is tricky.

Moreover, just at the moment ahead, Yun Hao's mind was impacted by the low roar coming from the bottom of the well.

If it were anyone else, even a veteran Mortal Transformation Realm warrior would not be able to calm down at this moment and could only stand there blankly, being hit by the sudden long whip.

The long whip struck Yun Hao's waist and abdomen, and then rolled.

The power exploded, trying to throw Yun Hao's body away.

But never thought about it.

Yun Hao, who was caught by the long whip, suddenly shattered and turned into light and shadow.


Almost as soon as the whip appeared, he had already left the position where he was standing.

The low roar that came from the bottom of the well, which contained ferocious will, did not have the slightest impact on Yun Hao's mind.

in the dark.

A soft buzzing sound sounded.

Obviously, this is a woman.

She rolled the long whip back in her hand and unfolded her mental power, trying to find Yun Hao. Then, she noticed an extremely sharp edge appearing behind her.

Goosebumps instantly appeared all over his body, and his back felt like it was about to be torn apart.

The woman shouted coldly, and the whip in her hand suddenly danced, wrapping around her body and creating a powerful tornado!


A sword light flashed up in an instant, and the sword edge slashed down, cutting through the tornado that protected the woman's body.

The long whip in the woman's hand was full of spirituality and seemed to be alive. Like a spiritual snake, it was wrapped around the Su Xin Sword in Yun Hao's hand. The end of the long whip was like the head of a spiritual snake. With a whooshing sound, it shot towards Yun Hao. Hao holds the sword in his hand.

Yun Hao's eyes were cold and he snorted coldly.

The sword essence in his body suddenly exploded.

At the same time, in the Consciousness Sea, the sharpness contained in the God-killing Pattern also followed a golden light, emerging from the Consciousness Sea Acupoint between his eyebrows.

It swept out and blessed the sword body!




The long whip wrapped around Su Xin Sword could no longer withstand Yun Hao's full burst, and was broken into pieces by the powerful edge of power.

The woman groaned and retreated suddenly, widening the distance between herself and Yun Hao.

This is a young and beautiful woman, in her early twenties, with an oval face, willow eyebrows, a fair and straight nose, and a small cherry mouth.

A warrior with a second-level cultivation in the Mortal Realm is very powerful, at least more powerful than the prince Xia Yi. Otherwise, a warrior at the second-level Mortal Realm could fight with Yun Hao for a few moves, and he would not die but would be seriously injured.

"I don't care who you are, take this elixir and get out of here!"

The woman held a pill in her hand and stared at Yun Hao with an extremely solemn expression.

Yun Hao glanced at the pill in the woman's hand and said, "Wangyou Pill?"

The woman was stunned for a moment, obviously a little surprised. The man opposite recognized the pill at a glance. She immediately came back to her senses and said, "Yes, this is the Forget-You Pill.

Since you recognize it, you should know that this elixir is harmless, it just makes you forget what you experienced three hours before swallowing the elixir.

Take the elixir, then leave here, forget everything you saw here, nothing will happen!

If you don't want to, then I can only fight with you to the end.

Even if you are great.

But if I try my best, you may not be able to get any benefits! "

Yun Hao frowned slightly and said: "At the bottom of the well, there is a source that has been polluted and eroded by the power of the disaster. There is a person next to me who has been contaminated by the secondary pollution of the disaster. I must remove the source of the disaster at the bottom of the well. Only by finding out the source can I save the people around me.”

A doubtful light appeared in the woman's eyes, and she said: "It's useless.

, no one can recover from the disaster and pollution. "

Yun Hao: "I said yes, then yes!"

Woman: "But I... will never let you hurt him!"

Yun Hao: "That's not up to you!"

After the words fell, Yun Hao took a step forward.

Thunder suddenly appeared underfoot.

In an instant, he appeared in front of the woman.

Su Xin Sword suddenly rose up at an angle, and the heavy sword light was like a turbulent wave rolling up.

The woman slapped her palms out, and her energy rippled like a gentle breeze, removing the domineering edge of Yun Hao's sword with gentle force.

Her handprints were flying, her movements were extremely fast, and her vitality poured out, filling the surrounding world.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and the sword moves started again, yin and yang manifested, and the universe and phenomena appeared, and in an instant, all the power exerted by the woman was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards.

A wisp of sparks suddenly erupted at the tip of the sword.


The Taiyan Fire Seal, which combines the three flames of Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire, Phoenix True Fire, and Blue Spirit Void Fire, bursts out with terrifying and astonishing scorching power.

Unable to hold on any longer, the woman let out a scream and her body was thrown away, hitting the corner of the deserted yard.

Almost at this moment.

" Roar!"

From the bottom of the well, a low roar came out again.

In addition to the ferocious will, the low roar is also mixed with unparalleled anger!

Immediately afterwards.

A figure rushed out from the bottom of the well!

Messy, wet hair swaying wildly.

The whole body is covered with tiny scales, glowing with an evil light!

This strange figure is the source of disaster and pollution.

His aura is extremely violent, and he is at least at the fifth level of Dharma Realm.

Because it has been polluted by the disaster, it is countless times more terrifying than any fifth-level Dharma Realm. Even Zhang Tao, who is at the seventh-level Dharma Realm of the Martial Hall, is probably not the opponent of the source of the disaster pollution!

Let Lin Qi, who is at the eighth-level Dharma Realm of the Martial Hall, come and perform the Wusheng Sword Dao, so that he can fight it.

In other words.

This is almost a powerful force that can walk sideways in the entire ancient country of Daxia!

After the source of the disaster pollution shot out from the well, the pair of eyes that turned completely black glanced at the woman who fell in the corner.




The angry roar continued to sound, and a pair of arms beat the chest one after another.

Then, countless octopus-like tentacles grew out of his body, and at the end of each tentacle, there was a weird human face hanging.

These human faces.

They are all the faces of people whose blood he swallowed!

They are densely packed, hundreds and thousands.

Every face was twisted, making strange whimpers or sobs, disturbing people's spirit and will, and making people feel extremely irritated.


The source polluted by the disaster roared again, and rushed out fiercely, killing Yun Hao.

Yun Hao made a seal with one hand, and was about to use secret methods to temporarily suppress the power of the disaster on the source of pollution, and then withdraw and make a big noise, exposing this place to the Su family of Tianbao City, and using the Su family to deal with this matter.

After all, such a powerful source of disaster pollution is beyond his current scope of handling.

But at this moment.

The woman who fell in the corner suddenly shouted: "Grandpa, you can't kill!"

The figure of the source of disaster pollution stopped abruptly in front of Yun Hao.

The woman immediately rushed over and blocked the strange figure.

The face of the strange figure was twisted with great pain, and he growled: "Yan'er... He deserves to die... He hurt you, he... must die!" The woman's tears burst out, she shook her head and cried: "Grandpa... You promised me that you would only find those who have done many evil things and deserve to die... We can't kill innocent people... Grandpa, he came to you because he wanted to save the people around him... He is not a bad person, so Grandpa can't kill him. Grandpa, you have become like this now, you need to suck human blood to maintain your life... We have no choice but to do this. I will look for those who have done many evil things and deserve to die in Tianbao City, Grandpa, you go to kill them and suck their blood... But our bottom line must not be crossed. Otherwise... Grandpa, you really have no chance to turn back..." The woman sobbed, her face was sad, full of pain and powerlessness. The strange figure polluted by the power of disaster was silent for a long time, and the tentacles with the phantom of the face hanging on them gradually retracted into the body. The pair of dark eyes stared at Yun Hao: "Boy, if you dare to hurt my granddaughter's hair again, I will never let you go!"

After saying that.

The strange figure jumped up, and with the sound of splashing water, he returned to the bottom of the well.

The woman turned around and looked at Yun Hao. There were still crystal tears on her pale face. She handed the forgetfulness pill to Yun Hao and said: "Take this pill and leave here. My grandfather doesn't really want to hurt people, and I won't let my grandfather kill innocent people!"

Yun Hao's expression was a little complicated.

Seeing that Yun Hao didn't take the forgetfulness pill in her hand, the woman urged anxiously: "Take the pill and eat it quickly, and leave quickly!"

While speaking.

Yun Hao found that the face of the woman in front of him suddenly became extremely red, and a burning breath full of evil burst out from her body.

The skin on her face and hands was burned black and fell off piece by piece...

This woman's body was actually polluted by another kind of disaster power!

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