God Hongtian

Chapter 439: The mortal swordsman versus the martial arts master Yun Hao

Ling Feiyu had already left his name on the Wen Dao Monument and entered the Wen Dao Pavilion.

Yunhao came to find a wife, so of course he had to enter Wendao Pavilion.

This is a good opportunity.

After all, because of the cultivation techniques, Ling Feiyu ostensibly practiced the method of severing love and sex specially designed for the saint by Cangyue Taoist Academy.

But Yunhao had already taken precautions and passed on a set of soul secret techniques to Ling Feiyu.

As long as Ling Feiyu spends some time every day to practice the secret soul skills, he can keep his true heart forever.

But this secret should not be exposed to the people of Cang Yue Taoist Academy.

If Yunhao went directly to Cang Yue Taoist Temple's temporary residence in Tianbao City to find Ling Feiyu, he would definitely be inconvenienced.

Just right now.

Once you enter Wen Dao Pavilion, Cang Yue Taoist Academy has no control at all!

At this time.

A young man shouted loudly: "Ling Feiyu entered Wendao Pavilion. It just so happened that I also wanted to enter Wendao Pavilion. It seems that it was God's destiny that I could have a chance to be alone with this proud phoenix. Wonderful, wonderful!”

After the man finished speaking, he strode towards the towering Wen Dao monument.

"Yuanxin Sect, Luo Sheng, will leave his name on the Wen Dao Monument today!"

He is very confident and has a confident expression on his face.

There were some scattered discussions around, but some people had heard of the name Yuan Xin Sect Luo Sheng, who was considered a somewhat famous genius.

Luo Sheng's Qi burst out, revealing his second-level cultivation in the Cave Heaven Realm. Then he exerted force on his feet, and his body shot high into the sky!

In the blink of an eye, Luo Sheng came to Wen Dao

In the area where the monument was more than thirty feet high, the pressure emanating from the Wendao Monument forced him to no longer be able to rise higher.

Luo Sheng's face no longer looked confident and calm just now, but looked extremely strenuous. He snorted, forced up his strength, and pointed at the Wen Dao Monument, intending to leave a mark at the height of more than thirty feet. His name belongs to him!


His fingers were about to touch the surface of the Wen Dao Monument.

A buzzing sound.

A layer of light rippled from the Taoist Monument.

Luo Sheng's body was immediately blown away like a kite with its string broken.

Luo Sheng, who fell to the ground, looked unconvinced and shouted: "I don't believe it. With my qualifications, I don't even have the qualifications to leave my name!"

In embarrassment, he rushed up again and rushed to the Wendao Monument again. This time, he no longer jumped into the air, but actually wanted to leave his name at the bottom of the Wendao Monument!

But even so, the ending is still the same.

His fingers were still the same as before, unable to really touch the Wen Dao Monument, and were blown away by the power rippling inside the Wen Dao Monument.

Luo Sheng was so proud and confident at first, but now he is embarrassed and embarrassed.

His hair was disheveled and his face was dejected. He didn't even dare to stay here for a moment longer. He hurriedly lowered his head and left in despair.

But for the people gathered around, this scene was really not surprising.

Outside geniuses, no matter how proud and confident they are.

But when they come to the Wendao Monument, most of them can only feel sad.


In a sense, there are two types of geniuses.

One is the genius recognized by ordinary people.

There is another type, that is, a genius who can leave his name on the Wen Dao Monument.

The former kind of geniuses are only limited to the ancient country of Daxia. They can shine in the ancient country of Daxia and have qualifications and potential that far exceed ordinary people.

But looking beyond the ancient country of Daxia, in the wider world, they are just ordinary people.

A genius who can leave his name on the Wendao Monument is still a genius even if he looks at a world wider than the ancient country of Daxia. Especially, a genius who can leave his name on the top area of ​​the Wendao Monument, even in the huge Eastern Wasteland, is still a genius. You can make a name for yourself!

At this time.

Yunhao took a step forward.

His figure instantly crossed a distance of dozens of feet and arrived in front of the Wen Dao Monument.

"Huh? Who is this person?"

"Looking at his attire, it's different from the big forces I know. He shouldn't be a genius from those big forces!"

"I'm not curious about where he comes from. What I'm curious about is that the aura on his body is a bit too weak. At most, it's the energy fluctuation of a high-level Guiyi Realm."

Indeed, Yun Hao's high-level spiritual body corresponds to the cultivation level of Guiyi Realm.

Under normal circumstances, being able to reach the Guiyi Realm at such a young age is not bad.

But placed in front of this Wendao Monument... the Guiyi Realm is really too low.

This is even the first time in history that a warrior with Guiyi Realm cultivation attempts to leave his name on the Wen Dao Monument!

Although leaving a name on the Wendao Monument focuses on talent and potential, strength still has a certain impact.

Zhu Pin looked around. He was full of expectations for Yun Hao to leave his name on the Wen Dao Monument, so he said: "My young master is named Red Dust Swordsman, and his qualifications are on par with Yun Hao of the Martial Palace!"

As soon as these words came out.

The surrounding area suddenly exploded.

Just now, there was just whispering and muttering.

In the blink of an eye, there was a lot of noise!

"Haha, it's really ridiculous. Where did the mortal swordsman come from? He actually wants to be compared with Yun Hao?"

"Martial Hall Yun Hao? Does this person have a great background?" Some people had never heard of Yun Hao's name, so they looked confused.

"Yun Hao's background is not big. It is said that he is a newly promoted demon-suppressing guard, but this person is not simple. If we want to count the heroes of the ancient country of Daxia in the past millennium, Yun Hao will definitely be on the list!"

"That's right, although I have never met him, I have heard about him. Yun Hao of the Martial Arts Palace is a true man, a true hero, and a true hero. I don't even accept my father, but for Yun Hao... I am convinced!"

People who have never heard of Yun Hao are even more confused and say: "Hurry up and tell me, what exactly did Yun Hao do to get such high praise from you!"

"This is an all-around super genius who specializes in swordsmanship, alchemy, and formations!"

"Yunhao has noble moral character, a chivalrous heart, and a brave heart..."

As the Wudian Demon Suppressing Corps went out in full force to fight the demons,

After being told one thing after another.

The expressions of everyone present were constantly changing.

In the battlefield, in order to save the beauty, Yun Hao chased the powerful enemy for thousands of miles alone, went deep into the demon camp, destroyed the weak point, and killed thousands of demons!

Enter the demon city again, kill the descendants of the demon king, counter-control the demon array, and reverse the situation of the war!

Enter the Demon Cave again, crush the demon source, slay the Demon King and the Demon Queen, and prevent the Death Demon Emperor from resurrecting... Blast the Demon Cave, completely laying the foundation for the final victory in the demon-slaying battle!

Finally, return to the Martial Palace and use the power of the formation to kill the traitors in the Martial Palace!

Hearing about Yun Hao's deeds, the people present felt excited, with blood rushing in their bodies. They were in awe, and wished they could go to the Martial Palace immediately to see Yun Hao's heroic demeanor!

"Hmph, Yun Hao's name, how can anyone use it to put gold on his face?"

"This Red Dust Swordsman, a mere Guiyi Realm warrior, is he worthy to be compared with Yun Hao?"

"If you want to catch up on the popularity, you have to weigh how much you have. Some people are so popular that not just a small character can catch up!"

Zhu Pin: "..."

I just said that casually.

As a result... Yun Hao's fame has been established, but in this situation, he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Zhu Pin secretly observed Yun Hao's reaction.

He was relieved to find that Yun Hao was not angry because of the turmoil caused by his words just now.

Next, Zhu Pin said nothing.

Too many words are wrong.

Just watch Yun Hao shine with unparalleled brilliance on this Wen Dao Monument!

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