God Hongtian

Chapter 438: Leaving a Name on the Monument of Wen Dao

Tianbao City is about to host the Origin Stone Festival once every ten years, which has attracted all the forces from the ancient Great Xia Kingdom, and the geniuses from all the forces will also follow.

After all, such a grand event, held once every ten years, is huge and attracts the attention of people all over the world. This is also a good opportunity for young talents to stand out.

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The saint Ling Feiyu from Cang Yue Taoist Academy, the prince Xia Yi from the royal family of the ancient Kingdom of Great Xia, and Lu Yue, the son of the leader of the Dahe Sword Sect, have already caused extensive discussions in Tianbao City.

Ling Feiyu, with the appearance of a phoenix, is known as the most talented person in the history of Cang Yue Taoist Academy. His cultivation has advanced rapidly. When he joined Cang Yue Taoist Academy, he was only at the Yuangang level. It didn't take long. , then crossed the golden elixir, returned to one or two great realms, and already reached the cave-heaven level.

No matter what kind of martial arts, Ling Feiyu can master it as soon as he learns it!

Everyone believes that Ling Feiyu will definitely stand out from the dozens of saints from Cangyue Temple in the Eastern Wasteland, enter Cangyang Temple, and be promoted from a saint to a goddess!

Nowadays, all the powerful men in Cang Yue Taoist Academy in Daxia Ancient Kingdom have placed all their hopes on Ling Feiyu!

Ling Feiyu is not only extremely talented, but also has an appearance that is astonishing to the world. She is like a fairy from heaven to earth, pure and noble, and cannot be blasphemed!

Xia Yi, the prince of the royal family of the ancient country of Daxia, is also young and has already attained the realm of transformation, and is hailed as the next

The best candidate for Emperor Xia.

What he practices is a mid-level martial arts called Lieyang Transformation Bone Palm, which is extremely domineering. Since he started practicing, he has never been defeated among those at the same level!

The third genius who has attracted much attention is Lu Yue, the direct descendant of the master of the Dahe Sword Sect. He is halfway to the mortal realm, and his Dahe swordsmanship is approaching perfection.

In particular, this person has also practiced flying swords, which are extremely lethal and difficult to practice in the way of swordsmanship. When facing the enemy, Dahe's swordsmanship is at full range, and combined with a flying sword that changes without a trace, it is impossible to guard against it!

In addition to the three of them, there are also some young geniuses with good talents, but because of the three of them, the other young geniuses have received very little attention and are rarely discussed.

Tianbao City, Wendao Pavilion.

This is a place that the Su family, who founded Tianbao City, spent a lot of time building.

In front of Wen Dao Pavilion, there is a stone tablet called Wen Dao Stele!

The stele of Wendao is a hundred feet high, standing like a giant sword, piercing the sky.

Today, a large number of people gathered around the Wen Dao Monument. Everyone raised their heads and looked at the three words in the top area of ​​the Wen Dao Monument, and their exclamations continued to sound.

Those three characters are none other than Ling Feiyu!

Anyone under the age of thirty can come here. If they can leave their name on the Wen Dao Pavilion, they can enter the Wen Dao Pavilion and choose anything inside at will.

The things inside are all mined from the source stone by the Su family, including finished elixirs.

, weapons, medicinal materials for alchemy, ores for refining weapons, as well as exercises, martial arts, elixir recipes, weapon refining diagrams, formation diagrams, etc.

Among them, there are many top-notch treasures mined from the source of disaster stones.

The Su family uses this method to identify the top geniuses. Those who can leave their names on the Wen Dao Monument can get the treasures provided by the Su family. It can also be regarded as a way for the Su family to establish a relationship with super geniuses. .

Being able to create Tianbao City and maintain Tianbao City for more than three thousand years, so that the influence of Tianbao City has continued to rise, it is not just relying on the Source Master, but also many aspects. The Su family has put their thoughts into it.

Wendao Pavilion was built eight hundred years ago.

The Wen Dao Monument has stood here for eight hundred years, and countless young geniuses from the ancient country of Great Xia have tried to leave their names here.

But in the past eight hundred years, there have only been more than thirty names on the Wen Dao stele.

Moreover, these thirty-odd names are almost all in the middle and lower areas of the Wendao Monument.

There are only five people who can leave their names in the upper area of ​​the hundred-foot-high Wen Dao Monument.

Leave your name on the Wen Dao Monument. The higher the position, the higher the talent and the greater the potential.

Today, the Saint of Cang Yue Taoist Temple, the phoenix, came and left her name on the ninety-foot-high position of the Wen Dao Monument, breaking the 800-year-old record of geniuses leaving their names.

He was more than ten feet ahead of the second place!

"What an amazing talent!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity, I would have known Ling Fei

The rain will come here today, so I should stay here and take a look at the legendary beauty of that phoenix! "

"Oh, you're dreaming. I came here early in the morning and saw with my own eyes the image of the phoenix climbing to the top to leave its name on the Taoist Monument, but I couldn't see her unparalleled face at all."

"Her face was covered with gauze, and she wore a fiery red dress that was as warm as the scorching sun. She had a perfect figure, but she exuded a coldness that would repel people thousands of miles away. With a slight jump, her fairy aura floated, and she went straight up to the Wen Dao Monument Ninety Yu Zhanggao left behind her pride and legend!"

"I also saw her figure. Although I didn't have the opportunity to see her beautiful face, the intertwining of hot and cold was enough to make me dream. I don't know which man in the world can embrace such a beautiful woman. In my arms!”

There was a lot of discussion and a lot of noise.

In the crowded crowd, an invisible force spread silently.

Wherever this force passed, some people naturally gave way to a passage, but they were unaware of it.

Yun Hao looked calm and walked slowly through the crowd and came to the front.

He looked up.

The three characters "Ling Feiyu", on the top of the Wen Dao Monument, exude a bright and magnificent glow, each stroke is like a flying phoenix!

"Feiyu's ancient Phoenix bloodline seems to have been completely activated." Yun Hao thought to himself.

Zhu Pin, who was following Yun Hao, looked at the inscription on the Wen Dao Monument.

With the words Feiyu, I couldn't help but sigh: "Young Master Hongchen, I heard that the Taoist Monument's detection of talent potential is extremely accurate.

Those who can leave their names on the Wen Dao Monument, except those who died prematurely, have all created legendary lives.

The original number one who was surpassed by Ling Feiyu even left the ancient country of Daxia and made a name for himself in the huge Eastern Wasteland.

It can be seen that this Ling Feiyu, given time, will definitely be able to make a name for herself in the Eastern Wilderness, and will be promoted from the status of a saint in Cangyue Temple to a goddess in Cangyang Temple, eight out of ten. Nine can make it! "

Above Cangyue Taoist Temple is Cangyang Temple.

Cangyang Temple is located at the core of the Eastern Wilderness. It possesses extremely powerful strength. It is one of the top forces on the Eastern Wilderness Pyramid. It is already qualified to speak out in the entire Cang Realm!

Although Cangyang Temple is powerful.

With Ling Feiyu's ancient Phoenix clan bloodline and physique, it is still more than enough to become the goddess of Cangyang Temple!

Yunhao nodded.

Zhu Pin's eyes suddenly flashed, and expectation and longing suddenly appeared on his face, and he said: "Young Master Hongchen, do you also want to try this Wen Dao Monument?"

Phoenix Ling Feiyu of Cang Yue Taoist Academy is really talented and has created a new record of leaving a name on the Wen Dao Monument.

But isn't Yunhao's talent ridiculously high? This is an all-around super genius!

Zhu Pin felt that if Yunhao tried to leave his name on this Wendao monument, he might be able to become a blockbuster, even surpass Ling Feiyu and set a new record!

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