God Hongtian

Chapter 428: Framing and slandering, throwing dirty water

Yun Hao, Xia Xuan, and Fang Yu returned to the Martial Palace Light Realm.

Fang Yu still couldn't understand where Yun Hao's confidence came from.

Although Yun Hao is very powerful now, compared with Yan Quan, Ouyang Zhao, and Liu Qing, he is nothing more than an arm versus a thigh.

The arms cannot twist the thighs.

Those three guys are deeply rooted in the martial arts hall. Even Zhang Tao of Guangming Hall can barely compete with the three of them. Most of the time, Zhang Tao is making concessions.

Yun Hao......

What would he use to fight Yan Quan and the others?

But... Yun Hao's calmness and confidence made Fang Yu feel as if... he could really do it!

The other side.

Yan Quan, Ouyang Zhao, and Liu Qing, with a group of confidants, were also rushing back to the Martial Palace Bright Realm as quickly as possible.

They looked anxious.

Something big happened!

They finally knew the reason why Zhang Tao disappeared after capturing Qingyuan City.

Zhang Tao found the magic cave.

Zhang Tao also blew up the devil's cave!

Although their hearts were filled with doubts and they were curious about how Zhang Tao did it, what they were more worried about now was that Zhang Tao's reputation had instantly risen to an extreme with his outstanding military exploits!


Zhang Tao waved his arms.

Not to mention the Guangming Hall, even the Feiying Hall and the Crazy Blade Hall, there will be many people supporting him and pushing him to the position of hall master!

How could Yan Quan tolerate this happening?

He can't wait now

If you want to rush back to the Light Realm, before the news of Zhang Tao's attack on the Devil's Cave has spread, you can take advantage of it first and then become the master of the palace.

"Deputy Hall Master, don't worry. Although Zhang Tao destroyed the Demon Cave, according to the information we received, Zhang Tao and the others were seriously injured," Ouyang Zhao said.

Liu Qing also nodded and said: "We will directly use the old method to accuse Zhang Tao of colluding with the demons and kill him.

As long as their group of people are dead, we can completely announce to the outside world that we led the demon-suppressing guards to blow up the demon cave. In this way, the deputy palace master becomes the palace master, and everything will go smoothly! "

Yan Quan hummed and said nothing more.

For some reason, he always felt a little uneasy in his heart.


Martial Hall, outside the bright border, next to the sea of ​​clouds formation.

The clouds and mist rolled.

Yun Hao, Xia Xuan, and Fang Yu looked at the large formation in front of them.

Fang Yu's heart surged.

Coming back this time is not a triumph, but a revenge and settlement of accounts!

What we have to face next is bound to be a huge storm.

It is very likely that he will be turned into ashes in this storm, and he will have to bear countless infamy after his death!


Even so, he must come back.

Even without Yun Hao, he had already made up his mind to come back.

Fang Yu took a deep breath and was about to step into the sea of ​​clouds formation.



A sharp whistling sound pierced through the air, and a long spear penetrated the space and exploded into the clouds.

Hao their location.

Fang Yu, who had recovered a little from his injuries, swung his sword and slashed away the attacking spear.

His body slid back as a result, his injuries were involved, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Hmph, Yun Hao, Fang Yu, I was looking for you. Unexpectedly, you fell into the trap!" A sharp voice sounded.

Qin Yaksha, the deputy hall master of Feiying Hall, led a group of people and quickly surrounded them.

Qin Yaksha was ordered to hunt down those who helped Zhang Tao attack Qingyuan City, and to kill them all to serve as a warning to the monkeys.

She searched for a while and suddenly came up with a plan, so she returned to the Martial Palace's Sea of ​​Clouds Formation and waited.

Using this method, she has killed dozens of demon-suppressing guards who participated in the battle to reinforce Zhang Tao's attack on Qingyuan City.

Now, the most important Yun Hao has appeared.

Qin Yaksha was overjoyed.

She had long wanted to kill Yun Hao.

When Yun Hao first entered the light realm, it was Yun Hao who saw through her movement skills and caused her to be stabbed by Tian Bugui.

Qin Mei, her most beloved grandniece, was also emotionally shattered by Yun Hao's attack in front of her.

And the most outstanding genius of the younger generation of the Sun family, her nephew Qin Yue, also fell into the hands of Yun Hao.

Now, Deputy Palace Master Yan Quan personally issued an order that Yun Hao must be killed no matter what, and Yun Hao must not be given a chance to continue to grow.

Everything has been arranged.

Yun Hao and Fang Yu

All of them have been labeled as colluding with the demons by the evidence they prepared.

Now that Yun Hao appeared in front of her, she no longer had to worry about this or that. She could kill Yun Hao however she wanted!

"You guys are really unscrupulous."

Yun Hao's voice was cold, and there was no look of fear on his face.

Qin Yaksha's sharp laughter sounded again, and he shouted: "The evidence of your crime of colluding with the demons will soon be made public in the Light Realm. The deputy palace master said that the evidence is sufficient. Kill first and then sentence. You little bastard, just accept death." ,Hahaha!"

While talking.

Qin Yaksha's figure suddenly flew out.

Her cultivation level is also at the peak of Mortal Transformation Realm!

Although Fang Yu is also in the same state. If he were at his peak, his combat power would be just as strong as Qin Yaksha's, but his current situation is so bad that even if he is nourished by Yun Hao's life energy, he will only be stable. Live in the source of life and prevent the injury from getting worse.

I really want to fight Qin Yaksha.

Fang Yu will definitely lose!

Yun Hao's combat power is not as good as Qin Yaksha's.

His power from his previous life has long been exhausted.

But Yun Hao was still calm, and there was no change in his expression at all because of Qin Yaksha's strength!

Qin Yaksha's ferocious power was about to fall on Yun Hao.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.


The sea of ​​clouds that protects the light realm

The formation suddenly became boiling.

The rolling clouds turned into a huge palm and slapped it out.

Qin Yaksha's body suddenly flew backwards like a kite with its string broken.

Immediately afterwards.

The clouds and mist condensed into long whips, which were whipped out, beating the people brought by Qin Yesha until their skin and flesh were torn, and they fell to the ground wailing.

Then, another beam of light rushed out from the sea of ​​clouds formation, falling on Qin Yaksha and others, locking them in place, unable to move.

The sea of ​​clouds formation that protects the light realm is an extremely powerful formation among the top-grade earth-level formations.

It is naturally easy to deal with these things.

This change in the scene made Qin Yaksha and the others confused.

Fang Yu, who was standing next to Yun Hao, suddenly had his eyes shining, and he seemed to know where Yun Hao's confidence came from.

Everyone in the Martial Palace knows that nowadays, there is only one person who can control the Yunhai Formation, and that is Zhu Pin.

Zhu Pin took action at this moment, which meant that Zhu Pin was on Yunhao's side!

But... why did Zhu Pin help Yun Hao?

Some time ago, Yun Hao offended Zhu Pin. Finally, Zhang Tao came forward and used the entire Guangming Hall to put pressure on Zhu Pin. Only then did Zhu Pin give up...

this problem.

Qin Yaksha and the others couldn't understand.

Fang Yu couldn't understand either.

But Xia Xuan knows the truth.

Zhu Pin, the so-called first formation mage of the Martial Palace, respectfully called Master Yun in front of Yun Hao, barely qualified to receive guidance from Yun Hao!

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