God Hongtian

Chapter 427 You just need to believe in the young master

The Demon-Suppressing Envoy, who was at the first level of Mortal Transformation Realm, was already dreaming about a better future after killing Yun Hao and replacing Fang Yu as the deputy master of the Crazy Knife Hall.

He knew very well how strong the murderous intention of the deputy palace master and others was towards Yun Hao.

Killing one Yun Hao would bring greater benefits than killing ten or eight Fang Yus!

"Keep an eye on Fang Yu. Don't let him escape. I'll kill Yun Hao first!"

The Demon Suppressor, who was in the first level of Mortal Transformation Realm, roared excitedly, his facial expression became ferocious, and then he used his most powerful killing move to attack Yun Hao.

He knew that Yun Hao's formation level was very high. In Qingyuan City, Yun Hao even counter-controlled the Demon Clan's magic formation, which meant that Yun Hao had at least reached the level of a low-level formation mage.

But an array mage is an array mage.

If the formation master is not given time to set up the formation, the formation method of the formation master will be meaningless!

Rushing up to Yun Hao, he punched out hard.

The fist wind roared like a giant tiger roaring, and the extremely ferocious fist force hit Yun Hao's face!

It was all about attacking with the rhythm of a fatal blow.

In his opinion, Yun Hao will definitely die under this punch!

Moreover, Yun Hao stood in front of him. From the time he made the move to now, Yun Hao didn't even move. It was obvious that his spirit and will were frightened by his powerful power. Not to mention resisting, he was so frightened that he even forgot to dodge. !

The powerful punch force officially impacted Yun Hao's body.

next moment.

The energy and blood roared like a turbulent wave, coming from Yunhao's body


The glow of Qi and blood is like the oven of heaven and earth, strong, powerful, majestic and heavy!

With only the power of Qi and blood, Yun Hao was able to overwhelm the fist strength of the demon-suppressing envoy at the first level of transformation!

The demon-suppressing envoy who took action suddenly had a look of shock on his face.

He originally thought that without the support of formations, Yun Hao was nothing more than a waste that could be crushed with just one move.

In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, in order to kill with one blow, his punch was not just a random move, but an explosion with all his strength!

As a result, the all-out killing move offensive was completely shattered by Yun Hao's burst of qi and blood power.

Such a powerful force of energy and blood was something he had never heard of or seen before!

Although he was shocked and horrified, his reaction was not slow. In an instant, the attack changed again, and both fists were blasted out. Both fists seemed to be cast with a layer of gold and iron, possessing the power comparable to powerful weapons and magic weapons. .


Yun Hao slashed out with his sword.

The sword element explodes!

At the same time, the golden light of the god-killing pattern in the sea of ​​​​consciousness rushed out from the sea of ​​​​consciousness aperture between the eyebrows, blessing the edge of this sword.

Even though the fist of the demon-suppressing envoy in the first level of the Mortal Realm is comparable to a powerful weapon, under Yun Hao's sword, he is as fragile as a chicken or a dog!

His fist was shattered and annihilated inch by inch amid this sharp edge!

Immediately afterwards, his two arms and his body were directly crushed into blood mist by the terrifying edge!

to death.

He also couldn't understand why

How could this happen?

He simply couldn't understand why Yun Hao's swordsmanship was so powerful?

The rest of the people who followed the demon-suppressing envoy of the first level of the Mortal Realm to hunt down Fang Yu saw this scene, and their eyes widened. For a moment, their brains seemed to have been hit by a heavy object, their heads were buzzing, and their scalps were numb. !

It’s incredible!

Their faces were full of fear and they wanted to run away instantly.

"Leave me alone!"

A cold drink sounded.

Xia Xuan fell from the sky!

She used the powerful secret technique of Tianyin Nine Fantasy to stimulate her own charm to its strongest state. The dreamy hazy light swept out in an instant, covering all these people!

"Break the world of mortals!"

Xia Xuan used the most ruthless killing move in the Red Dust Sword Technique. The sword flashed and the demon-suppressing guards who were confused were killed one after another.

Only one person was left alive.

Although Xia Xuan, who had just entered the Cave Heaven realm, was still not very good at fighting, it did not mean that she could not fight.

The methods Yun Hao passed on to her made her combat power reach an extremely powerful level.

Killing several high-level Demon Suppressing Guards in the Cave Heaven Realm is completely effortless!


Xia Xuan looked at Yun Hao.

"Kill them all." Yun Hao said lightly.

If you need evidence to accuse and keep him alive, that would be fine.

But now, no evidence is needed at all.

What Yan Quan, Ouyang Zhao, and Liu Qing did was blatant, unscrupulous, and nakedly wanton!


From Hao's appearance, it only took a moment for all those who were chasing Fang Yu to die.

Fang Yu looked at Yun Hao and Xia Xuan with complicated expressions.

"Deputy Hall Master Fang, this is a healing elixir. You should take it first to control the injury." Xia Xuan walked up to Fang Yu, took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Fang Yu.

Fang Yu looked bitter, shook his head, and said: "I am no longer the deputy leader of the Crazy Knife Hall..."

At this time.

Yun Hao's voice sounded: "The affairs of the Martial Palace are not decided by some shameless villains."

Fang Yu: "Yun Hao, I know you have the arrogance of a young man, and your talent is unprecedented in the ancient country of Great Xia, but you still think of Yan Quan and the others too simply.

They dare to do this.

It means that they must have arranged everything.

The evidence pointing to my crime of colluding with the demons, and the evidence pointing to your crime of colluding with the demons, must be ironclad.

I'm not convinced.

I will fight back, even if I die, I will tell them in front of my family in the Light Realm that I, Fang Yu, am worthy of my heart, worthy of my oath to join the Martial Palace, and worthy of the human race!

But you are different.

You are in the light realm, with no family and no worries.

Let me give you a suggestion. Leave the ancient country of Daxia. With your talent, it won't be long before you no longer need to be afraid of Yan Quan and the others. When the time comes, you can come back at any time to wash away the charges they have imposed on you and seek justice.

Killing them with the sword can be regarded as helping me and everyone.

There are demon-suppressing guards who died under their scheme... take revenge! "

Yun Hao didn't say anything. He made a seal with one hand and punched it towards Fang Yu.


The majestic life energy washed away like a heavy rain and fell on Fang Yu's body.

The wounds on Fang Yu's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fang Yu was shocked again and dumbfounded.

Even if he is at the peak of the Mortal Transformation Realm, even if he is still in good condition, if he wants to use the power of Mortal Transformation to heal his wounds, it is impossible for him to be so fast.

Yun Hao's methods are simply amazing!

"Seeking justice, revenge and settling accounts, why wait any longer? Let's go back to the Martial Palace, back to the Light Realm, and settle all accounts at once!"

Yun Hao's voice revealed a strong confidence, an undoubted affirmation, and an irresistible majesty!

Fang Yu looked at Yun Hao blankly.

Yun Hao had already turned around and left.

Xia Xuan saw that Fang Yu had not recovered from the shock, so she reminded her loudly, saying: "Vice Hall Master Fang, let's go. Come back to the Martial Palace with us, back to the Light Realm, to find those shameless and despicable people to settle the general ledger." .

do not worry.

If my young master has said something, there will definitely be no problem.

Yan Quan won't let you be the deputy leader of the Crazy Sword Hall, so it's inappropriate. My young master will let you be the leader of the Crazy Sword Hall! "

Fang Yu looked at Xia Xuan: "This..."

A smile appeared on Xia Xuan's face and she said, "You just need to trust my young master."

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