God Hongtian

Chapter 420: Octagonal Altar, Demon Emperor’s Resurrection

The Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will and plan to break through the seal have finally taken the final step!

The black source of the sun hanging in the sky of the Demon Cave began to become extremely unstable.

The energy in the demon source will be delivered to the Death Demon Emperor, and together with the death energy in the death bead, become a bargaining chip to break the seal!

All the demons in the entire demon cave were kneeling on the ground. Their expressions were fanatical and full of excitement and anticipation, imagining that the Death Demon Emperor would reappear in the world and lead their lineage of demons to the peak of glory!

Then, from the top of the magic castle, a magic light burst out and penetrated into the black sun magic source, forming a passage.

Demon Queen Shana immediately took Lin Qi, who was used as a container for the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will, out of the dungeon of the Demon Castle and followed the passage into the black source of the Great Sun Demon.

"Hahaha, Queen, the Death Demon Emperor is about to resurrect. Our efforts over the years have not been in vain. Under the leadership of the Death Demon Emperor, we will definitely reach the top of the entire Cang Realm!"

The burly Demon King immediately greeted the Demon Queen, opened his arms, and took the Demon Queen into his arms.

"Demon King, I've been waiting for this day...I've been waiting for too long, and I've finally waited." The Queen said, with a hint of trembling from excessive excitement in her voice.

The devil laughed and said: "Queen, follow me!"

With that said, the Demon King took the Demon Queen's hand and walked forward.

In the inner space of the black Great Sun Demonic Source, surging demonic energy intertwined and flowed. As the Demon King waved his hands, the demonic aura in front of him and the Demon Queen dispersed. After a while, they came to an altar.

The altar is octagonal, with a black stone pillar at each corner.

The surface of the stone pillar is covered with strange lines, exuding an extremely sinister aura.

Moreover, each stone pillar is inlaid with nine death beads!

A total of seventy-two death beads.

These death beads are what the demons have been secretly collecting over the years.

Every dead bead costs at least the lives of tens of thousands of people!

Over the years, the demons have secretly massacred millions of people in order to prepare for the resurrection of the Death Demon Emperor!

In the middle of the altar, there was a very broken-looking bronze box.

There is a lot of patina on the surface of the bronze box.

At this time, the bronze box was vibrating rapidly at an extremely fine amplitude. Every moment, the number of vibrations reached hundreds or thousands of times.

It is vaguely visible that there is a very thin gap in the lid of the bronze box.

The Demon King and the Demon Queen knelt down beside the altar, facing the bronze box.

"Death Demon Emperor, everything is ready!" the Demon King said respectfully.


An excited voice came from the bronze box, and then, a wisp of illusory black shadow floated along the gap in the bronze box.

Even if it is just an extremely illusory figure, it still possesses invincible power, as if it can destroy the world, shatter the sun, moon, stars, and everything in the world.


That ultimate breath of death is terrifying!

"Bring the container over here!"

The Death Demon Emperor looked down at the Demon King and Demon Queen kneeling in front of him and said coldly.


The Queen hurriedly stood up, brought the cage containing Lynch to the altar, and then opened the cage.

Lin Qi opened his eyes suddenly and saw the shadow of the Death Demon Emperor.

The shadow of the Death Demon Emperor stared at Lin Qi and snorted coldly: "It is your honor that such a lowly and despicable body can be a container for me to temporarily inhabit my spiritual will."

Lynch roared: "Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

The Demon Queen immediately stamped her seal on the cage. Immediately, the iron ropes that penetrated Lin Qi's body burst out with pure demonic energy and forced it into Lin Qi's body, causing Lin Qi to fall into great pain. among.

The Death Demon Emperor retracted his gaze from Lin Qi, and then said: "Remember, the moment I broke the seal, I immediately injected the demon blood into the body of the container.

Only in this way can this container be considered barely usable. A moment's error in time will cause defects in the container and affect my recovery of strength! "

The Demon King and the Demon Queen said yes again and again, not daring to slack off at all.

The next moment, the shadow of the Death Demon Emperor spread its arms.

Mysterious power spread out from the illusory palms and fell on the eight magic pillars in the octagonal altar.

The magic pillars were instantly activated, and the power of each magic pillar began to absorb the death energy from the death beads, and then all the death energy was gathered into the shadow of the Death Demon Emperor.

The shadow gained death energy and gradually became solid.



"You can't believe it, no one can think of it, but I, the Death Demon Emperor, am coming back again!"

"Human Yunxiao, you failed to kill me back then, but now I'm back. It's a pity, it's a pity. If you were not destroyed by the Heavenly Palace, I would definitely kill you personally to avenge this great revenge that has been sealed for tens of thousands of years!"

The Death Demon Emperor laughed wildly.

As his shadow became more solid, he grabbed the bronze box with one hand, and tried to open the bronze box with the other hand!

After all, more than 99% of his spiritual will is still sealed inside.

Only by opening the bronze box could he

It can be regarded as a real escape, and the strength will soon return to its peak.

Otherwise, in this state, it can only be regarded as a remnant soul. It will take a lot of time and energy to restore the strength to its peak state!


Lin Qi was extremely nervous as he stared at this scene.

Once the Death Demon Emperor is allowed to open the bronze box, the consequences will be disastrous. This is a legendary Demon Emperor who is at the top of the world's power, possessing terrifying strength that can dominate the entire Cang Realm.

In his mind, the seal technique passed to him by the person from the Guangming Hall of the Martial Palace a few days ago came to mind.

is that useful?

he does not know.

But now, he has no second choice, this is the only thing he can do.

next moment.

Lin Qi's palm made that mysterious handprint.

When this set of handprints was created, Lin Qi felt an extremely weird and absurd feeling in his heart.

It was as if... he had an inexplicable connection with the bronze box that sealed the spiritual will of the Death Demon Emperor!

How this connection came about is beyond Lynch's grasp.


It was because Lin Qi's body contained a Wusheng Kendo sword energy written by Yun Hao.

When Lin Qi used this set of seals, his handprints touched a trace belonging to Yun Hao in the sword energy.

In the bronze box, the power that sealed the spirit and will of the Death Demon Emperor came from Yun Hao's hand.

Therefore, through this set of handprints, Lynch was silently connected to the bronze box!

At this time, the bronze box shook violently. Under the power of the ghost of the Death Demon Emperor's remnant soul, the bronze box had vague signs of being opened.

The excitement of the Death Demon Emperor is difficult to describe in words.

The Demon King and the Demon Queen, also

They all held their breaths and widened their eyes. This will definitely become the most important moment for their lineage of demons. They don't want to miss the details of every scene that follows!

But... suddenly.

A terrifying green light burst out from the bronze box!


The remnant soul of the Death Demon Emperor was directly blown away by the green light!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

The Death Demon Emperor roared angrily, then flew back to the altar, flew to the side of the bronze box, and then frantically absorbed the energy of the black devil source.

The black magic source, the Great Sun, is the core of the entire Demon Cave.

As the Death Demon Emperor absorbed the energy from the demon source, an extremely terrifying storm suddenly erupted throughout the Demon Cave.

As for Yun Hao, who was staying in a courtyard near the magic castle, with a thought, the energy light group separated from the magic source flew out of his hand.

This portion of the magic source light group is fused with his brand!

Seeing the black light flying towards the source of the Great Sun Demon hanging in the air, Yun Hao took a deep breath, and the Yin and Yang Qi surged in his body, completely cutting off the mysterious connection between him and Xia Xuan. Break!

The moment the induction was cut off, Xia Xuan, who had already led people to locate the specific location of the entrance to the Demon Cave, immediately looked at Zhang Tao and said: "Palace Master Zhang, Young Master, let us take action!"

The sword in Zhang Tao's hand, which had never been sheathed, suddenly raised it high and shouted: "We will never return until we break the devil's cave! All the devil-suppressing guards obey the order and kill!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the token Yun Hao gave him flew out instantly, opening the passage to the entrance of the Demon Cave.

Zhang Tao rushed in first.




The demon-suppressing guards behind Zhang Tao burst out with a loud killing cry, rushed into the passage, and killed the demon cave!

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