God Hongtian

Chapter 419 Jiuxia Crane, Empress Qinglan

Yun Hao used his mind to communicate and asked the question he most urgently wanted to know.

He has been worried since he learned that Di Fei was alone in the abyss.

Di Fei's Wusheng Sword Technique is indeed very strong, and Di Fei himself is strong enough, but the abyss is the real lair of the demon clan and the origin of the demon clan. Even at the peak of his previous life, Yun Hao never dared to deal with the abyss. main idea.

According to the clues given by Xia Xuan, Di Fei once helped Cang Yao's previous eight hell demon bodies, but after Cang Yao's ninth hell demon body was opened, he lost Di Fei's help.

This means that Di Fei has been alone in the abyss for at least a thousand years!

Moreover, it was Cang Yao who also told Xia Xuan, and the clues Xia Xuan passed on to Yun Hao also showed that Di Fei alone controlled the abyss and had an important connection with Yun Hao's previous life.

In addition, some time ago, Yun Hao triggered the power of the traces of Wusheng Sword Dao and sensed that Di Fei was in a life-and-death crisis in the abyss, which made him even more nervous and worried.

When Lin Qi was asked by Yun Hao, he hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Why are you so nervous about the chief palace master?"

Yun Hao had already thought of his words, and responded via voice transmission: "I somehow got an opportunity and inherited Wusheng Swordsmanship, so I want to find the chief palace master who created Wusheng Swordsmanship!"

Lynch's eyes flickered.

I see!

No wonder this person's understanding of Wu Sheng Kendo has reached such an unfathomable level.

Immediately, Lin

Qi used his mind to communicate and said: "My father told me that before the Chief Palace Master left the Martial Palace and went to the abyss, a woman came to him. It should be related to that woman!"


Yunhao became even more confused.

Isn’t it related to yourself?

Why did he get involved with another woman?

He was certain that the woman had no direct connection with Difei.

Because when Di Fei was young, he loved a woman, but that woman had a bad fate and died in a disaster. Di Fei once swore in front of the woman's grave that he would never have anything to do with any woman again in this life.

Di Fei's character is one of those who will definitely do it if he says it!

"Who is that woman?" Yun Hao asked.

Lin Qi: "My father doesn't know, and even my father didn't see the woman's true face, but my father said that when the woman came to find the main hall master, she came riding a crane with nine-color rosy feathers. "

As soon as these words came out.

There was like an explosion in Yun Hao's mind.

Ancient alien species, Jiuxia Tianhe!

There is only one in the world!

Moreover, it was a creature discovered in an extremely terrifying forbidden source stone by Yun Hao's previous life.

And Jiuxia Tianhe was given to Empress Qinglan by him!

Empress Qinglan was the beauty of Yunhao's previous life...

At this moment, a scene on the eve of his battle with the gods of the Heavenly Palace appeared in Yun Hao's mind.

Wearing a simple and elegant long dress, she exuded a sense of holiness and nobility. , looks like a piece of work carved by heaven.

The flawless woman, in front of him, said to him: "Do you have to go?"

"The gods have put shackles on the human race. If the heavenly palace is not destroyed and the gods do not die, the human race will not be able to become gods and will be slaves forever. As the sword emperor of the human race, I should not retreat. I cannot retreat. I cannot retreat. There is only one battle." , to fight a way for the human race!"

The woman snuggled into his arms and said: "I... will go with you, live and die together!"

"No, don't go, wait until I come back!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you to come back. Remember, you must come back. I will always wait for you. I will wait for you for thousands of years!"

The scene ended here, and Yun Hao came back to his senses.

Apparently, that's all Lynch knew.

"Qinglan, why are you looking for Di Fei? Why did he immediately go to the abyss after you looked for him and stay there for a thousand years..."

Yun Hao thought to himself.

Then, Yun Hao continued to use his mind to transmit the sound to Lin Qi through the aura of Wusheng Kendo: "In the next few days, I will instill a part of the aura of Wusheng Kendo into you every day. You will condense the Wusheng Kendo in your body into the sword." The energy continues to grow, quietly accumulate strength, and explode again at the critical moment!”



Yunhao stayed in the yard near the magic castle and continued to swallow resurrection pills to increase his life energy.

Every day, a period of time will be selected to condense the aura of Wu Sheng Kendo and deliver it to Lin Qi.

If Lynch is accumulating energy, he will do it every day

If the demons inject demonic energy into the body, they will definitely be discovered.

But the traces of Wusheng Kendo and vitality are completely different concepts. Therefore, even if the Demon Queen Shana personally infuses Lynch with demonic energy every day, she could not find the slightest abnormality!

Four days passed in succession.

On the fifth day, Yun Hao once again conveyed the breath of Wu Sheng Kendo to Lin Qi through the air.

After Lin Qi finished absorbing it, he sent a message to Yunhao: "The sword energy of Wusheng Sword Dao in my body has almost condensed into substance and cannot be strengthened any more. If it continues to be strengthened, my physical body will not be able to bear it."

Wu Sheng Kendo is too overbearing.

Even Lin Qi himself practiced Wu Sheng Sword Dao.

But the aura of Wusheng Swordsmanship given to him by Yun Hao almost explained the true meaning of Wusheng Swordsmanship. It was a power that even if Lin Qi got it, he could not understand it at all!

Now, even though the vitality in his body is still empty, with the sword energy condensed from the Wusheng Sword Dao, he can cut off the layers of seals imposed by the demons in his body at any time, and can explode even more powerful than at his peak. Combat strength.

"Well, the plan for the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will to fully escape the predicament is about to begin. Be prepared. At the critical moment, use the seal method I passed on to you to prevent the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will from breaking through the seal!"

After Yun Hao said that, he withdrew his thoughts.

After a few days of absorbing the energy of refining the Resurrection Pill, at this time, the life energy in his life and death wheel, and

The death energy in the death wheel has formed a relatively balanced state.

When the energy of life completely fills the wheel of life, and the energy of death completely fills the wheel of death, then there will be a complete balance between life and death, and there will be no need to absorb these two energies through external objects!


The black sun demon source hanging in the air shook violently.

The demonic energy permeating the entire demon cave became extremely manic.

All the demons in the demon cave involuntarily raised their heads and looked at the source of the black sun. Their faces showed extremely fanatical expressions, and they were extremely excited!

"Welcome to the resurrection of the Death Demon Emperor!"

"Welcome to the resurrection of the Death Demon Emperor!"

"Welcome to the resurrection of the Death Demon Emperor!"

All the demons roared with all their strength, and then knelt on the ground piously to welcome the Death Demon Emperor, who was powerful enough to rank among the top ten in the history of the demons!

As long as the Death Demon Emperor reappears in the world.

One can imagine.

The demons of their lineage are the cronies of the Death Demon Emperor.

Under the leadership of the Death Demon Emperor, they will surely be able to flatten the ancient kingdom of Great Xia, conquer the Eastern Wasteland, and dominate the entire Cang Realm!

Inside the magic castle.

Demon Queen Shana also knelt on the ground, looking up in the direction of the source of the black sun.

At this time, a loud voice sounded from the black sun demon source.

"Shana, bring the container Lynch up, and let us witness this great moment of the Death Demon Emperor's resurrection!"

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