God Hongtian

Chapter 41 The truth behind the Ling family murder case

In the backyard of the martial arts hall, Ling Feiyu, who was walking towards the kitchen area, suddenly stopped.

She turned around sharply and unsheathed her sword.

"Who? Come out!"

"Miss Ling, don't be nervous." At this moment, a hoarse voice sounded.

A shadow slowly twisted, and then turned into the appearance of a Taoist.

There was no luster on the surface of this man's skin, just like the dry old bark of a tree. Under the lifeless skin, the outlines of bones stood out.

It's like a skeleton.

The most eye-catching thing was his pair of gray eyes. Due to the deep sunken eye sockets, the two eyeballs were abnormally protruding, as if they were about to fall off.

The vigilance in Ling Feiyu's heart has been raised to the maximum. The cultivation power of the Sea Transformation Realm is already in a state of preparation, and the sword edge flashes with a sharp cold light.

"The person who has been secretly observing me these days is you!"

Ling Feiyu drank coldly.

A terrifying smile appeared on the Taoist's face, and he said: "I mean no harm, I just want to know if Miss Ling knows Ling Guang?"

As soon as these words came out.

Ling Feiyu's heart suddenly stirred up waves of panic!

Ling Guang is her father's name!

Yuntiankuo brought her back to Liuyun City to raise her, and never mentioned Ling Feiyu's life experience to the outside world. When this person in front of him suddenly mentioned it, Ling Feiyu couldn't calm down at all.

But she immediately pretended to be calm and said calmly: "Although my surname is Ling, there are so many people surnamed Ling in the world, how can I know them all?"

The Taoist's hoarse voice sneered and said, "Why don't I take Miss Ling to Linguang County, maybe you can remember it."

Linguang County,

Next door to Beihan County.

The destroyed Ling family was located in Linguang County!

"I don't know who Ling Guang you are talking about, and I don't have time to go to Linguang County with you..." Ling Feiyu said with uneasiness in his heart.

Before she could finish speaking, the Taoist interrupted her and said, "Whether you want to go or not is up to you."

"It's not up to you whether you want to go or not!" But at this moment, a cold shout sounded.

Last night, Ling Feiyu was waiting for Yun Hao to come back at the door of the martial arts gym. There was a ghostly shadow observing Ling Feiyu secretly. When the shadow retreated, Yun Hao also caught a trace.

Today, after defeating Yun Feng, he discovered the aura from last night again.

Yun Hao simply left with Xu Yin first, hoping to fish this guy out.

The other party was indeed fooled!

Yun Hao flew over at extremely fast speed, stood next to Ling Feiyu, and took the initiative to hold Ling Feiyu's cold hand.

This strong woman with a fierce personality seemed calm at this time, but in fact she was already in a very panic state.

When Yun Hao held her hand, she finally felt much more at ease.

Xu Yin and Yun Tiankuo also arrived, and they stared at the man eagerly.

A strange smile appeared on the Taoist's face again, and he said: "Since it is not convenient for Miss Ling to come with me now, then forget it, Pindao will leave first."

After saying that, the figure of the Taoist disappeared again like a ghost shadow.

Yun Hao had no intention of taking action.

Because...the other party is very strong!

At least he is a high-level strong man in the Spirit Gathering Realm.

On their side, although Xu Yin also has the cultivation level of the Spirit Gathering Realm, he is an alchemist after all and is not good at fighting.

If true

To start a fight, there would be some risk of losing control.

The reason why this man chose to leave was obviously because he didn't want to make too much noise. He was not sure that he could suppress Xu Yin in a short time.

"It's rare for Master Xu to come to our Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall today, so don't leave in a hurry." Yun Hao said with a flash of his eyes.

He wants to leave a seal in the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall to form a certain deterrent.

A shrewd person like Xu Yin naturally knew what Yun Hao was up to, and he immediately smiled and said, "It just so happens that there is nothing going on at the Baodan Tower."

"Master Xu can wander around the martial arts hall, but we'll excuse you now."

Yun Hao said, then looked at Yun Tiankuo and Ling Feiyu, and said, "Speak in another place!"

At this time, Ling Feiyu was confused and Yun Tiankuo's expression was very complicated. Yun Hao arranged everything with a calm mind.

Yun Hao and three others arrived at Yuntiankuo's residence.

Yuntiankuo directly opened a secret room, and the three of them entered the secret room.

At this time, Ling Feiyu's mood swings were extremely violent.

"Uncle Yun, is that person just now... related to the murder of our Ling family?"

Yun Tiankuo frowned and did not respond.

"Dad, it's time for us to know the truth about this matter. I am now capable of facing it with Feiyu." Yun Hao also said.

Yuntiankuo sighed heavily, and then took out a wooden box from the secret room.

In the box, there was a piece of black cloth wrapped around something the size of a palm.

Yuntiankuo untied the black cloth and found a token.

One side of this token is as red as blood, and the other side is engraved with a pattern of green-faced fangs.

Just a token caused the entire secret room to be filled with a ferocious aura.

Without waiting for Yun Hao or Ling Feiyu to ask questions, Yun Tiankuo took the initiative and said: "Back then, Brother Ling Guang sent a letter to me, asking me to go to a dilapidated mountain temple outside Linfeng County.

When I arrived at the agreed upon location, I found that Brother Ling Guang was seriously injured, and in his arms was Feiyu, who had just been born.

Brother Ling Guang entrusted Feiyu to me and asked me to take Feiyu away quickly. But before I could ask what happened, a killer came after me.

Brother Ling Guang paid the price with his life and severely wounded the killer. Then, I took advantage of the situation and chopped the killer to death. This token was found from the killer. "

Ling Feiyu's eyes were red, tears welling up, and the flame of hatred was burning. She took the token directly, which was the only clue that the Ling family was wiped out.

"Dad, you should already know the origin of this token," Yun Hao said.

Yuntiankuo hid this matter for so many years.

He must have clearly known how powerful the enemy was, so he never said it.

Having reached this point, Yuntiankuo no longer concealed anything and said, "He is from the Blood Demon Hall."

Bloody Hall!

This is a killer organization!

Throughout the Qingfeng Dynasty, the Blood Evil Hall had a fierce reputation.

In the past hundred years, even several important members of the royal family have died due to assassinations by the Blood Demon Hall.

"Uncle Yun...why did the Blood Evil Hall want to destroy our Ling family?!" Ling Feiyu's voice was trembling, not because of fear of the Blood Evil Hall, but because of boundless hatred, which made her unable to calm down at all.

Yuntiankuo shook his head and said, "I don't know that either."

Yun Hao once again held Ling Feiyu's hand and said: "

Don't worry, your matter is my matter, I will face it with you! "

Ling Feiyu burst into tears. She raised her head, looked at Yun Hao, and then threw herself into Yun Hao's arms, sobbing continuously.

Yuntiankuo: "Hao'er, please stay with Feiyu. There are many people outside. I'll go out and say hello first."

After saying that, Yun Tiankuo left the secret room, leaving the space to Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

After a long time, Ling Feiyu finally stopped sobbing. She pushed Yun Hao away and said with determination, "Our engagement...cancel it!"

Yunhao looked at her.

Her eyes dodge for a while, not daring to look at Yun Hao.

"Before, you were worried that my matter would implicate you, so you proposed to cancel the engagement, but you refused. Now, are you afraid that the matter of Blood Evil Hall would implicate us?" Yun Hao said.

Ling Feiyu was silent.

Yun Hao couldn't help but grabbed Ling Feiyu's hand and forced her into his arms: "Didn't you say that if I fight Yun Feng, no matter whether I win or lose, you will marry me?

Now, if you want to cancel the engagement, I won’t agree to it.

I have said before that I want to protect you.

That's not just talk. Next, I will prove it to you with actions! "

These words came out.

Ling Feiyu lost control of his emotions again and burst into tears.

It turns out... not only did she always remember the scene that was hidden deep in her mind... Yun Hao also never forgot that promise...

Feeling the sadness and helplessness of the beautiful woman in my arms.

The softest place in Yunhao's heart was touched, and his will became firmer.

Ling Feiyu has always been paying for him.

Now, it's time for him to do something for Ling Feiyu!

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